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FIGURE 1. Location map showing the Medobory Reef (after Korolyuk, 1952; Górka et al., 2012, with modifications) and the studied localities in the vicinities of Horodok, western Ukraine. Individual reef bodies are shown in grey within the Medobory Reef trend.




FIGURE 2. Otoliths, various. A-C, Muraenidae indet., NMNHU-P PI 2595, Novyi Pliazh, anterior view (A), ventral view (C). D-G, Umbra euronota n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2596, Novyi Pliazh, outer face (D), anterior view (F), ventral view (G). H-J, Maeotichthys wilhelmi (Djafarova, 2006), NMNHU-P PI 2599, Staryi Zavod, anterior view (H), ventral view (J). K-M, Physiculus sp., NMNHU-P PI 2600, Novyi Pliazh, dorsal view (L), anterior view (M). N-Q, Micromesistius planatus (Bassoli, 1906), NMNHU-P PI 2601, Novyi Pliazh (reversed), ventral views (O, Q). R-S, Enchelyopus sp., NMNHU-P PI 2616, Mlyntsi, ventral view (S). T-Z, Onogadus simplicissimus (Schubert, 1906), NMNHU-P PI 2612, Novyi Pliazh (T, U, Z), NMNHU-P PI 2611, Mlyntsi (V-X), NMNHU-P PI 2610, Lisohirka (Y), ventral views (U, W). AA-AB, Bellottia aff. obliqua (Weiler, 1942), NMNHU-P PI 2619, Novyi Pliazh (reversed), ventral view (AB). AC-AE, Carapus sp., NMNHU-P PI 2617, Novyi Pliazh (reversed), anterior view (AC), ventral view (AE).




FIGURE 3. Otoliths of Gobioidei. A-C, Gobius bratishkoi Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022, NMNHU-P PI 2623, Mlyntsi (A), NMNHU-P PI 2626, Staryi Zavod (B-C, reversed), dorsal view (C). D-E, Gobius reichenbacherae Schwarzhans, 2014, NMNHU-P PI 2627, Novyi Pliazh (reversed), dorsal view (E). F-G, Gobius mustus Schwarzhans, 2014, NMNHU-P PI 2630, Staryi Zavod, dorsal view (G). H-J, Gobius supraspectabilis Schwarzhans, Brzobohatý, Radwańska and Procházka, 2020, NMNHU-P PI 2631, Staryi Zavod, dorsal view (I). K-L, Gobius sp., NMNHU-P PI 2638, Staryi Zavod, dorsal view (L). M-P, Gobius ukrainicus Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022, NMNHU-P PI 2636, Staryi Zavod (O-P, reversed), dorsal views (N, P). Q-T, Odondebuenia agiadiae Schwarzhans, Brzobohatý and Radwańska, 2020, NMNHU-P PI 2643, Staryi Zavod (Q-R, reversed), NMNHU-P PI 2640, Mlyntsi (S-T), dorsal views (R, T). U-AF, Scythogobius minimus n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2645 (X-Z), Novyi Pliazh; paratype, SMF PO 101.346 (U-V), Novyi Pliazh (reversed); paratypes, SMF PO 101.347 (AA-AF), Lisohirka (AD-AF, reversed), posterior views (U, Y, AB, AE), dorsal views (W, Z, AC, AF).




FIGURE 4. Otoliths of Gobioidei. A-I, Lesueurigobius sp., NMNHU-P PI 2648, Lisohirka, posterior views (B, D, H), dorsal views (E, I). J-Q, Sarmatigobius cavatus n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2650, Novyi Pliazh (O-Q, reversed); paratypes, SMF PO 101.348 (J-N), posterior views (K, M, P), dorsal views (N, Q). R-T, Sarmatigobius iugosus (Schwarzhans, Brzobohatý and Radwańska, 2020), NMNHU-P PI 2653, Lisohirka, posterior view (S), dorsal view (T). U-X, Parenypnias inauditus Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022, NMNHU-P PI 2656, Novyi Pliazh (U-V), NMNHU-P PI 2657, Staryi Zavod (W-X), dorsal view (V). Y-Z, Parenypnias kiselevi Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022, NMNHU-P PI 2659, Novyi Pliazh, dorsal view (Y). AA-AC, Medoborichthys podolicus Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022, NMNHU-P PI 2662, Mlyntsi (AA-AB), NMNHU-P PI 2664, Shydlivshchyna (AC), dorsal view (AB). AD-AG, Medoborichthys renesulcis Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022, NMNHU-P PI 2668, Mlyntsi (AD-AE, reversed), NMNHU-P PI 2669, Novyi Pliazh (AF-AG), dorsal views (AE, AG).





