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Postcranial anatomical characters of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and comparison with Simosaurus gaillardoti and other nothosauroids

FIGURE S1. Schematic drawing of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain), indicating the skeletal elements disarticulated from the specimen (in color) and its position in the field. A, field bottom view, corresponding to the anatomically dorso-lateral side, except for the skull which is in ventral view. B, field top view, corresponding to the anatomically ventro-lateral side, except for the skull which is in dorsal view. Asterisk (*) indicates an estimated position of the bones in the field. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Abbreviations: ca, caudal vertebral arch; cac, caudal vertebral centrum; cc, cervical centrum; D, dorsal vertebra; da, dorsal vertebral arch; dpg, dermal pectoral girdle; j, jaw; lco, left coracoid; lfe, left femur; lil, left ilium; lis, left ischium; lh, left humerus; lpu, left pubis; lsc, left scapula; rco, right coracoid; rfe, right femur; rh, right humerus; ril, right ilium; rsc, right scapula; S, sacral vertebra; sa, sacral vertebral arch; sc, sacral vertebral centrum; sk, skull; sr, sacral rib. Scale bar represents 100 mm.

figure s1 1




FIGURE S2. Details of several anatomical characters of the dorsal vertebrae of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). A, dorso-lateral side of the specimen MUPA-ATZ0101. B-H, close-up of several regions of interest in the dorsal vertebral series where discussed characters are observable. White arrows indicate the relatively deep and wide neural canal of P. multidentatus (i.e., the socketed configuration diagnostic of Simosauridae). The dotted lines in (I) indicate the contours of some neural arches. Blue arrows indicate postzygapophyses, red arrows indicate the pre-infraprezygapophyses, orange arrows indicate the infrapostzygapophyses. Dashed lines and areas in (A) represent broken bones. Abbreviations: D, dorsal vertebra; da, dorsal vertebral arch. Scale bars represent: 100 mm (A); 20 mm (B-I).

figure s1 2



FIGURE S3. Details of several anatomical characters of the dorsal vertebrae and ribs of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). A, ventro-lateral side of the specimen MUPA-ATZ0101. B-G, close-up of several regions of interest in the dorsal region of the skeleton in which the anatomical characters discussed are observable. White arrows indicate the diagnostic neural keel in the vertebral arches of P. multidentatus. Dashed lines and areas in (A) represent broken bones. Abbreviations: D, dorsal vertebra; da, dorsal vertebral arch; ipt, infrapostzygapophysis; pr-ipr, pre-infraprezygapophysis; pt, postzygapophysis. Scale bars represent: 100 mm (A); 20 mm (C-D, F); 10 mm (B, G); 5 mm (E).

figure s1 2





FIGURE S4. Anatomical characters discussed for the dorsal vertebral centra and sacral ribs of Simosauridae and Nothosauria. A-B, vertebral centra of Nothosauria, which are typically not constricted in ventral (i.e., with parallel lateral walls) and in lateral views. C-D, vertebral centra of Simosaurus gaillardoti; and G-H, of Paludidraco multidentatus, showing the constriction of the centrum in ventral and lateral views of Simosauridae compared to (M-N, P-Q) those also constricted (in ventral and lateral views) of some nothosaurians. The figure also shows the (E, I, K) distinct distal expansion, in dorso-ventral direction, of the sacral ribs of Simosauridae and (R, T, W) of some nothosaurians; and the distinct distal expansion, in cranio-caudal direction, of the sacral ribs of (F) S. gaillardoti, an autapomorphy of this taxon within Nothosauroidea. A, Nothosaurus marchicus (MB.R.27.1); B, Nothosaurus sp. (SMNS 16851); C-F, S. gaillardoti (SMNS 14733; dorsal centrum 159, and sacral rib 11); G-J, P. multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101; dorsal centrum #3, and sacral rib sr#3 in Figure S1B); K, ‘ Partanosaurus zitteli ’ (GBA 1893/010/0001); L-N, Nothosauridae indet. (SMNS 83945); O-S, Nothosaurus sp. (SMNS 80266); T, Nothosauridae (? Nothosaurus) indet. (SMNS 84898); U-V, Nothosaurus sp. (SMNS 58819); W-X, Nothosaurus giganteus (SMNS 87690); Y-Z, N. giganteus (SMNS 84057). The specimens are shown in: A, C, F, G, J, M, P, S, V, X, Z, ventral; B, D, H, N, Q, lateral; E, I, K, R, T, U, W, cranial or caudal; L, O, Y, dorsal view. Purple arrows indicate the distal expansion, in dorso-ventral direction, and red arrows indicate the distal expansion, in cranio-caudal direction. Scale bars represent 20 mm.

