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FIGURE 1. Distribution of the genus Menispermites in Northern Asia: 1, 2 - Altykuduk Formation; 3 - Simonovo Formation; 4 - Timmerdyakh Formation; 5 - Zhonk'er and Boshnyakovo formations; 6 - Arman Formation; 7 - Chingandzha Formation; 8 - Valizhgen Formation; 9 - Krivorechenskaya, Zarya and Poperechnenskaya formations; 10 - Emuneret Formation; 11 - Tanyurer Formation; 12 - Barykov and Ginter formations.





FIGURE 2. Locality of Menispermites temlyanensis Zolina, Golovneva et Grabovskiy, sp. nov. in the territory of Anadyr district, Chukotka.





FIGURE 3. Menispermites sibiricus (Heer) Golovneva (A-D - Simonovo Formation, Cenomanian-Turonian; E - Altykuduk Formation, upper Albian-Cenomanian; F - Poperechnenskaya Formation, Coniacian; G - Chingandzha Formation, upper Turonian- Coniacian): A - spec. TPU 29/3; B - spec. IUT 252; C - spec. GIN 1800/11, lectotype; D - spec. IUT 245; E - spec. IBP 313/452; F - spec. TFGI 63/1; G - BIN 1565/383. Scale bar is 1 cm.





FIGURE 4. Morphological diversity of the genus Menispermites in Northern Asia: A –M. obtusilobus Lesquereux (after Lesquereux, 1874, pl. 25, figure 1); B – M. septentrionalis Hollick (after Hollick, 1930, pl. 42, figure 4); C – M. ginterensis Herman, GIN 3385/203 (after Herman, 1988, text-figure 2); D – M. lebedevii Moiseeva, spec. GIN 3392/68, holotype (after Moiseeva, 2014); E – M. sibiricus (Heer) Golovneva, spec. IUT 243; F – М. favosus Krassilov, spec. FSCEATB 330/377, holotype; G – M. minutus (Kryshtofovich) Shczepetov, Herman et Belaya, spec. NEISRI PF1/688a, neotype; H – Menispermites sp., spec. GIN 3385/85, (after Moiseeva and Sokolova, 2007, figure 6i); I – M. marcovoensis Philippova, spec. TFGI 622/3, holotype; J – М. sachalinensis Kryshtofovich ex Zhilin, spec. TSNIGRM 6256/149, lectotype; K – M. vasetskii Philippova (after Philippova and Abramova, 1993, pl. 107, figure 1); L – M. orientalis Golovneva, spec. NEISRI PF1/505, holotype. Scale bar is 1 cm. pl. 107, figure 1); M - M. orientalis Golovneva, spec. NEISRI PF1/505, holotype. Scale bar is 1 cm.





FIGURE 5. Species of the genus Menispermites from Northern Asia: A, B - М. favosus Krassilov, Boshnyakovo Formation, Maastrichtian-Danian: A - spec. GIN 58/33; B - spec. GIN 58/53a; C - М. sachalinensis Kryshtofovich ex Zhilin, spec. TSNIGRM 6256/149, lectotype, Zhonk'er Formation, Campanian; D, F - M. minutus (Kryshtofovich) Shczepetov, Herman et Belaya, Krivorechenskaya Formation, upper Albian-lower Turonian: D - spec. TFGI 223/1; F - spec. NEISRI PF1/688a, neotype; E - M. marcovoensis Philippova, spec. TFGI 622/3; G, H - M. orientalis Golovneva: G - spec. TFGI 622/13, Krivorechenskaya Formation, upper Albian-lower Turonian; H - spec. TFGI 403/1, Poperechnenskaya Formation, Coniacian. Scale bar is 1 cm.





FIGURE 6. Menispermites temlyanensis Zolina, Golovneva et Grabovskiy, sp. nov.: A - spec. BIN 1588/263, holotype; B - spec. BIN 1588/218; C - spec. BIN 1588/251; D - spec. BIN 1588/265; E - spec. BIN 1588/261. Scale bar is 1 cm.





FIGURE 7. Menispermites temlyanensis Zolina, Grabovskiy et Golovneva, sp. nov.: A - spec. BIN 1588/254; B - spec. BIN 1588/262; C - spec. BIN 1588/411; D - spec. BIN 1588/410; E - spec. BIN 1588/266. Scale bar is 1 cm.





FIGURE 8. Menispermites temlyanensis Zolina, Golovneva et Grabovskiy, sp. nov.: A - spec. BIN 1588/218; B - spec. BIN 1588/263, holotype; C - spec. BIN 1588/259; D - spec. BIN 1588/410; E - spec. BIN 1588/265; F- spec. BIN 1588/261. Scale bar is 1 cm.





FIGURE 9. Distribution of the genus Menispermites in Northern Asia. A - M. temlyanensis Zolina, Golovneva et Grabovskiy, sp. nov.; B - М. favosus Krassilov; C - M. lebedevii Moiseeva; D - Menispermites sp.; E - М. sachalinensis Kryshtofovich ex Zhilin; F, H - M. sibiricus (Heer) Golovneva; G, M - M. orientalis Golovneva; I - M. marcovoensis Philippova; K - M. vasetskii Philippova; L - M. minutus (Kryshtofovich) Shczepetov, Herman et Belaya; N - M. ginterensis Herman.
