Ágnes Görög
Agnes GorogDepartment of Palaeontology
Eötvös University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Budapest, H-1117

Micropalaeontologist Ágnes Görög is an assistant professor in the Palaeontological Department at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Her diploma work was on the Sarmatian (Late Miocene) benthic foraminifera. After she defended her PhD. Theses on Cretaceous Orbitolinids of Hungary. Her research concerns the taxonomy, stratigraphy and ecology of foraminifera from Late Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Miocene. Since 1994 together with professor Roland Wernli (Univ. Genève) she is focused on the taxonomy, palaeobiogeography and evolution of early planktonic foraminifera. She is the leader of the Hantken Foundation.

Balázs Szinger.
Balaz SzingerDepartment of Palaeontology
Eötvös University,
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C,
Budapest, H-1117

Balázs Szinger is a micropalaeontologist. Currently he is doing a Ph.D. research in Eötvös University of Budapest. He also got his M.S. degree (2004) in Geology at the Eötvös University of Budapest, his thesis was about Lower Cretaceous foraminifera. Since 2007 he is micropalaentologist in the MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc. His major research topic is sedimentology and micropalaeontology of the Hungarian Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous.

Emőke Tóth
tothResearch Group for Palaeontology
Hungarian Academy of Sciences-Hungarian Natural History Museum - Department of Palaeontology
Eötvös University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Budapest, H-1117

Emőke Tóth is a micropalaeontologist and first lecturer at Department of Palaeontology, Eötvös University, Budapest. She received her M.S. (2005) in Geology from the Eötvös University of Budapest and her Ph.D. (2009) in Palaeontology from the Eötvös University and from the University Claude Bernard-Lyon1 (France). She worked 2009 to 2011 at HAS-HNHM Research Group for Palaeontology, Budapest. Her current research interests include the systematics, evolution and palaeoecology of Mesozoic ostracods. Other interests relate to the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Middle Miocene Paratethys based on palaeontological and geochemical analyses (stable isotopes and trace elements) of ostracods and foraminifers.

János Viszkok
Janos ViszkokCentral Geo Ltd
Mária út 10,
Szolnok, H-5000

János Viszkok, Dr. es Sci., head of Geological Division, having finished his M.Sc. degree he started his career at MOL Plc. (and its predecessor) in 1987. He participated - in different levels - as well-site, research and reservoir geologist in Hungarian and International oil prospects. He got his Dr. of Sciences degree at University of Geneva in 2000. He fulfilled a post-doc status at Total (former ELF, later Totalfinaelf) at its research center in France. From 2002 he was appointed to the head of Aquaplus Ltd. Hydrogeological Division, in 2006 he moved to Central Geo Ltd. (Hungary) as chief geologist.

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