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FIGURE 1. Location of McFaddin Beach (adapted from Stright et al., 1999).





FIGURE 2. The specimen of Lampropeltis (SHSU-1-311) from McFaddin Beach. Dorsal (a) and ventral (b) view of specimen within the matrix. CT scan of articulated sections of precloacal trunk vertebrae (below). Dorsal (c) and ventral (d) view of specimen in situ with outline of matrix. Arrow indicates anterior for dorsal views (a and c). Not all vertebral elements could be segmented and visualized because the density of bone and crystalline matrix was too similar. Scale bar equals 2 cm.





FIGURE 3. CT scan of an individually segmented precloacal trunk vertebra from SHSU-1-311 in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, and (e) left lateral views. Abbreviations: Accessory process (AP), Centrum (C), Cotyle (CT), Neural arch (NA), Neural spine (NS), Postzygapophysis (PO), Prezygapophysis (PR), Zygosphene (Z). Scale bar equals 2 mm.





FIGURE 4. A modern trunk vertebra of Lampropeltis calligaster (SHSVM 0044-03) in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, and (e) left lateral views. Abbreviations: Accessory process (AP), Centrum (C), Cotyle (CT), Neural arch (NA), Neural spine (NS), Postzygapophysis (PO), Prezygapophysis (PR), Zygosphene (Z). Diagnostic features represented by yellow lines. Scale bar equals 2 mm.





FIGURE 5. A modern trunk vertebra of Pantherophis sp. (TxVP M-5984) in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, and (e) left lateral views. Abbreviations: Accessory process (AP), Centrum (C), Cotyle (CT), Neural arch (NA), Neural spine (NS), Postzygapophysis (PO), Prezygapophysis (PR), Zygosphene (Z). Scale bar equals 2 mm.





FIGURE 6. A modern trunk vertebra of Rhinocheilus sp. (TxVP M-9755) in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, and (e) left lateral views. Abbreviations: Accessory process (AP), Centrum (C), Cotyle (CT), Neural arch (NA), Neural spine (NS), Postzygapophysis (PO), Prezygapophysis (PR), Zygosphene (Z). Scale bar equals 2 mm.





FIGURE 7. A modern trunk vertebra of Cemophora sp. (TxVP M-9139) in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, and (e) left lateral views. Abbreviations: Accessory process (AP), Centrum (C), Cotyle (CT), Neural arch (NA), Neural spine (NS), Postzygapophysis (PO), Prezygapophysis (PR), Zygosphene (Z). Scale bar equals 2 mm.
