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Download archive with Fortran listings and executable applications for PC: (Expand by double-clicking on the archive icon und then by using the extract command in WinZip 11.1).

Fortran programming originally performed using Fortran 77 from Absoft for Macintosh computers (MPW), and then translated to the Windows environment using the free distribution software Force 2.0 fortran compiler and editor developed by Luiz Lepsch Guedes, which is available from the URL

Subdirectory [Grid2]:

Subdirectory [Example]:

Tutorial for Gridd_winversion2.exe

Application Gridd_winversion2.exe for PCs.

"List_of_files.txt": Containins the names of input files with bivariate X,Y measurements.

"Inputxxxxxxxxxx1.txt" and "Inputxxxxxxxxxx2.txt" are two examples with bivariate X,Y measurements for C. leptoporus.

Subdirectory [Force_listing]:

Gridd_winversion2 (Force 2.0 source file)


Subdirectory [Grid_toVox3/Gmenardi]:

Subdirectory [Example]:

Application Grid_to_Vox3_win.exe for PC's.

Tutorial for Grid_to_Vox3_win.exe

"List_of_files.txt": Containins the ages and names of input files with gridded matrices.

"input1xxxxxxxxxx_grd" and "input2xxxxxxxxxx_grd" are two examples with frequency matrices.

Subdirectory [Force_listing]:

Grid_to_Vox3_win (Force 2.0 source file)


Subdirectory [Grid_toVox4/Cleptoporus]:

Subdirectory [Example ME69-196]:

Application Grid_to_Vox4_win.exe for PC's.

Tutorial for Grid_to_Vox4_win.exe

"List_of_files.txt": Containins the ages and names of input files with gridded matrices.

The files






are examples with frequency matrices for C. leptoporus.

Subdirectory [Force_listing]:

Grid_to_Vox4_win (Force 2.0 source file)


More detailed explanations Grid_to_Vox applications


Data sets

Download archive

(Expand by double-clicking on the archive icon und then by using the extract command in WinZip 11.1).

Explanations for the C. leptoporus data-set, in subdirectory [CLEPTOP]:

Subdirectory [MEASURES/DIAM_EL] contains the original bivariate measurements of coccolith diameter (in µm) versus the number of elements, separated by a comma. Each file represents a sample. The data are sorted into core locations. Holocene surface sediment samples are sorted into folder [HOLOCENE]. For the provenance of Holocene materials refer to Knappertsbusch et al. (1997), for the provenances and ages of the remaining material refer to Knappertsbusch (2000). Open files with MS Word to watch the formatting.

Subdirectory [GRIDDED] contains absolute frequencies (number of coccoliths per grid-cell) per sample per core using a grid-cell size of 1µm in length and 2 elements in width. The gridded data for C. leptoporus were calculated using program Grid2 from the binary measurements of diameter versus number of elements in the distal shield in each sample and are from Knappertsbusch (2000). Open files with MS Word to watch the formatting.

Subdirectory [INP_VOX] contains the coccolith frequency data (ALL_XYZFsn) arranged by core after application of the Grid_toVox4 program was performed. File ALL_XYZFsn can be directly imported to Voxler. X denotes the diameter in µm, Y the number of elements in the distal shield, and Z indicates the coccolith frequency per grid-cell. During running of Program Grid_to_Vox4, the options "with scaling of axes and with normalization of Frequency (option 1)" and "output to one single file (option 1)" were applied. The common age to all cores (ZMAX) was 23.08 Ma.

The lowercase letter "s" of the filename ALL_XYZFsn indicates, that all axes were standardized to units between 0 and 1, whereas the lowercase letter "n" indicates, that the coccolith frequencies were normalized by conversion from absolute to relative frequencies. Open files with MS Word to watch the formatting.

The MS Word file "statistics" in folder [AGES] reproduces a survey of samples, numerical ages, and statistical data for all C. leptoporus data, as they were published in Knappertsbusch (2000) and used in the present study for construction of volume density plots.

Explanations for the G. menardii data-set, in subdirectory [GMENAR]:

Subdirectory [MEASURES] contains the split-weighted morphometric measurements of G. menardii from DSDP Sites 502A and 503A, arranged per sample (see Knappertsbusch, 2007). In "composed_files" all measurements are merged together into one single file. The format of the header line of "composed_files" applies also to the individual sample files. For collecting bivariate measurements of spiral height versus axial length cited in the paper, the respective columns (X,Y) must be extracted before they can be fed to the gridding program. Open files with MS Word or MS Excel to watch the formatting.

Subdirectory [GRIDDED] contains absolute frequencies (number specimens per grid-cell) per sample for the DSDP Sites 502 and 503. Also for these data program Grid2 was applied to bivariate measurements of X (spiral height, in µm) versus Y (axial length, in µm) using a grid-cell size of 100 µm in length and 50 µm in width as was discussed in Knappertsbusch (2007). The subdirectory [XY data] provides the bivariate measurements of X versus Y for each sample; the filenames encode for the absolute age (in million years), the ages were taken from the study of Knappertsbusch (2007). Open files with MS Word or MS Excel to watch the formatting.

