FIGURE 1. Map showing the locations of the localities where the described materials came from.
FIGURE 2. Stratigraphy Synthesis: Left: Bajo Palangana with three columns representing on the sides two alternative interpretations of the Rio Chico Group, based on Vera and Krause (2020) and Raigemborn et al. (2010); in the center “fossil content and guide banks,” summarize the descriptions of Brandmayr (1932), Bordas (1935), Simpson (1935a), Feruglio (1949), and personal observations. Meters above sea level and meters above the “Banco Negro Superior”: BNS. Banco Negro Inferior: BNI. Right: Lower levels at Cerro Redondo, left column levels described by Brandmayr (1932) and Simpson (1935a); on the right: our interpretation based on Raigemborn et al. (2010).
FIGURE 3. Carodnia feruglioi: MLP-PV 34-V-22-8 left p2 in (A) lingual, (B) labial, and (C) occlusal views; left p3 in (D) lingual, (E) labial, and (F) occlusal views; right p2 in (G) labial, (H) lingual, and (I) occlusal views; right p3 in (J) labial, (K) lingual, and (L) occlusal views; MLP-PV 34-V-22-9 right p4 (first assigned to Ctalecarodnia cabrerai) in (M) labial, (N) lingual, and (O) occlusal views; MLP-PV 34-V-22-8 right m3 in (P) labial, (Q) lingual, and (R) occlusal views. Wear facets are hd-mb: hypoconulid-mesiobuccal, pacd-mb: paraconid-mesiobuccal, prcgd-b: precingulid-buccal, prcd-h: protoconid-horizontal, prcd-b: protoconid-buccal, prcd-db: protoconid-distobuccal, pocgd-ml: postcingulid-mesiolabial. Approximate scale 5 mm.
FIGURE 4. Carodnia feruglioi: MPEF-PV 8165 right jaw fragment in (A) labial, (B) lingual, and (C) occlusal views. MPEF-PV 564 right jaw fragment in (D) labial, (E) lingual, and (F) occlusal views. r: roots of different preserved dental loci. Scale 50 mm.
FIGURE 5. Carodnia feruglioi: MPEF-PV 8165 right canine cross-section.
FIGURE 6. Carodnia karuen sp. nov.: MLP-PV 90-II-12-121 right mandibular fragment featuring the distal portion of p4 and m1, depicted in (A) occlusal, (B) mesial, (C) lingual, and (D) labial views. Approximate scale 20 mm.
FIGURE 7. Notoetayoa gargantuai: UNPSJB PV766 left p2 in (A) lingual, (B) labial, (C) occlusal views. Scale 10 mm. Etayoa bacatensis: GM-32 left p2 in (D) lingual, (E) labial, and (F) occlusal views. Approximate scale 5 mm.
FIGURE 8. Carodnia vieirai: draw of labial side of left jaws (A) DGM 333-M and (B) DGM 334-M based on cast AMNH 49848. ang. m. angulus mandibulae, i. m. incisura mandibulae, i. v. f. incisura vasorum facialium, m. f. masseteric fossa, m. v. margo ventralis, p. cor processus coronoideus, p. con. processus condylaris. Approximate scale 80 mm.
FIGURE 9. Jaw depth versus width in the best-preserved specimens of Carodnia feruglioi (MPEF-PV 1872, MPEF-PV 1874, MPEF-PV 8165, MPEF-PV 564) and Carodnia vieirai (DGM 333-M and DGM 334-M), represented by diamonds and circles, respectively. Sex inferences in colors over their geographic distribution in Patagonia, Argentina, and São José de Itaboraí, Río de Janeiro, Brazil.