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TABLE 1. Body and endocast measurements. All volumes in cm3 , body mass in g. SEQ, synapsid encephalization quotient.

  Body Volume
in cm3
Body Mass
(if terrestrial) in g
Body Mass
(if semiaquatic) in g
Complete Endocast
Volume (OB removed)
in cm3
Pineal Tube
Volume in cm3
Pituitary Fossa
Volume in cm3
Partial Endocast
Volume (pituitary and
pineal removed) in cm3
SEQ (complete
SEQ (partial
Anteosaurus magnificus
403587 403587 423766 163 26 21 116 1.91 1.36
Jonkeria truculenta
942119 942119 989225 200 48 29 123 1.29 0.79
Moschops sp.
405963 405963 426261 152 33 30 89 1.72 1.00