Finger-Tip Pull

While indirect evidence of isocrinid motility had been gathered through submersible observations since at least the mid-1980s (Messing 1985; Messing et al. 1988; Baumiller et al. 1991), direct evidence of crawling has until now consisted of one in situ report (Messing et al. 1988) and two sets of laboratory observations (Baumiller et al. 1991; Birenheide and Motokawa 1994). These direct observations revealed that during crawling the crinoid is prone on the substrate with most of the stalk horizontal. Only the proximal portion bent sharply away from the substrate, such that the oral-aboral axis of the calyx orients sub-vertically with the oral surface pointing up (Figure 2.1). The arms, arranged radially around the calyx, have their long axes sub-parallel to the substrate with ambulacra facing up. Crawling involves a repeating sequence of movements by the leading arms, that is, those directed away from the stalk, consisting of a power and a recovery stroke by each of the leading arms: 1) with the distal tip strongly flexed and pressing against the substrate, the rest of the arm curls slightly aborally, pulling the animal forward (power phase); 2) the arm tip lifts off the substrate and the arm straightens by extending orally (recovery phase); and 3) the tip lowers against the substrate and the sequence is repeated. This sequence is somewhat analogous to crawling using one's fingertips, and we refer to it as the "finger-tip pull" mode of crawling. The movement of the leading arms is out of phase; while some arms flex and pull, others straighten. The non-leading arms, that is, those on the side and closer to the stalk, are slightly flexed aborally and, together with the stalk and cirri, are pulled passively by the leading arms. In some instances, these arms have been observed to push the individual forward by anchoring the tip in the substrate, and extending orally (Birenheide and Motokawa 1994).


While finger-tip pull may characterize isocrinid locomotion under some circumstances, we recorded a very different crawling movement by a specimen of Neocrinus decorus on a ~5 minute video sequence during dive JSL 3479 (Figure 3). This behavior may be described as "elbow-crawl" (Figure 2.2). With the crinoid prone, the entire stalk is nearly straight, such that the stalk and the oral-aboral axis of the calyx are nearly parallel to the substrate. Strong aboral flexure curves the radiating arms so that their tips point toward the stalk. Those arms adjacent to the substrate undergo a sequence of power and recovery strokes, while the rest of the arms, elevated above the substrate, remain strongly flexed aborally, but virtually static. As in finger-tip pull crawling, the power stroke consists of aboral flexure of the arm, while the recovery involves oral straightening. However, whereas in finger-tip pull, only the flexed tip of the nearly straight arm presses against the substrate, and the ambulacral pinnule-bearing surface of the arm orients upward, in elbow-crawl, the arms remain flexed aborally throughout the stroke cycle so that it is the pinnule-covered oral side of the middle third to distal half of the arm that creates traction with the substrate. In the recovery stroke, the middle of the arm uncurls slightly while the base of the arm flexes toward the mouth, bringing the entire curved middle and distal portions of the arm up and forward one or a few centimeters. In the power stroke, the arm base bends away from the mouth, pushing the more strongly flexed arm down and backward against the substrate. The pinnules may also aid crawling via a ratchet-like mechanism. During the recovery stroke, the pinnules are lifted off the substrate and spread out at an angle from the arm axis. In the power stroke, as they touch the substrate, they flex at an acute angle opposite the direction of motion, perhaps functioning like oars.

In both modes of crawling, there is no support for the claim that crinoids "'walk about' on [cirri]" (Clarkson 1998, p. 297). However, as has been previously noted (Baumiller et al. 1991), there is incontrovertible evidence for some motility of cirri during locomotion, which suggests that these appendages might be involved in locomotion, perhaps as ratchets or hooks.


While isocrinids observed in the laboratory (Baumiller et al. 1991; Birenheide and Motokawa 1994) covered distances up to a meter using the finger-tip pull mode, their speeds were so slow that movement was nearly undetectable with the naked eye; for example, Birenheide and Motokawa (1994) reported speeds of 0.5 m h-1 (~0.1 mm sec-1). In this context, the most striking feature of the elbow-crawl mode recorded in situ is the much higher speed; Neocrinus decorus covered more than 3 m in just under 5 min, corresponding to an average speed of 36 m h-1 (~10 mm sec-1). In fact, the 5 min of recorded behavior consisted of spurts of even more rapid movement (~30 mm sec-1) interspersed with intervals of slower crawling or no movement.


The arms and stalk of crawling crinoids interact with the substrate, and this activity ought to produce traces. Previously, Messing et al. (1988) recognized what they considered to be two types of traces left by a crawling isocrinid: "a drag mark over 1 m long..." left by the stalk (p. 481); and "short radiating scratch marks" on the substrate around the crown and on the sediment surface behind an isocrinid made by the arms involved in crawling. Unfortunately, no photos of either trace are available. Our observations provide further proof for at least one such trace: in the video footage, grains of sediment are displaced as the stalk is pulled behind the crawling N. decorus producing a drag mark (Figure 4). While the low angle at which the video footage was shot makes it difficult to recognize any of the fine traces that would be produced by the power strokes of the arms, experiments with comatulids crawling on fine-grained substrate reveal the types of traces that such behavior is likely to produce (Figure 5).