figure s1 4




FIGURE S5. A-E, cervical centra of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). F-S, cervical centra of the skeleton of Simosaurus gaillardoti SMNS 14733, from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Tiefenbach (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Cervical centra: A-C, #cc1-#cc2; D-E, #cc3; F-I, SMNS 14733.124a; J-N, SMNS 14733.213; O-S, SMNS 14733.143. The elements are shown in: A, D, F, J, O, cranial; B, E, I, N, S, ventral; C, G, K-L, P-Q, lateral; H, M, R, dorsal view. Arrows point to cranial direction. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Abbreviations: cc, cervical centrum; cr, cervical rib; diap, diapophysis; na, neural arch; par, parapophysis; vk, ventral keel. Scale bar represent 20 mm.

figure s1 5





FIGURE S6. A-D, J-U, dorsal vertebrae of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). E-I, V-AG, dorsal vertebrae of the skeleton of Simosaurus gaillardoti SMNS 14733, from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Tiefenbach (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Dorsal vertebral elements: A-D, da#36; J-M, centrum #1; N-Q, centrum #2; R-U, centrum #6; E-I, SMNS 14733.134; V-Y, SMNS 14733.23; Z-AC, SMNS 14733.24; AD-AG, SMNS 14733.159. The elements are shown in: A, E, J, N, R, V, Z, AD, cranial; B, F-G, K, P, T, X, AB, AF, lateral; L, O, S, W, AA, AE, dorsal; C, H, M, Q, U, Y, AC, AG, ventral; D, I, caudal view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Abbreviations: ipr, infraprezygapophysis; iprf, infraprezygapophyseal facet; ipt, infrapostzygapophysis; iptf, infrapostzygapophyseal facet; nc, neural canal; nk, neural keel; pr, prezygapophysis, prl, prespinal lamina; pt, postzygapophysis; ptf, postzygapophyseal facet; ptl, postpinal lamina; tp, transverse process; vn, ventral notch; zs, zygosphene; zw, zygantral wedge. Scale bars repsent: 20 mm (A-F, H-AH); 10 mm (G).

figure s1 5





FIGURE S7. A-J, sacral and pelvic girdle elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). K-V, sacral and pelvic girdle elements of the skeleton of Simosaurus gaillardoti SMNS 14733, from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Tiefenbach (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Sacral and pelvic elements: A-C, last sacral and first caudal articulated vertebrae S3-ca1; D-E, right ilium; F, sacral rib sr#1; G, sacral rib sr#2; H, sacral rib sr#3; I, left pubis; J, left ischium; K, sacral vertebra SMNS 14733.147; L, sacral vertebra SMNS 14733.113; M-O, articulated sacral vertebrae SMNS 14733.unnumbered; P-Q, left ilium SMNS 14733.86; R, sacral rib SMNS 14733.65; S, sacral rib SMNS 14733.11; T, sacral rib SMNS 14733.73; U, left pubis SMNS 14733.53; V, left ischium SMNS 14733.unnumbered. The elements are shown in: A, O, cranial; B, left lateral; C, K-L, N, right lateral; M, caudal; D, F-J, P, R-V, lateral; E, Q, medial view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Abbreviations: ac, acetabulum; c, centrum; ipr, infraprezygapophysis; ipt, infrapostzygapophysis; n, notch; ns, neural spine; obf, obturator foramen; pap, postacetabular process; pr, prezygapophyses; prf, prezygapophyseal facet; prl, prespinal lamina; prp, prepubic process; pt, postzygapophysis; ptf, postzygapophyseal facet; ptl, postpinal lamina; spa, spina preacetabuli; tp, transverse process; zs, zygosphene; zw, zygantral wedge. Scale bar represents 20 mm.

