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FIGURE 1. Participants and authorities from the University of Zaragoza and Spanish Research Council (CSIC) during the 8th Symposium on Fossil Decapod Crustaceans. Upper row: Denis Audo, Pedro Artal, Sylvain Charbonnier, Javier Martínez, Álvaro García-Penás, Fernando A. Ferratges, Javier Luque, Gloria Cuenca, Mª Jesús Lazaro, Ruth Soto, Rok Gašparič, Adiël A. Klompmaker, Thomas Laville, Zain Belaústegui.
Middle row: Yusuke Ando, Alessandra Busulini, Àlex Ossó, Mikel López-Horgue, A. Mariel Andrada, Cristina Robins, Florian Braig, Adam Heteš, Cees Hof, Thea Fraaije-van Boom, René Fraaije.
Lower row: Jonathan Wallaard, Samuel Zamora, Barry van Bakel, Matúš Hyžný, Claudio Beschin. Image courtesy of CSIC-Aragón.





FIGURE 2. Map from NE Spain showing the itinerary followed by participants to the field trip. 1. Oliete Sub-basin (Teruel). 2. Graus-Tremp basin (Huesca). 3. Koskobilo area (Navarra). Modified from Zamora et al. (2018).





FIGURE 3. Specimens of Atherfieldastacus magnus (M´Coy, 1849) from the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous), collected in the surroundings of Josa (Teruel).





FIGURE 4. Participants visiting the Roda Formation in Roda de Isabena (Huesca), a classical area with the common brachyuran Zanthopsis dufouri (Milne Edwards in d’Archiac, 1850).





FIGURE 5. Two passionate participants splitting limestones in the Koskobilo quarry (Navarra). Left: Matúš Hyžný (Comenius University, Slovakia). Right: Fernando Ari Ferratges (University of Zaragoza, Spain).





FIGURE 6. Brachyuran Distefania incerta (Bell, 1863) from the Koskobilo quarry (Navarra).





FIGURE 7. Javier Luque (University of Cambridge) showing two specimens of Joeranina gaspari Van Bakel et al., 2012 from the lower upper Albian of Egiarreta outcrop preserved in concretions (Navarra).
