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TABLE 1. Measurements of the cervical vertebrae of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension 13 14
Anteroposterior length 507* 545*
Greatest height (left/right) 316*/342* 416*/369*
Centrum length 484* 541*
Centrum minimum width 76 74
Width across diapophyses 250* 250*
Width across prezygapophyses 165 176*
Width across postzygapophyses 154 181*
Pleurocoel length (left/right) 262/285 302/295
Pleurocoel height (left/right) 63/51 73/69
Cotyle width 119 152
Cotyle height 136 186
Condyle width 85* 91*
Condyle height 136* 144*
Neural spine height 190* 248*
Centrum length minus condyle length 418 441
Neural arch height 146* 148*

Notes: Asterisks indicate estimates. Measurements are influenced by shear and transverse compression. Centrum length includes condyle length. Neural arch height is measured from the dorsal margin of the cotyle rim vertically to an horizontal line joining both posterior margins of the postzygapophyses. Neural spine height is measured vertically from the dorsal margin of the cotyle rim to the neural spine tip.



TABLE 2. Measurements of the dorsal vertebrae of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Greatest height 462   511*   568* 583* 580* 550* 535*
Centrum length 417* 360   266 255*   251* 255 257*
Pleurocoel length
102/142 57/84 121/59* 117/101 118/123 135/122 101/113 72/118 97/103
Pleurocoel height
53/67 20/46 47/48* 78/53 69/65 56/51 62/53 50/33 44/28
Cotyle width 159 150* 156 184 173 214 199* 214* 194*
Cotyle height 162 174* 151 118 142 150 106 136* 130*
Condyle width 176* 130* 110* 147* 186* 192* 181* 212* 201*
Condyle height 150* 151*   92* 118* 106* 142* 110* 114
Neural spine height 195* 210 234*   251 327* 302 295* 314
Centrum length minus condyle length 322/308 247/268 207*/205* 193/199 197/171 215/224 217/228 200/208 200/202
Neural arch height 153* 170* 157 170   151 151 145 129

Notes: Asterisks indicate estimates, often influenced by shear and transverse compression of the vertebrae. Centrum length includes condyle length. Neural arch height is measured from the dorsal margin of the cotyle rim vertically to an horizontal line joining the posterior-most edge of the postzygapophyses.




TABLE 3. Measurements of the thoracic ribs of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension RL1 RL?4 RL?8 RR?3 RR?4 RR?5
Proximodistal length of rib 490* 1050* 605* 980* 900* 875*
Maximum length of capitulum       270    
Anteroposterior length capitular facet       16    
Dorsoventral height capitular facet       83    
Maximum length tuberculum 197     229   90*
Anteroposterior length tubercular facet 18     26   19
Transverse width tubercular facet 30     66   49
Distance between tuberculum and capitulum       161    
Angle between tuberculum and capitulum ~90     55    
Maximum diameter midshaft 16 69 42 75 53 45
Minimum diameter midshaft 6 22 24 38 29 19
Maximum diameter distal shaft 11          
Minimum diameter distal shaft 7          

Notes: Asterisks indicate estimates. Because no rib is complete, the proximodistal length is an estimate of the preserved parts. For RL1, the angle between the tuberculum and capitulum cannot be measured, as only the base is preserved of the capitulum. However, an estimate can be made. For RR?5, the capitulum is absent, resulting in an estimate as the intersecting line cannot confidently be placed on the rib head.



TABLE 4. Measurements of the sacrum of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Centrum length SV1 220
Centrum length SV2 140
Centrum length SV3 180
Centrum length SV4 190
Centrum length SV5 115
Cotyle width SV5 280
Cotyle height SV5 258
Rib width SV5 202
Neural arch height SV5 145

Notes: Due to the way the sacrum was mounted, measuring most parts of the sacrum was impossible. Rib width is measured mediolaterally on the ventral surface of the rib, from the lateral-most point to where the centrum is reached.


TABLE 5. Measurements of the caudal vertebrae of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension Cd1 Cd2 Cd3 Cd?4-6 Cd?5-8
Greatest height       513 461
Centrum length 110 144 125 142 165
Pleurocoel length (left/right) 50/30 57/80 88/70 80/59 73/80
Pleurocoel height (left/right) 65/50 50/55 24/43 35/42 38/35
Cotyle width 268 249 207 240  
Cotyle height 230 187 165 195  
Condyle width 296 252 277 271 285
Condyle height 246 246 213 211 202
Neural arch height       164 157
Mount position 5 6 7 8 10
Former vertebral numbers 20.1 20 19 322 18

Notes: The cotyle measurements of all vertebrae are influenced by the poor preservation of the vertebrae, with the exception of Cd?4-6. The cotyle of Cd?5-8 is too deformed to provide a useful measurement.



