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TABLE 1. Analysis of covariance results of whole shape derived from landmarks and log-shape ratios of linear variables against independent variables: log-centroid size and species. Model fit (R2) and P-value obtained by permutations (999 iterations, where alpha = 0.05). Red text indicates non-significant interaction terms.

  R2 P-Value
landmarked specimens    
Size 0.10954 0.001
Species 0.1794 0.001
Size:Species 0.00881 0.002
log-mean arm length    
Size 0.08686 0.001
Species 0.66167 0.001
Size:Species 0.03709 0.008
log-mean arm distance    
Size 0.09493 0.001
Species 0.6426 0.001
Size:Species 0.01017 0.12
log-mean arm width    
Size 0.19348 0.001
Species 0.20274 0.001
Size:Species 0.02727 0.087
log-mean arm curvature    
Size 0.15114 0.001
Species 0.60204 0.001
Size:Species 0.01729 0.046
log-mean BSA width    
Size 0.29702 0.001
Species 0.17612 0.001
Size:Species 0.07938 0.001
log-mean BSA length    
Size 0.25773 0.001
Species 0.62205 0.001
Size:Species 0.02965 0.001




TABLE 2. Ordinary least-squares linear regression results of log-shape ratios of linear variables. Slope value and P-values of linear models within species. Model values in red indicate non-significant relationships (alpha = 0.05). Red text indicates non-significant regressions.

  Slope Value P-Value Allometry
log-mean arm length      
T. heraldicum 0.0704 0.002696 Hyperallometry
T. gehlingi 0.28777 0.0001636 Hyperallometry
log-mean arm distance      
T. heraldicum -0.13564 0.06793 Isometry
T. gehlingi -0.30711 0.000193 Hypoallometry
log-mean arm width      
T. heraldicum -0.08189 0.1736 Isometry
T. gehlingi 0.08706 0.265 Isometry
log-mean arm curvature      
T. heraldicum 0.05787 0.09393 Isometry
T. gehlingi 0.2714 1.07E-02 Hyperallometry
log-mean BSA width      
T. heraldicum -0.16109 3.74E-03 Hypoallometry
T. gehlingi 0.12632 0.0748 Isometry
log-mean BSA length      
T. heraldicum -0.15382 0.00127 Hypoallometry
T. gehlingi 0.1745 0.004699 Hyperallometry