figure s1 7






FIGURE S8. A, almost complete and partially articulated specimen of Simosaurus gaillardoti (GPIT-PV-31566) in ventral view (except for the skull, which in dorsal view), from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Obersontheim (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). B-C, detail of the pelvic and sacral regions of GPIT-PV-31566. Abbreviations: itr, inner trochanter; lfe, left femur; lil; left ilium, lis; left ischium; pap, postacetabular process; rfe, right femur; ril; right ilium, ris; right ischium; rpu, right pubis; S, sacral vertebra; spa, spina preacetabuli; sr, sacral rib. Scale bars represent: 200 mm (A); 50 mm (B); 20 mm (C).

figure s1 8





FIGURE S9. A-F, pectoral girdle elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). G-N, pectoral girdle elements of Simosaurus gaillardoti, from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Tiefenbach (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Pectoral girdle elements: A-B, clavicles and interclavicle (MUPA-ATZ0101); C-D, left and right coracoids (MUPA-ATZ0101); E-F, right scapula (MUPA-ATZ0101); G-H, pectoral girdle SMNS 15012 (lacking the interclavicle, represented with dots); I-J, pectoral girdle SMNS 15955; K-L, right coracoid SMNS 18535; M-N, left coracoid SMNS 16736. The elements are shown in: A, C, E, G, I, L-M, dorsal; B, D, H, J, K, N, ventral; F, lateral view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Abbreviations: clc, clavicular corner; cll, clavicular lamina; clp; clavicular process; clr, clavicular ramus; cof, coracoid foramen; f, foramen; gl, glenoid; icl, interclavicle; iclr, interclavicular ramus. Scale bar represent 50 mm.

figure s1 9





FIGURE S10. A-L, forelimb and hindlimb elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). M-X, forelimb and hindlimb elements of the skeleton of Simosaurus gaillardoti SMNS 14733, from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Tiefenbach (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Forelimb and hindlimb elements: A-F, right humerus (MUPA-ATZ0101); G-L, right femur (MUPA-ATZ0101); M-R, right humerus SMNS 14733.76; S-X, left femur SMNS 14733.81. The elements are shown in: A, H, M, T, proximal; B, G, N, S, dorsal; D, I, P, U, preaxial; E, K, Q, W, ventral; F, L, R, X, postaxial; C, J, O, V, distal view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Abbreviations: dc, deltopectoral crest; dcs, deltopectoral scar; eg, ectepicondylar groove; itr, inner trochanter. Scale bar represents 50 mm.

figure s1 10





FIGURE S11. A-K, scars and foramina in the forelimb elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian (Late Triassic) of El Atance (Guadalajara, Central Spain). L-W, scars and foramina in the forelimb elements of several individuals of Simosaurus gaillardoti from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of (L-O) Tiefenbach, (P-S) Schwenningen, and (T-W) Heldenmühle (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Forelimb and hindlimb elements: A-B, left humerus (MUPA-ATZ0101); C-G, right humerus (MUPA-ATZ0101); H-I, left femur (MUPA-ATZ0101); J-K, right femur (MUPA-ATZ0101); L-M, right humerus SMNS 14733.76; N-O, left humerus SMNS 14733.1; P-S, left humerus SMNS 52095; T-W, right humerus SMNS 18686. The elements are shown in: A-E, P-Q, T-U, preaxial; F-K, L-O, R-S, V-W, postaxial view. Scale bars represent: 50 mm (A, C, F, H, J, L, N, P, R, T, V); 20 mm (D); 10 mm (E, I, M, O, Q, S, U, W); 5 mm (B, K); 2 mm (G).

figure s1 11






Postcranial anatomical measurements of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and Simosaurus gaillardoti

TABLE S1. Selected measurements (in mm) of the vertebral elements for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for the specimen SMNS 14733 of Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; *, estimated measurement; **, distorted measurement due to bone deformation; cH, centrum height; cW, centrum width; tpH, transverse process height; tpW, transverse process width; tpD, distance across transverse processes; nsH, neural spine height; nsW, neural spine width; nsL, neural spine length; prD, distance across prezygapophyses; ptD, distance across postzygapophyses. Available for download.