Subdirectory [INP_VOX] contains the files "ALL_XYZFsn_ZMAX=8Ma", that were obtained with

Grid_to_Vox3 on the respective lists of gridded data files from DSDP Sites 502 and 503.

Open files with MS Word or MS Excel to watch the formatting.

Parameters for Gridding in Grid2.2:

Data range: 0-700µm, 0-1600µm,

Grid-cell size: DeltaX = 50µm, DeltaY = 100µm.

The files ALL_XYZFsn_ZMAX=8Ma (same name for DSDP Sites 502 and 503) can directly be imported to the spreadsheet from Voxler.

Parameters set in Program Grid_to_Vox3:

Option "with scaling of axes and with normalization of Frequency" (Option 1)

Option "output to one single file (option 1)"

In file "ALL_XYZFsn_ZMAX=8Ma" the axes were standardized to units ranging from 0 to 1 (indicated by the lowercase letter "s" in the filename) and frequencies F of specimens per grid-cell are normalized to relative values ranging from 0 to 100% (indicated by the lowercase letter "n" in the filename) in order to maintain inter-sample comparison.

The common age to all cores (ZMAX) was set to 8.0 Ma.

Tutorial – Program Grid_to_Vox

Given are bivariate (X,Y) scatter data from a series of samples at different geological ages. Using program Grid2.2.out discrete bivariate frequency distributions Delta X, Delta Y,Z,F are generated, with Delta X and Delta Y being the grid-cell sizes of the X- and Y coordinate axes, respectively, with Z being the geological age of a particular sample, and with F being the bivariate frequency of points per grid-cell (see, for example, Knappertsbusch, 2000). The program Grid_to_Vox3 is reserved for handling the G. menardii data set, while Grid_to_Vox4 is reserved for the C. leptoporus data set (this separation into two programs was done in order to keep computer programs as simple as possible).

Input to Grid_to_Vox:

Both Grid_to_Vox versions work in batch operating mode, so that a large number of gridded input files can be processed one after the other. Two types of input files are required: First, one text file called List_of_files, which contains a list of the age (in Ma) of the sample and the corresponding name of the file with the gridded data matrix per sample. The gridded data matrix contains the frequency distribution of the bivariate set of measurements. The age must be written in digits of five characters, followed by a comma, followed by the name of the gridded input matrix. The name of the gidded input data is 16 characters long. The second type of input files are the files with the gridded data matrices (one file per sample). The gridded data matrices need to be unformatted, i.e., without any header or column information (these must first be removed by manual editing).

Example for Grid_to_Vox3 (Globorotalia menardii):

File List_of_files:



Gridded data matrix (for Globorotalia menardii):

A 14x16 matrix (14 columns, 16 rows).

Delta X goes in horizontal direction (mid-points at 25, 75, 125,..., 675 micrometers).

[Intervals of Delta X=50micrometers].

Delta Y goes in vertical direction (mid-points at 50, 150, 250,...,1550 micrometers).

[Intervals of Delta Y=100 micrometers].

File input1xxxxx_grid:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153

154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167

167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194

195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208

209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222


The format of the output data, which can be imported in Voxler is

Delta X, Delta Y, Age (Ma), Frequency

Example for file input1xxxxx_grid:

25. 50. .34 1.

25. 150. .34 15.

25. 250. .34 29.

25. 350. .34 43.

25. 450. .34 57.

25. 550. .34 71.

25. 650. .34 85.

25. 750. .34 99.

25. 850. .34 113.

25. 950. .34 127.

25. 1050. .34 140.

25. 1150. .34 154.

25. 1250. .34 167.

25. 1350. .34 181.

25. 1450. .34 195.

25. 1550. .34 209.

75. 50. .34 2.

75. 150. .34 16.

75. 250. .34 30.

75. 350. .34 44.

75. 450. .34 58.

75. 550. .34 72.

75. 650. .34 86.

75. 750. .34 100.

75. 850. .34 114.

75. 950. .34 128.

75. 1050. .34 141.

75. 1150. .34 155.

75. 1250. .34 168.

75. 1350. .34 182.

75. 1450. .34 196.

75. 1550. .34 210.

125. 50. .34 3.

125. 150. .34 17.

125. 250. .34 31.

125. 350. .34 45.

125. 450. .34 59.

125. 550. .34 73.

125. 650. .34 87.

125. 750. .34 101.

125. 850. .34 115.

125. 950. .34 129.

125. 1050. .34 142.

125. 1150. .34 156.

125. 1250. .34 169.

125. 1350. .34 183.

125. 1450. .34 197.

125. 1550. .34 211.

175. 50. .34 4.

175. 150. .34 18.

175. 250. .34 32.

175. 350. .34 46.