TABLE 6. Measurements of the chevrons of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension 1 3
Proximodistal length 251 330
Proximal transverse width 134 107
Haemal canal greatest height 42 66
Haemal canal greatest width 29 35
Proximal anteroposterior length 45 54



TABLE 7. Measurements of the coracoid of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Proximodistal length 338
Dorsoventral height 387
Scapula-coracoid articular length 276
Longest diameter glenoid 174
Transverse width glenoid 87



TABLE 8. Measurements of the left ilium of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Proximodistal length 930
Anteroposterior length pubic peduncle 70
Mediolateral width pubic peduncle 80
Preacetabular process length 412



TABLE 9. Measurements of the pubes of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension L R
Proximodistal length 730 740
Mediolateral minimum shaft width 55 53
Minimum anteroposterior shaft length 123 106
Proximal anteroposterior length 328  
Distal anteroposterior length 224 196
Maximum proximal mediolateral width 120  
Ischial articulation surface length 278 265
Acetabular articulation surface length 159  



TABLE 10. Measurements of the ischia of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension L R
Proximodistal length 553 490
Mediolateral minimum shaft width 44 40
Minimum anteroposterior shaft length 129 107
Proximal anteroposterior length 295 375
Distal anteroposterior length 194 193
Maximum mediolateral width 88 105
Pubic articulation surface length 130 203
Acetabular articulation surface length 196 190



TABLE 11. Measurements of the hindlimbs of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899 (in mm).

Dimension Femur Tibia Fibula
Proximodistal length   915  
Mediolateral width midshaft 167 133 79
Anteroposterior depth midshaft 82 67  
Proximal mediolateral width 310 290*  
Distal mediolateral width 260 188 77
Proximal anteroposterior depth 200 140  
Distal anteroposterior depth 179 112 148
Minimum circumference 438 332 220

Notes: Asterisk indicates estimate.


TABLE 12. Ratios of vertebral height to centrum length of posterior dorsal vertebrae of several diplodocoid specimens.

Vertebra Ardetosaurus


CM 84

NMMNH 3690

SMA 0011/NMZ 1000011

YPM VP.000429


DV7 2.31 3.07 3.32 4.76   3.26 4.07
DV8 2.15 3.08 4.20 5.52 4.01 3.29  
DV9 2.08 4.20 4.38 5.63   3.24  
DV10   3.69 4.64        
Vertebra Supersaurus

BYU 725-9044


ML 414

CM 3018
FMNH P25112
NSMT-PV 20375

CM 572
DV7 2.65 2.82 3.91 4.90 4.62 4.69 3.51*
DV8       4.87 4.30 4.74 4.05*
DV9       5.29 5.24   4.18*
DV10         5.36 5.48 4.92*

Notes: Herne and Lucas (2006) compared total vertebral height of NMMNH 3690 to other diplodocids. However, Hatcher (1901), Riggs (1903) and Gilmore (1936) used greatest height measurements for CM 84, FMNH P25112 and CM 3018. In addition, for CM 3018, Herne and Lucas (2006) used incorrect values. Ratios for MAB011899, CM 84, SMA 0011/NMZ 1000011, AMNH FARB 5764, BYU 725-9044, WDC DMJ-021, CM 3018, FMNH P25112 and CM 572 are based on greatest height measurements. Ratios for NMMNH 3690, YPM VP.000429, AMNH FARB 6341, ML 414 and NSMT-PV 20375 are based on total height measurements. Measurements of CM 84 are taken from Hatcher (1901) and Lull (1919), of NMMNH 3690 from Herne and Lucas (2006), of SMA 0011/NMZ 1000011 from Tschopp and Mateus (2017), of YPM VP.000429 from Lull (1919), of AMNH FARB 6341 from McIntosh (2005), of AMNH FARB 5764 measured from figure 5 and table 2 in Mannion et al. (2021), of BYU 725-9044 measured from figure 1 in Jensen (1985), of WDC DMJ-021 measured from figure 5 in Mannion et al. (2012), of ML 414 from Mannion et al. (2012), of CM 3018 from Gilmore (1936), of FMNH P25112 from Gilmore (1936), of NSMT-PV 20375 from Upchurch et al. (2004b), of CM 572 from Hatcher (1903). Note that for SMA 0011/NMZ 1000011, ML 414 and NSMT-PV 20375, centrum length is provided as centrum length minus condyle. However, in all three specimens, a true convex condyle is absent, such that centrum length is nearly equal to centrum length minus condyle. For AMNH FARB 5764, BYU 725-9044 and WDC DMJ-021, the serial position of the vertebrae is unknown, so their ratios are placed in the top row. *These are dorsal vertebrae 11, 12, 13 and 14 sensu Hatcher (1903), as Haplocanthosaurus possesses more dorsal vertebrae than diplodocids.