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TABLE 1. Pliosaurid suture conditions, whether closed, open (indicated by the X symbol), or unknown (?), observed between the centra of cervical, dorsal as well as caudal vertebrae, along with their associated neural arches or ribs.

Taxa Specimen collection numbers Open sutures between the neural
arches and centra
of cervical vertebrae
Open sutures between the
neural arches and centra of
dorsal vertebrae
Open sutures between the neural
arches and centra
of caudal vertebrae
Open sutures between
cervical ribs and centra
Arminisaurus schuberti NAMU ES/jl 36052 (holotype) x x x x Sachs and Kear, 2018
Brachauchenius lucasi MNA V9433 x closed ? x Albright et al., 2007b
Cryonectes neustriacus MAE2007.1.1(J) (holotype) x ? ? x Vincent et al., 2013
Eardasaurus powelli OUMNH PAL-J.2247 (holotype) x ? ? x Ketchum and Benson, 2022
Eiectus longmani MCZ 1285 (holotype) x ? x x/closed Romer and Lewis, 1935; Noè and Gómez-Pérez, 2022
Gallardasaurus iturraldei MNHNCu P300 (holotype) x ? ? closed Gasparini, 2009
Hauffiosaurus tomistomimus MANCH LL8004 (holotype) x x x x Benson et al., 2011
Hauffiosaurus zanoni Hauff uncataloged (holotype) x ? x x pers. obs; Vincent, 2011
Hauffiosaurus longirostris MCZ 1033 (holotype) ? ? ? closed White, 1940
Kronosaurus queenslandicus QM F1609 (holotype) ? ? ? ? Longman, 1924; Noè and Gómez-Pérez, 2022
Liopleurodon ferox NHMUK R. 3536 x ? ? x Andrews, 1913; Tarlo, 1960
Liopleurodon ferox GPIT-PV-30093 (mounted specimen) x x ? x Linder, 1913; pers. obs.
Makhaira rossica YKM 68249/1-10 (holotype) ? x ? ? Fischer et al., 2015
Marmornectes candrewi BEDFM 1999.201 (holotype) x x x x Ketchum and Benson, 2011
Megacephalosaurus eulerti FHSM VP-321 (holotype) x ? ? x Schumacher et al., 2013
Monquirasaurus boyacensis MJACM 1 (holotype) x ? ? ? Noè and Gomez-Perez, 2022
Pachycostasaurus dawni PETMG R338 (holotype) x x ? x Cruickshank et al., 1996
Peloneustes philarchus CAMSM J.46913 (holotype) and refered materiel x x x/closed closed Ketchum, 2007
Pliosaurus brachydeirus OUMNH J.9245 (holotype) x ? ? x Tarlo, 1960; Knutsen et al., 2012
Pliosaurus cf. kevani CAMSM J.35990 (originally referred to as Stretosaurus macromerus) x x x x Tarlo, 1960; Benson et al., 2013b
Pliosaurus funkei PMO 214.135 (holotype) and PMO 214.136 x x ? ? Knutsen et al., 2012
Pliosauridae indet. NHMUK R2439 x ? x x Ketchum, 2007; Ketchum and Benson, 2011
Pliosauridae indet. IGM 4546 ? x ? ? Barrientos-Lara et al., 2015
Pliosauridae indet. UANL- FCT-R2 x (pectoral vertebrae) ? ? ? Buchy et al., 2003
Pliosaurus westburyensis BRSMG Cc332 (holotype) x ? ? x Taylor and Cruickshank, 1993; Knutsen et al., 2012; Benson et al., 2013b
Sachicasaurus vitae MP111209-1 (holotype) x x ? x Páramo-Fonseca et al., 2016
Simolestes vorax NHMUK R. 3319 (holotype) x ? ? ? Andrews, 1913
Stenorhynchosaurus munozi VL17052004-1 (holotype) x x ? x Hampe, 2005; Páramo-Fonseca et al., 2018
Stenorhynchosaurus munozi MP050310-1 x ? ? closed Páramo-Fonseca et al., 2019
Thalassophonea indet. CAMSM J.29564 (previously type of P. brachyspondylus) x ? ? x Knutsen et al., 2012; Benson et al., 2013b