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FIGURE 1. Outline creation process from open carapace and damaged shield, performed in Inkscape. A) Kunmingella douvillei, scale bar equals 1 mm, black arrow indicates the anterior. B) Outline and silhouette for the right value (top in A, flipped so that anterior is to the left). C) Outline and silhouette for the left value (bottom in A). D) Example showing reconstruction of carapace outline with slight damage, repaired ‘virtually’ in E, scale bar equals 1 mm, black arrow indicates the anterior. E) Outline and silhouette for D with reconstruction, note the slight repair of divots to the margin. Image credit for A: Derek J. Siveter. Image credit for D: Yang Xiaoli and Xiaoya Ma.





FIGURE 2. Bradoriid morphospace, visualised as a PCA following EFA. Dots represent individual outlines, carapace shapes behind show changes in outline shape across PC1, PC2 and PC3. Small vertical lines on X and Y axes indicate position of points along these axes. A) Biplot of PC1 (67.3%) and PC2 (14.1%). B) Biplot of PC1 (67.3%) and PC3 (10.2%).






FIGURE 3. Bradoriid morphospace, with specimens grouped by family (A), geography (B) and geological stage (C). Outlines representing the extremes of each principal component are shown in grey. Note that PC2 axis is flipped in (B) to facilitate comparison with the other plots.






FIGURE 4. Bradoriid morphospace for individual families. Average carapace shape for the family visualised in the bottom right corner of each plot. The bottom right plot shows the centroid position for each group.






FIGURE 5. Bradoriid morphospace visualised by continent. Average carapace shape of carapaces from that continent visualised in the bottom right corner of each plot. The bottom right plot shows the centroid position for each continent. Note that PC2 values are flipped to facilitate comparison with other PCA plots.






FIGURE 6. Bradoriid morphospace visualised by geological stage. Average carapace shape of bradoriids from each stage visualised in the bottom right corner of each plot. The bottom right plot shows the centroid position for each stage.






FIGURE 7. Bradoriid morphospace showing position of pelagic genera (red = Anabarochilina, blue = Liangshanella.






FIGURE 8. Histogram showing species level bradoriid diversity for each geological stage.
