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TABLE 1. Recent systematic studies of macrofloral taxa from Río Pichileufú.

Order or Family
Current name Berry 1938 identification Nearest living relative
(NLR) and NLR range
Citation of
recent work
Agathis zamunerae Wilf “Zamia tertiaria” Engelhardt Agathis: Malesia to New Zealand Wilf et al., 2014
  Araucaria pichileufensis E.W. Berry Araucaria pichileufensis E.W. Berry Araucaria Sec.
Eutacta: New Guinea, Australia, New Caledonia
Rossetto-Harris et al., 2020
Cupressaceae Papuacedrus prechilensis (E.W. Berry) Wilf, Little, Iglesias, Zamaloa, Gandolfo, Cúneo et Johnson “Libocedrus” prechilensis E.W. Berry Papuacedrus: New Guinea, the Moluccas Wilf et al., 2009
Podocarpaceae Dacrycarpus engelhardti Wilf et Colombo “Fitzroya tertiaria” Berry
“Podocarpus” engelhardti Berry*
Dacrycarpus: New Zealand, Burma to Fiji Wilf 2012;
Andruchow-Colombo et al., 2023
  Retrophyllum oxyphyllum (Freng. & Parodi) Wilf none Retrophyllum: Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Malesia, New Caledonia Wilf et al. 2017a; Wilf 2020
Ginkgoales Ginkgoites patagonicus (E.W. Berry) Villar de Seoane, Cúneo, Escapa, Wilf et Gandolfo Ginkgo patagonica Berry Extinct/none Villar de Seoane et al. 2015


Raiguenrayun cura Barreda, Katinas, Passalia et Palazzesi none Mutisioideae-Carduoideae: South America and Africa Barreda et al. 2010, 2012
Atherospermataceae Atherospermophyllum guinazui (E.W. Berry) C.L. Knight “Laurelia” guinazui Berry Daphnandra: Australia Knight and Wilf 2013
Proteaceae Lomatia preferruginea Berry Lomatia preferruginea Berry Lomatia: Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and Australia González et al., 2007

* Florin (1940) identified this as Acmopyle engelhardti


TABLE 2. Categorization of issues encountered with Berry 1938 identifications.

Category Description
1 Botanical name insufficiently supported: poorly preserved material or lack of characters
2 Incorrect referral to a species previously described from another fossil flora
3 Over-splitting
4 Over-lumping



TABLE 3. Summary of fossil collections analyzed from Río Pichileufú.

Collection Name Census Repository Locality Specimens* Leaf species
previously recognized
Leaf species
 recognized here
Guiñazú no USNM several 696 131 (Berry 1938) 81
2002 yes BAR RP1 159 - 30
no BAR RP2 48 - 13
yes BAR RP3 336 50 (Wilf et. al, 2005) 58
2005 yes BAR RP3 666 - 82
2017 no BAR RP1 2 - 1
RP2 32 - 1
RP3 5 - 1
RP4 13 - 1
Unknown no BAR unknown 25 -  
(accounting for
shared species)
- - - 1982 - 158

*Specimen totals include indeterminate fossils.


TABLE 4. Figshare data archive URLs.

USNM specimens images and data BAR specimens images and data