175. 450. .34 60.

175. 550. .34 74.

175. 650. .34 88.

175. 750. .34 102.

175. 850. .34 116.

175. 950. .34 130.

175. 1050. .34 143.

175. 1150. .34 157.

175. 1250. .34 170.

175. 1350. .34 184.

175. 1450. .34 198.

175. 1550. .34 212.

225. 50. .34 5.

225. 150. .34 19.

225. 250. .34 33.

225. 350. .34 47.

225. 450. .34 61.

225. 550. .34 75.

225. 650. .34 89.

225. 750. .34 103.

225. 850. .34 117.

225. 950. .34 131.

225. 1050. .34 144.

225. 1150. .34 158.

225. 1250. .34 171.

225. 1350. .34 185.

225. 1450. .34 199.

225. 1550. .34 213.

275. 50. .34 6.

275. 150. .34 20.

275. 250. .34 34.

275. 350. .34 48.

275. 450. .34 62.

275. 550. .34 76.

275. 650. .34 90.

275. 750. .34 104.

275. 850. .34 118.

275. 950. .34 132.

275. 1050. .34 145.

275. 1150. .34 159.

275. 1250. .34 172.

275. 1350. .34 186.

275. 1450. .34 200.

275. 1550. .34 214.

325. 50. .34 7.

325. 150. .34 21.

325. 250. .34 35.

325. 350. .34 49.

325. 450. .34 63.

325. 550. .34 77.

325. 650. .34 91.

325. 750. .34 105.

325. 850. .34 119.

325. 950. .34 133.

325. 1050. .34 146.

325. 1150. .34 160.

325. 1250. .34 173.

325. 1350. .34 187.

325. 1450. .34 201.

325. 1550. .34 215.

375. 50. .34 8.

375. 150. .34 22.

375. 250. .34 36.

375. 350. .34 50.

375. 450. .34 64.

375. 550. .34 78.

375. 650. .34 92.

375. 750. .34 106.

375. 850. .34 120.

375. 950. .34 134.

375. 1050. .34 147.

375. 1150. .34 161.

375. 1250. .34 174.

375. 1350. .34 188.

375. 1450. .34 202.

375. 1550. .34 216.

425. 50. .34 9.

425. 150. .34 23.

425. 250. .34 37.

425. 350. .34 51.

425. 450. .34 65.

425. 550. .34 79.

425. 650. .34 93.

425. 750. .34 107.

425. 850. .34 121.

425. 950. .34 135.

425. 1050. .34 148.

425. 1150. .34 162.

425. 1250. .34 175.

425. 1350. .34 189.

425. 1450. .34 203.

425. 1550. .34 217.

475. 50. .34 10.

475. 150. .34 24.

475. 250. .34 38.

475. 350. .34 52.

475. 450. .34 66.

475. 550. .34 80.

475. 650. .34 94.

475. 750. .34 108.

475. 850. .34 122.

475. 950. .34 136.

475. 1050. .34 149.

475. 1150. .34 163.

475. 1250. .34 176.

475. 1350. .34 190.

475. 1450. .34 204.

475. 1550. .34 218.

525. 50. .34 11.

525. 150. .34 25.

525. 250. .34 39.

525. 350. .34 53.

525. 450. .34 67.

525. 550. .34 81.

525. 650. .34 95.

525. 750. .34 109.

525. 850. .34 123.

525. 950. .34 137.

525. 1050. .34 150.

525. 1150. .34 164.

525. 1250. .34 177.

525. 1350. .34 191.

525. 1450. .34 205.

525. 1550. .34 219.

575. 50. .34 12.

575. 150. .34 26.

575. 250. .34 40.

575. 350. .34 54.

575. 450. .34 68.

575. 550. .34 82.

575. 650. .34 96.

575. 750. .34 110.

575. 850. .34 124.

575. 950. .34 138.

575. 1050. .34 151.

575. 1150. .34 165.

575. 1250. .34 178.

575. 1350. .34 192.

575. 1450. .34 206.

575. 1550. .34 220.

625. 50. .34 13.

625. 150. .34 27.

625. 250. .34 41.

625. 350. .34 55.

625. 450. .34 69.

625. 550. .34 83.

625. 650. .34 97.

625. 750. .34 111.

625. 850. .34 125.

625. 950. .34 139.

625. 1050. .34 152.

625. 1150. .34 166.

625. 1250. .34 179.

625. 1350. .34 193.

625. 1450. .34 207.

625. 1550. .34 221.

675. 50. .34 14.

675. 150. .34 28.

675. 250. .34 42.

675. 350. .34 56.

675. 450. .34 70.

675. 550. .34 84.

675. 650. .34 98.

675. 750. .34 112.

675. 850. .34 126.

675. 950. .34 140.

675. 1050. .34 153.

675. 1150. .34 167.

675. 1250. .34 180.

675. 1350. .34 194.

675. 1450. .34 208.

675. 1550. .34 222.