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TABLE 1. Sample sizes for the species analyzed as a function of dentition type and analysis performed.

  Lower Dentition Upper Dentition
Species Nº Individuals Nº Fossil Sites Nº Individuals Nº Fossil Sites
P. brunnea (living) 23 - 20 -
P. brunnea (fossil) 9 9 2 3
H. hyaena 56 - 47 -
C. crocuta 69 - 35 -
'Hyaena' prisca 10 6 4 4
P. brevirostris 119 26 44 16
P. bellax 1 1 2 2
Pl. perrieri (Zanclean) 4 6 1 2
Pl. perrieri (Piac., Gel.) 29 25 14 13
Parahyaena howelli 5 2 1 1
Crocuta spelaea 105 25 42 20


TABLE 2. Principal component loadings and variance explained for the four analyses performed.

  Lower Dentition (individuals) Lower Dentition (localities)
Lp3 0.318 0.274 -0.644 0.304 0.271 -0.529
Wp3 0.372 0.106 0.225 0.384 0.120 0.303
Lp4 0.373 0.430 -0.355 0.350 0.418 -0.511
Wp4 0.363 0.369 0.480 0.320 0.408 0.429
Lm1 0.638 -0.746 -0.064 0.682 -0.702 -0.039
Wm1 0.287 0.192 0.418 0.264 0.278 0.426
% Var. 82.2 14.0 1.5 83.3 12.7 1.4
  Upper Dentition (individuals) Upper Dentition (localities)
LP2 0.259 0.634 -0.425 0.240 0.641 -0.421
WP2 0.247 0.167 0.216 0.256 0.169 0.235
LP3 0.365 0.349 -0.318 0.348 0.329 -0.369
WP3 0.320 -0.026 0.406 0.343 0.002 0.449
LP4 0.708 -0.605 -0.279 0.715 -0.595 -0.275
WP4 0.367 0.285 0.655 0.357 0.315 0.595
% Var. 89.3 6.1 1.9 87.0 7.9 2.3



TABLE 3. Correlations between the scores on the first two principal components of the lower dentition for the different species analysed. Significant differences at 95% in bold type.

  Individuals Localities
  r (PC I-PC II) p N r (PC I-PC II) p N
Pa. brunnea 0.384 0.0299 32 0.419 0.0169 32
Pa. brunnea (fossil) 0.675 0.0457 9 0.767 0.0158 9
Pa. brunnea (living) -0.012 0.9550 23 0.064 0.7702 23
Pl. perrieri 0.753 0.0003 33 0.730 0.0000 31
Pl. perrieri (Zanclean) 0.951 0.0491 4 0.828 0.0419 6
Pl. perrieri (Piac., Gel.) 0.313 0.0988 29 0.552 0.0042 25
Pa. howelli 0.753 0.1420 5 - - 2
P. brevirostris 0.294 0.0010 119 0.544 0.0041 26
‘H’. prisca 0.003 0.9930 10 -0.100 0.8511 6
H. hyaena -0.035 0.798 56 0.075 0.5826 56
C. crocuta -0.318 0.008 69 -0.181 0.1365 69
C. spelaea -0.121 0.219 105 -0.136 0.5155 25




TABLE 4. Results of the PERMANOVA comparisons between the different sets analyzed using the scores on the first three principal components of the lower dentition. Values above the main diagonal correspond to localities and those below to individuals.

  Pa. brunnea
Pa brunnea
Pa. howelli Pl. perrieri
Pl. perrieri
(Piac., Gel.)
"H." prisca
Pa. brunnea (living) - No Rejected - No Rejected 0.0002 0.0001
Pa brunnea (fossil) No Rejected - - No Rejected No Rejected No Rejected
Pa. howelli 0.0001 No Rejected - - - -
Pl. perrieri (Zanclean) No Rejected No Rejected No Rejected - 0.0019 0.0017
Pl. perrieri (Piac., Gel.) 0.0003 No Rejected 0.0001 0.004 - No Rejected
"H." prisca 0.0001 No Rejected 0.0004 0.001 No Rejected -