FIGURE 5. Otoliths of Gobioidei. A-C, Vanderhorstia prochazkai Schwarzhans, Brzobohatý and Radwańska, 2020, NMNHU-P PI 2673, Mlyntsi (reversed), posterior view (B), dorsal view (C); D-J, Ptereleotris tectus n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2704 (D-F), Novyi Pliazh; paratypes, NMNHU-P PI 2705 (G-J, reversed), Staryi Zavod, and SMF PO 101.350, posterior views (E, I), dorsal views (F, J). K-S, Buenia gibba n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2677 (K-M, reversed), Novyi Pliazh; paratypes, SMF PO 101.349 (N-S; O-S reversed), Staryi Zavod, posterior views (M, Q), dorsal views (L, P, S). T-AA, Deltentosteus telleri (Schubert, 1906), NMNHU-P PI 2682, Novyi Pliazh (T-V, reversed), NMNHU-P PI 2683, Staryi Zavod (W-AA), posterior view (V), dorsal views (U, X, Z). AB-AD, Economidichthys triangularis (Weiler, 1943), NMNHU-P PI 2687, Staryi Zavod, dorsal view (AC), posterior view (AD). AE-AI, Knipowitschia polonica Schwarzhans, Brzobohatý and Radwańska, 2020, NMNHU-P PI 2692, Staryi Zavod (AE-AF), NMNHU-P PI 2691, Novyi Pliazh (AG-AI, reversed), dorsal views (AF, AI). AJ-AK, Hellenigobius bunyatovi (Bratishko, Schwarzhans and Reichenbacher, 2015), NMNHU-P PI 2699, Lisohirka (reversed), dorsal view (AK); AL-AN, Pomatoschistus elegans (Procházka, 1900), NMNHU-P PI 2696, Novyi Pliazh (reversed), dorsal view (AM).





FIGURE 6. Otoliths, various. A-B, Gasterosteidae indet., NMNHU-P PI 2707, Staryi Zavod, ventral view (B). C-J, Syngnathus vesculus n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2708 (C-E), Staryi Zavod; paratypes, SMF PO 101.351 (F-J), reversed (I-J), ventral views (D, H, J), anterior view (E). K-L, Blenniidae indet., NMNHU-P PI 2712, Staryi Zavod, ventral view (L). M-R, Blennius ? martinii Reichenbacher, Filipescu and Miclea, 2018, NMNHU-P PI 2711, Staryi Zavod (reversed), ventral views (N, P, R). S-X, Apletodon conwayi n. sp., holotype NMNHU-P PI 2713, (S-U, reversed), Mlyntsi; paratype, SMF PO 101.352 (V-X, reversed), Staryi Zavod, ventral view (T, W), anterior view (U, X). Y-AC, Palaeolebias winogradskyi n. sp., Lisohirka, holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2715 (Y-AA, reversed); paratype, SMF PO 101.353 (AB-AC), ventral view (Z, AC), anterior view (AA). AD-AG, Protonymus primus (Weiler, 1940), NMNHU-P PI 2717, Lisohirka, ventral views (AE, AG). AH-AI, Parasolea sp., NMNHU-P PI 2722, Lisohirka, ventral view (AI). AJ-AK, Cynoglossus sp., NMNHU-P PI 2724, Novyi Pliazh, ventral view (AK). AL-AT, Arnoglossus dispar n. sp., holotype, NMNHU-P PI 2719 (AO-AQ), Staryi Zavod; paratypes, SMF PO 101.354 (AL-AM), Staryi Zavod, SMF PO 101.355 (AR-AT), Skala.