FIGURE S1. Graphic scheme showing the measurements considered for the vertebral elements in (A) cranial, (B) lateral, and (C) caudal views. Abbreviations: cH, centrum height; cW, centrum width; tpH, transverse process height; tpW, transverse process width; tpD, distance across transverse processes; nsH, neural spine height; nsW, neural spine width; nsL, neural spine length; prD, distance across prezygapophyses; ptD, distance across postzygapophyses. Available for download.

TABLE S2. Selected measurements (in mm) of the rib elements for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for the specimen SMNS 14733 of Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; *, estimated measurement; in, incomplete measurement due to broken bone; mL, maximum length; proxW, proximal width; midW, middiaphyseal width; disW, distal width.

Taxon Specimen Element mL proxW midW disW
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 rib #1 (Figure 11A-B; Appendix 1, Figure S1B) 30* 26 15 -
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 rib #2 (Figure 11C; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 100 22 10 12
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 rib #3 (Figure 11D; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) - 24 16 -
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 rib #4 (Figure 11E; Appendix 1, Figure S1B) 250 30 25 60
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 ribs #5 (Figure 11F; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 155in 31 13 15
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 sr#1 (Figure 2A-A', Figure 11K; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 80 32 12 18
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 sr#2 (Figure 2A-B', Figure 11L; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 72 35 18 35
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 sr#3 (Figure 2B-B', Figure 11M; Appendix 1, Figure S1B) 70 35* 17 34
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 cervical rib no. 19 (not depicted) 20 18 10 5
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 middle dorsal rib no. 10 (not depicted) 230 24 12 24
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 middle dorsal rib no. 20 (not depicted) 210 25 16 25
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 posterior dorsal rib no. 119 (not depicted) 120 18 8 8
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 sacral rib no. 65 (Appendix 1, Figure S7R) 71 21 9 20
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 sacral rib no. 11 (Appendix 1, Figure S7S) 70 24 13 32
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 sacral rib no. 73 (Appendix 1, Figure S7T) 72 25 9 10

FIGURE S2. Graphic scheme showing the measurements considered for the (A) cervical, (B) dorsal, and (C) sacral ribs in cranial or caudal views in the present study. Abbreviations: mL, maximum length; proxW, proximal width; midW, middiaphyseal width; disW, distal width.

figure s2 2





TABLE S3. Selected measurements (in mm) of the dermal pectoral girdle elements for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for several specimens of Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; *, estimated measurement; in, incomplete measurement due to broken bone; mL, maximum length; mW, maximum width; prL, process length; intL, interclavicular length; intW, interclavicular width; stL, stem length.

Taxon Specimen Element mL mW prL intL intW stL
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 clavicles and interclavicle (Figure 1A-B', Figure 12A-B, A'-B'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 100in 255 20in 25.5 50 10in
S. gaillardoti SMNS 15012 clavicles (Appendix 1, Figure S9G-H) 191 310 25 - - -
S. gaillardoti SMNS 15955 clavicles and interclavicle (Appendix 1, Figure S9I-J) 181 285 11in 65* 135 42*


TABLE S4. Selected measurements (in mm) of the coracoids, pubes and ischia for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for several specimens of Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; *, estimated measurement; **, distorted measurement due to bone deformation; in, incomplete measurement due to broken bone; mlL, medio-lateral length; latL, lateral length; midL, minimum middle length; medL, medial length.

Taxon Specimen Element mlL latL midL medL
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left coracoid (Figure 1A-B', Figure 12C-D, C'-D'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) - - 80 130
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 right coracoid (Figure 1A-B', Figure 12C-D, C'-D'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 210** 100* 60** 130
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left pubis (Figure 2A-B', Figure 13H-J; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 116* 80 53 78*
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left ischium (Figure 2A-B', Figure 13K-M; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 119in 46* 38 117
S. gaillardoti SMNS 18535 coracoid (Appendix 1, Figure S9K-L) 213 105in 44* 110
S. gaillardoti SMNS 16736 coracoid (Appendix 1, Figure S9M-N) 145* 100 40* 90*
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 left pubis no. 53 (Appendix 1, Figure S7U) 116 73 38 98
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 right pubis (not depicted) 118 71 38 98
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 left ischium (Appendix 1, Figure S7V) 122* 52 32 119
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 right ischium (not depicted) 121 53 31 119



TABLE S5. Selected measurements (in mm) of the scapulae for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for several specimens of Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; **, distorted measurement due to bone deformation; in, incomplete measurement due to broken bone; mL, maximum length; glL, glenoid body length; glW, maximum width of the glenoid body; sbL, scapular blade length; sbW, scapular blade width.

