ahmedAhmed Awad Abdelhady
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University, 61519 El-Minia, Egypt.

Abdelhady has been graduated in 2002 from the Minia University in Egypt and received a master's degree in 2007 from the same university. He obtained his Ph.D. in invertebrate paleontology from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg (Germany) in 2014. Abdelhady has a postdoctoral training at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS), Beijing, China (2017-2018) and the Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna (2021). He won the Egyptian State Incentive Award in Natural Sciences (Geology) for the year 2020. His research and teaching interests include community ecology, paleobiogeography, morphometrics, sedimentology, and geochemistry in both modern and ancient aquatic ecosystems, combining traditional and quantitative approaches. Bivalves and gastropods are his favorite topics.