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TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics of each DMT parameter for all the hipparionin populations included in the present study. Mean body mass (BM) and the mean values of the textural parameters are also shown for each hipparionin group. Asfc = complexity, epLsar = anisotropy, HAsfc = heterogeneity of complexity calculated with a 64 cells mesh, Tfv = textural fill volume, N = sample size, sem = standard error of the mean.

Note: Fossil sites of Pentalophos and Ravin de la Pluie (a); Dytiko-1, Dytiko-2 and Dytiko-3 (b); Mytilinii A and Mytilinii B (c). Mean body mass estimations were based on metapodial measures and were calculated in this study (d) or obtained from: Vlachou (2013) (e), Orlandi-Oliveras et al. (2018) (f) and Pesquero and Alberdi (2012) (g).

(Table 1 is available as zipped file.)



TABLE 2. Results of the Principal Component Analysis performed with the four DMT variables. Percentage of variance explained by the principal component and contribution of each variable to the principal components are shown. r: correlation coefficient between the DMT variables and the principal components; r2: proportion of variance of the principal component explained by each variable.

      Asfc epLsar HAsfc Tfv
Component % of
cumulative % of variance r r2 r r2 r r2 r r2
PC1 34.58 34.58 -0.672 0.452 0.534 0.285 -0.513 0.263 -0.023 0.001
PC2 25.16 59.73 0.083 0.007 0.138 0.019 -0.010 0.000 0.987 0.974
PC3 23.26 83.00 -0.023 0.001 0.673 0.453 0.735 0.540 -0.084 0.007
PC4 17.00 100 -0.735 0.540 -0.493 0.243 0.444 0.197 0.135 0.018



TABLE 3. Summary of the linear regressions of the DMT parameters and the calculated principal component (PC1) against body mass. Graphs available at Appendix 6.

  Asfc epLsar HAsfc Tfv PC1
Summary Linear Regressions p-value R2 p-value R2 p-value R2 p-value R2 p-value R2
All Data 0.084 0.008 0.185 0.005 0.901 <0.001 0.087 0.008 0.116 0.007
Western Mediterranean 0.601 0.002 0.125 0.014 0.006 0.044 0.889 <0.001 0.028 0.028
Balkans 0.328 0.007 0.591 0.002 <0.001 0.010 0.121 0.018 0.449 0.004
Western Anatolia 0.121 0.036 0.990 <0.001 0.526 0.006 0.169 0.029 0.204 0.024


TABLE 4. ANOVA results for rank-transformed textural variables. Significant differences highlighted in bold.

  Asfc epLsar
Source of Variance df SS F p-value df SS F p-value
Age 1 295805 30.229 < 0.001 1 151118 13.777 < 0.001
Region 1 506330 51.743 < 0.001 1 8926 0.814 0.368
Size 1 92512 9.454 0.002 1 78955 7.198 0.008
Age x Region 1 22074 2.256 0.134 1 17151 1.564 0.212
Age x Size 1 80214 8.197 0.004 1 29078 2.651 0.104
Region x Size 1 32516 3.323 0.069 1 110058 10.034 0.002
Error 365 3571703     365 4003657    
  HAsfc Tfv
Source of Variance df SS F p-value df SS F p-value
Age 1 2 0.000 0.990 1 2482 0.220 0.639
Region 1 2396 0.221 0.639 1 31786 2.820 0.094
Size 1 306 0.028 0.867 1 32824 2.912 0.089
Age x Region 1 113296 10.432 0.001 1 16282 1.444 0.230
Age x Size 1 27647 2.546 0.111 1 75853 6.729 0.010
Region x Size 1 160919 14.818 < 0.001 1 29595 2.625 0.106
Error 365 3963924     365 4114613    

Note: df: degree of freedom; SS: Sum of Square; F: F-statistic



TABLE 5. Summary of post-hoc results on Region-Size interaction. DMT parameters rank-transformed before analysis. The name of the parameter is shown if the difference were significant. When both LSD and HSD detect significant differences, the name of the parameter is shown in bold.

  Vallesian Turolian
Age x Size Interaction Small Large Small Large
Vallesian Small        
Large Tfv      
Turolian Small Tfv      
Large Tfv Asfc Asfc  




TABLE 6. Summary of post-hoc results on Region-Size interaction. DMT parameters rank-transformed before analysis. The name of the parameter is shown if the difference were significant. When both LSD and HSD detect significant differences, the name of the parameter is shown in bold.

  Western Mediterranean Eastern Mediterranean
Region x Size Interaction Small Large Small Large
Western Mediterranean Small        
Large epLsar, HAsfc      
Eastern Mediterranean Small HAsfc      
Large epLsar HAsfc HAsfc  




TABLE 7. Summary of post-hoc results on Age-Region interaction. DMT parameters rank-transformed before analysis. The name of the parameter is shown if the difference were significant. When both LSD and HSD detect significant differences, the name of the parameter is shown in bold.

  Western Mediterranean Eastern Mediterranean
Age x Region Interaction Vallesian Turolian Vallesian Turolian
Western Mediterranean Vallesian        
Eastern Mediterranean Vallesian        
Turolian     HAsfc  





TABLE 8. Nested ANOVA results for rank-transformed textural variables and PC1 of Turolian taxa. Significant differences highlighted in bold.

  Asfc epLsar HAsfc
Source of Variance df SS F p-value df SS F p-value df SS F p-value
Bioprovince 2 297866 29.200 < 0.001 2 5116 0.435 0.648 2 35666 3.132 0.045
Group (Bioprovince) 9 137469 2.995 0.002 9 162174 3.065 0.002 9 185064 3.611 < 0.001
Locality (Group) 11 97747 1.742 0.065 11 164959 2.551 0.004 11 159116 2.540 0.005
Error 258 1315898     258 1516729     258 1469134    
  Tfv PC1        
Source of Variance df SS F p-value df SS F p-value        
Bioprovince 2 27124 2.129 0.121 2 125488 11.502 < 0.001        
Group (Bioprovince) 9 50479 0.881 0.543 9 199755 4.069 < 0.001        
Locality (Group) 11 128135 1.829 0.050 11 116326 1.939 0.035        
Error 258 1643242     258 1407411            

Note: df: degree of freedom; SS: Sum of Square; F: F-statistic