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FIGURE 1. Postcranial skeleton of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain). Larger block, containing elements from the posterior cervical to the posterior dorsal region in: A-A’, dorsal(bottom field); B-B’, ventral(top field) view. C-I, detailed close-up of some anatomical characters discussed in the text(e.g., the prespinal lamina, the foramina on the centrum, the neural keel, and the non-bifurcated zygosphene). Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bars represent: 100 mm(A-B’); 20 mm(C); 10 mm(D-H); 5 mm(I).





FIGURE 2. Postcranial skeleton of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain). Smaller block, containing elements from the posterior dorsal to the proximal caudal region in dorsal view(bottom field view) in: A-A’, the initial; B-B’, a more advanced stage of preparation. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones and grey areas represent sediment. Scale bar represents 50 mm.





FIGURE 3. Isolated cervical elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for precise position of the elements in the field). Cervical elements shown in: A-A’, D-D’, I-I’, cranial; F-F’, J-J’, caudal; B-B’, E-E’, G-G’, L-L’, ventral; K-K’, dorsal; C-C’, H-H’, M-M’, lateral view. Arrows point to cranial direction and purple line indicates the neurocentral suture. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bars represent 20 mm.





FIGURE 4. Articulated cervical string of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen). Articulated cervical vertebrae shown in: A-A’, cranial; B-B’, left lateral; C-C’, caudal; D-D’, right lateral; E-E’, dorsal view. Red asterisks indicate prezygapophyses, blue asterisks indicate postzygapophyses, and purple lines indicate the neurocentral sutures. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones and grey areas represent sediment. Scale bar represents 50 mm.





FIGURE 5. Posterior middle dorsal neural arches of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-F, da#34?; G-L, da#36; M-R, da#35. Neural arches shown in: A-A’, M-M’, G-G’, cranial; B-B’, I, O, dorsal; C-C’, J-J’, N-N’, caudal; D-D’, F, K-K’, L, Q-Q’, R, ventral; E-E’, H-H’, P-P’, lateral view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bars represent: 20 mm(A-E’, G-H, J-K, M-N, P-Q); 10 mm(F. I, O); 5 mm(L, R).





FIGURE 6. Posterior dorsal neural arches of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-D’, da#37; E-H’, da#38; I-L’, da#39. The neural arches are shown in: A-A’, E-E’, I-I’, cranial; B-B’, F-F’, J-J’, caudal; C-C’, G-G’, K-K’, lateral; D-D’, H-H’, L-L’, ventral view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bar represents 20 mm.





FIGURE 7. Posteriormost dorsal neural arches of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-D’, da#40; E-H’, da#41. The neural arches are shown in: A-A’, E-E’, cranial; B-B’, F-F’, caudal; C-C’, G-G’, lateral; D-D’, H-H’, ventral views Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones and grey areas represent sediment. Scale bar represents 20 mm.





FIGURE 8. Posterior middle to posteriormost dorsal centra of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-D, centrum #1; E-H, #2; I-L, #3; M-P, #4; Q-T, #5; U-X, #6; Y-AB, #7; AC-AF, #8; AG-AJ, #9. The centra are shown in: A, E, I, M, U, Q, Y, AC, AG, cranial or caudal; B, F, J, N, R, V, Z, AD, AH, lateral; C, G, K, O, S, W, AA, AE, AI, dorsal; D, H, L, P, T, X, AB, AF, AJ, ventral view. Scale bar represents 20 mm.





FIGURE 9. Sacral vertebrae of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-E’, sa1 and sa2; F-I, sc1; J-M, sc2. The neural arches are shown in: A-A’, cranial; B-B’, caudal; C-C’, dorsal; D-D’, ventral; E-E’, right lateral view; and the centra are shown in: F, J, cranial or caudal; G, K, dorsal; H, L, ventral; I, M, lateral view. Purple line indicates the neurocentral sutures. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones and grey areas represent sediment. Scale bar represents 20 mm.





FIGURE 10. Last sacral vertebra and caudal vertebrae of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-E’, S3 and ca1; F-I, cac#1. The neural arches are shown in: A-A’, cranial; B-B’, caudal; C-C’, left lateral; D-D’, right lateral; E-E’, dorsal view; and the centrum is shown in: F, cranial or caudal; G, lateral; H, dorsal; I, ventral view. Purple line indicates the neurocentral suture. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones and grey areas represent sediment. Scale bar represents 20 mm.





FIGURE 11. Selection of ribs of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-B, rib #1; C, #2; D, #3; E, #4; F, #5; G, #6; H, #7; I, #8; J, #9; K, sr#1; L, sr#2; M, sr#3; N, #10; O, #11. Scale bar represents 20 mm.





FIGURE 12. Pectoral girdle elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-A’, B-B’, left and right clavicles, plus interclavicula; C-C’, D-D’, left and right coracoids; E-G’, left scapula; H-J’, right scapula. The girdle elements are shown in: A-A’, C-C’, E-E’, H-H’, dorsal; B-B’, D-D’, ventral; E-E’, H-H’, lateral; G-G’, J-J’, medial view. Arrows point to the autapomorphic angled posterior border of the coracoid of P. multidentatus. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bar represents 50 mm.





FIGURE 13. Pelvic girdle elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-E’, right ilium; F-G’, left ilium; H-J, left pubis; K-M, left ischium. The pelvic elements are shown in: A-A’, G-G’, H-H’, L-L’, lateral; B-B’, F-F’, I-J, L-M, medial; C-C’, posterolateral; D-D’, dorsal; E-E’, ventral view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bars represent: 20 mm(A-I’, K-L’); 10 mm(J, M).





FIGURE 14. Forelimb elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-E’, left humerus; F-K’, right humerus. The forelimb elements are shown in: A-A’, F-F’, proximal; B-B’, G-G’, dorsal; C-C’, I-I’, preaxial; D-D’, J-J’, ventral; E-E’, K-K’, postaxial; H-H’, distal view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bar represents 50 mm.





FIGURE 15. Hindlimb elements of the holotype of Paludidraco multidentatus(MUPA-ATZ0101), from the Carnian(Late Triassic) of El Atance(Guadalajara, Central Spain)(see Figure S1 in the Appendix 1 for disarticulated elements of the specimen): A-E’, left femur; F-K’, right femur. The hindlimb elements are shown in: A-A’, F-F’, dorsal; B-B’, G-G’, proximal; C-C’, H-H’, preaxial; D-D’, J-J’, ventral; E-E’, K-K’, postaxial; I-I’, distal view. Dashed lines and areas represent broken bones. Scale bar represents 50 mm.