FIGURE 7. Otoliths, various. A-H, Coris medoboryensis Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022: NMNHU-P PI 2727, Novyi Pliazh (A-D), NMNHU-P PI 2726 (E-H, reversed), Mlyntsi, anterior view (C), ventral view (D, F, H). I-P, Thalassoma vernyhorovae (Schwarzhans, Klots and Kovalchuk, 2022), NMNHU-P PI 2731 (L-N, reversed), Mlyntsi, anterior view (I), ventral views (K, M, P). Q-R, Mullus bifurcatus (Strashimirov, 1972), NMNHU-P PI 2749, Lisohirka, ventral view (R). S-T, Triglidae sp., NMNHU-P PI 2738, Staryi Zavod, ventral view (T). U-V, Cottidae sp., NMNHU-P PI 2735, Lisohirka (reversed), ventral view (V). W-X, Liparidae sp., NMNHU-P PI 2737, Staryi Zavod, ventral view (X). Y, Owstonia sp., NMNHU-P PI 2750, Staryi Zavod. Z-AA, Pshekharus yesinorum Bannikov and Kotlyar, 2015, NMNHU-P PI 2758, Novyi Pliazh (reversed), ventral view (AA). AB-AD, Pristigenys schiecki Schwarzhans, 2010, NMNHU-P PI 2745 (AB), Mlyntsi (reversed), NMNHU-P PI 2747 (AC-AD), Novyi Pliazh (reversed), ventral view (AD). AE, Pristigenys rhombica (Schubert, 1905), NMNHU-P PI 2744, Skala (reversed). AF, Brachydeuterus speronatus (Bassoli, 1906), NMNHU-P PI 2740, Novyi Pliazh (reversed). AG-AL, Diplodus karrerae Nolf and Steurbaut, 1979, NMNHU-P PI 2753 (AG-AI), Novyi Pliazh; NMNHU-P PI 2754 (AJ-AL), Staryi Zavod (AL, reversed), ventral views (AH, AK), posterior view (AI).





FIGURE 8. Examples of typical gastropods (A-T) and bivalves (U-X) found in the localities at Horodok. Identifications of gastropods by M. Harzhauser and of bivalves by O. Mandic. Macrophoto by O. Klots (Nikon D40 camera with Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 18-55 mm lens).





FIGURE 9. Faunal turnovers in otolith assemblages in the Langhian and Serravallian of the Paratethys and endemic evolution. Abbreviations: Re, remigration; MBEE, middle Badenian extinction event; and BSEE, Badenian-Sarmatian extinction event.





FIGURE 10. Block diagram depicting the palaeogeography of the Central Paratethys during the late Badenian and diversity of fish faunas as reconstructed from otoliths during the late Badenian of the Central Paratethys and Konkian of the Eastern Paratethys.




FIGURE 11. Geographic distribution of gobioid otolith-based species during the late Badenian/Konkian in the Paratethys and presumed environmental indicators. Central and Eastern Paratethys faunal assemblages are summarised with the Medobory backreef fauna shown separately.




FIGURE 12. Environmental indicators in the otolith-based fish fauna in the Medobory backreef and their abundance. The insert depicts the abundance of the most common fish families in the otolith assemblages in the Medobory backreef environment.




FIGURE 13. Distribution of environmental indicators in the otolith assemblages of the studied localities in the Medobory backreef. Only localities are shown of which otoliths were sampled also from fine fractions down to 0.3 mm mesh size.




FIGURE 14. Block diagram depicting a schematic reconstruction of the presumed environments in the Medobory backreef during the late Badenian and the attribution of the studied localities. For faunal components refer to Figure 13. Figures of extant fishes are used to exemplify fossil taxa (Wiki commons open source); deep lagoon environment: various Gobiidae, Haemulidae and Gadidae; patch reef community: various Gobiidae, Labridae, Sparidae; seagrass community: Syngnathidae, juvenile Gobiidae, Gobiesocidae (courtesy K. Conway).