Taxon Specimen Element mL glL glW sbL sbW
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left scapula (Figure 1A-B', Figure 12E-G'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 115 55** 33** 63 15
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 right scapula (Figure 1A-B', Figure 12H-J'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 115 80 44 53 15
S. gaillardoti SMNS 15012 left scapula (Appendix 1, Figure S9G-H) 126 97 66 60 13
S. gaillardoti SMNS 15012 right scapula (Appendix 1, Figure S9G-H) 102in 95 65 38in 16
S. gaillardoti SMNS 15955 left scapula (Appendix 1, Figure S9I-J) 105in 83 58 46in 12
S. gaillardoti SMNS 15955 right scapula (Appendix 1, Figure S9I-J) 101in 82 57 36in 12



TABLE S6. Selected measurements (in mm) of the ilium for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for several specimens of Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; **, distorted measurement due to bone deformation; in, incomplete measurement due to broken bone; anH, anterior height; midH, middle height; poH, posterior height; ibL, iliac blade length; vL, ventral length.

Taxon Specimen Element anH midH poH ibL vL
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 right ilium (Figure 2A, Figure 13A-E'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A) 58 60 64 45** 42**
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left ilium (Figure 2A, Figure 13F-G'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) - - - - -
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 right ilium no. 116 (not depicted) 52 57 51 38 52
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 left ilium no. 86 (Appendix 1, Figure S7P-Q) 51 56 53 41 59
S. gaillardoti SMNS unnumbered ilium no. 7 (not depicted) 66 76 70 44 70
S. gaillardoti SMNS 80356 (not depicted) 61 75 78 35 66




FIGURE S3. Graphic scheme showing the measurements considered for the pectoral girdle bones in (A, B, E) ventral, (C) lateral, and (D) dorsal views in the present study. Abbreviations: mL, maximum length; mW, maximum width; prL, process length; intL, interclavicular length; intW, interclavicular width; stL, stem length; mlL, medio-lateral length; latL, lateral length; midL, minimum middle length; medL, medial length; glL, glenoid body length; glW, maximum width of the glenoid body; sbL, scapular blade length; sbW, scapular blade width.

figure s2 3




FIGURE S4. Graphic scheme showing the measurements considered for the pelvic girdle bones in (A, B, C) lateral or medial views in the present study. Abbreviations: anH, anterior height; midH, middle height; poH, posterior height; ibL, iliac blade length; vL, ventral length; mlL, medio-lateral length; latL, lateral length; midL, minimum middle length; medL, medial length.

figure s2 4



TABLE S7. Selected measurements (in mm) of the limb bone elements for the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus  (MUPA-ATZ0101) and for Simosaurus gaillardoti in the present study. Abbreviations: -, missing, not observable or not applicable; *, estimated measurement; **, distorted measurement due to bone deformation; in, incomplete measurement due to broken bone; Hu, measurement according to Huene, 1959.

Taxon Specimen Element mL proxW midW disW
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left humerus (Figure 14A-E'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) - 58 - -
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 right humerus (Figure 14A-E'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 245in 50** 41 53in
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 left femur (Figure 15F-K'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) - 50 26 -
P. multidentatus MUPA-ATZ0101 right femur (Figure2A-B', Figure 15F-K'; Appendix 1, Figure S1A-B) 216in 42 26 48*
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 left humerus no. 1 (Appendix 1, Figure S11N-O) 262 58 30 59
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 right humerus no. 76 (Appendix 1, Figure S10M-R) 261 52 28 60
S. gaillardoti SMNS 14733 left femur no. 81 (Appendix 1, Figure S10S-X) 203 45 18 39
S. gaillardoti GPIT-PV-31566 left humerus (Appendix 1, Figure S8A) 180Hu 35Hu - 35Hu
S. gaillardoti GPIT-PV-31566 right femur (Appendix 1, Figure S8A) 140Hu - - -


von Huene, F. 1959. Simosaurus guilielmi aus dem unteren Mittelkeuper von Obersontheim. Palaeontographica A, 113, 180-184.