2015, Volume 18
Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history
PE 18.1.1FC
Michael J. Benton, Philip C. J. Donoghue, Robert J. Asher, Matt Friedman, Thomas J. Near, and Jakob Vinther
Fossil calibration of Magnoliidae, an ancient lineage of angiosperm
PE 18.1.2FC
Julien Massoni, James Doyle, and Hervé Sauquet
Phylogenetically vetted and stratigraphically constrained fossil calibrations within Aves
PE 18.1.3FC
Daniel T. Ksepka and Julia A. Clarke
Sixteen vetted fossil calibrations for divergence dating of Charadriiformes (Aves, Neognathae
PE 18.1.4FC
N. Adam Smith
Four mammal fossil calibrations: balancing competing palaeontological and molecular considerations
PE 18.1.5FC
Matthew J. Phillips
Fossil calibration dates for molecular phylogenetic analysis of snakes 1: Serpentes, Alethinophidia, Boidae, Pythonidae
PE 18.1.6FC
Jason J. Head
Five well-supported fossil calibrations within the "Waterbird" assemblage (Tetrapoda, Aves)
PE 18.1.7FC
Nathan D. Smith and Daniel T. Ksepka
2016, Volume 19
How to date a dragonfly: Fossil calibrations for odonates
PE 19.1.1FC
Manpreet Kaur Kohli, Jessica L. Ware, and Günter Bechly
Fossil calibration dates for molecular phylogenetic analysis of snakes 2: Caenophidia, Colubroidea, Elapoidea, Colubridae
PE 19.2.2FC
Jason J. Head, Kristin Mahlow, and Johannes Müller
2017, Volume 20
Fossil calibrations for the cockroach phylogeny (Insecta, Dictyoptera, Blattodea), comments on the use of wings for their identification, and a redescription of the oldest Blaberidae
PE 20.3.1FC
Dominic A. Evangelista, Marie Djernæs, and Manpreet Kaur Kohli
2018, Volume 21
The earliest known occurrence of Elgaria (Squamata: Anguidae) and a minimum age for crown Gerrhonotinae: Fossils from the Split Rock Formation, Wyoming, USA
PE 21.1.1FC
Simon Scarpetta
2023, Volume 26
Twenty-five well-justified fossil calibrations for primate divergences
PE 26.1.8A
Dorien de Vries and Robin M.D. Beck