Very few well-preserved, articulated, and complete pectoral
girdle and forelimbs of ceratopsids are known. The specimen described here
provides a rare opportunity to document these aspects of ceratopsid anatomy. In
addition, because all elements were completely freed from the matrix during
preparation, it was possible to fabricate an accurate replica of all elements
that could then be conveniently manipulated without risk to the fragile bones.
This permitted us to assemble a working model of the forelimb skeleton to test
current hypotheses of ceratopsid limb stance that had been generated using
incomplete or composite material, or based on qualitative assessments of museum
skeletal mounts. Manipulation of this model suggests that neither the classic
sprawling stance (Figure 9.1, 9.4), nor the completely upright stance (Figure 9.2,
9.5) was possible. Rather, the humerus maintained a relatively low angle to the
frontal plane throughout most of the step cycle. The elbow was moderately
everted. Such a forelimb stance is not incompatible with a moderately
well-developed cursorial gait, but hardly implies that they approached extant
quadrapedal or graviportal mammals in their range of locomotor abilities.
Compression on the medial side of the metacarpus and manus that occurred during
the propulsive phase as a result of this unique humeral orientation may explain
the occurrence of bone abnormalities in this region in some ceratopsids.