FIGURE 1. Left: Geographic location of the Potwar Plateau in northern Pakistan. (Purple circle indicates location of the localities discussed). Right: Chronostratigraphic context of the Siwaliks Neogene-Quaternary deposits showing the distribution of Siwalik Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Range of the taxon in light blue).
FIGURE 2. Terminology used in the text, based on Bärmann and Rössner (2011) and Hamilton (1978). Upper left: DP4; upper right: M3; lower left: p3; lower right: m2.
FIGURE 3. PUPC 22/01, frontal and ossicones of Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. from Dhok Bun Amir Khatoon (Middle Miocene, Potwar plateau, Pakistan): A, anterior view; B, posterior view; C, lateral right view; D, lateral left view; E, dorsal views. Scale bar equals 30 mm.
FIGURE 4. PUPC13/375, frontal and ossicones of Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. from Dhok Bun Amir Khatoon (Middle Miocene, Potwar Plateau, Pakistan): A-C, dorsal view, 1) schematic drawing representing the main features referred in the text, B-C, detail; D, anterior view; E, posterior view; F, distal view; G, ossicone in anterior, posterior, medial and lateral views; H, cross section of the ossicones near the apex in dorsal view. Scale bars equal 30 mm.
FIGURE 5. Dental remains of Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. from Dhok Bun Amir Khatoon (Middle Miocene, Potwar plateau, Pakistan): A-C, right D3 PUPC 11/72 in A) occlusal, B) lingual, C) labial views; D-F, right M1 PUPC 11/70 in D) occlusal, E) lingual, F) labial views; G-I, right mandible fragment with m1-2 PUPC 11/103 in G) occlusal, H) lingual, I) labial views; J-L, left p2 PUPC 14/142 in J) occlusal, K) labial, L) lingual views; M-O, left p3 PUPC 14/143 in M) occlusal, N) labial, O) lingual views; P-Q, right canine PUPC 11/31 in P) lingual, Q) labial views. Scale bar equals 10 mm.
FIGURE 6. Right metatarsals showing the plantar similarities. A, Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Y-GSP-14999) proximal and plantar views and, B, Bramatherium megacephalum from the Siwaliks of Pakistan (AMNH-19688). Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 7. Ossicones of several giraffid taxa. A, Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Y-GSP-14999), B, Bramatherium megacephalum from the Siwaliks of Pakistan (AMNH-19688), C, G iraffokeryx punjabiensis from the Siwaliks of Pakistan (AMNH-19688). Images not to scale.
FIGURE 8. Dental remains of several giraffid taxa. A, Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Y-GSP-14999) and, B, Bramatherium megacephalum from the Siwaliks of Pakistan (AMNH-19688), C, “Progiraffa exigua” from the Siwaliks of Pakistan (AMNH-19688). Images not to scale.
FIGURE 9. Most Parsimonious Tree (MPT) including Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. MPT of 277 steps. Bremer values are present over each node.