andersonBrendan M. Anderson
Visiting Assistant Professor at Union College (NY) and a Research Associate at the Paleontological Research Institution.

Brendan M. Anderson received a bachelors (BA Honors) from Dartmouth College in Biological Sciences and Religion, a masters degree (MS) in Geology from the University of Kansas, and a doctorate (PhD) in Geosciences from Cornell University concentrating in Paleobiology. He subsequently held postdoctoral positions at West Virginia University, Baylor University, and the Paleontological Research Institution.
Brendan’s primary research interest molluscan, especially gastropod, macroevolutionary responses to environmental change. He employs a variety of techniques to address these questions including molecular and morphological phylogenetic paleobiology, community paleoecology, stable isotope sclerochronology, SEM and nano-CT imaging, and 3-D printing. Brendan is also interested in research on geoscience education and outreach and evidence-based tools and practices for broadening participation in paleontology, and science generally.
More information and a list of publications can be found at: