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A new genus and species of fossil pseudoscorpion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from the Eocene amber of Western India
PE 27.2.26

Priya Agnihotri, Hukam Singh, Kumarapuram A Subramanian, Jagannadh Vishwanathan, and Ashok Sahni

Flatbed scanners as versatile tools for studying surface details of compression fossils
PE 27.2.27

Mario Schädel and Richard Schubert

Shell anatomy and intraspecific variability of the Spanish Lutetian podocnemidid turtle Neochelys zamorensis
PE 27.2.28

Adán Pérez-García, Andrea Guerrero, Santiago Martín de Jesús, and Francisco Ortega

A new giraffid Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Ruminantia, Giraffidae) from the Miocene of northern Pakistan
PE 27.2.29

María Ríos, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas, Muhammad Akbar Khan, and Nikos Solounias

New insights on the anatomy, paleobiology, and biostratigraphy of Xenungulata (Mammalia) from the Paleogene of South America
PE 27.2.30

Javier N. Gelfo, Guillermo M. López, and Mariano Bond

The first cranium of Axestemys infernalis (Testudines: Trionychidae) from the Lance Formation of Wyoming, USA; an updated description and phylogenetic analysis
PE 27.2.31

Jasper Ponstein, Jonathan J.W. Wallaard, Maarten de Rijke, and René H.B. Fraaije

One or two species? Revision of fossil martens from the late Early Pleistocene sites Deutsch Altenburg 2 and 4 (Austria)
PE 27.2.32

Adrian Marciszak and Doris Nagel

The long and icy journey of Mesozoic marine reptile vertebrae from northern Germany, their provenance and internal structures
PE 27.2.33

Marco Schade, André Deutschmann, Christian Foth, Carina Paetzel, Tobias Püttmann, Michael Kenzler, and Sebastian Stumpf

New remains of Liopleurodon (Reptilia, Plesiosauria) from the Middle Jurassic of western France and paedomorphosis within pliosaurids
PE 27.2.34

Peggy Vincent, Didier Poncet, Anthony Rard, Jean-Pierre Robin, and Rémi Allemand 

A pterosaurian connecting link from the Late Jurassic of Germany
PE 27.2.35

Frederik Spindler

Morphometric investigation of Tribrachidium from Nilpena Ediacara National Park, South Australia
PE 27.2.36

Tory L. Botha, Mary L. Droser, Diego C. García-Bellido, and Emma Sherratt

First fossil snake from McFaddin Beach, Texas, USA
PE 27.2.37

Deanna Flores, Antonio Meza, Christopher J. Bell, Stacie Skwarcan, William Godwin, Jesse Fremont, and Patrick J. Lewis 

Fossil calibrations for molecular analyses and divergence time estimation for true crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura)
PE 27.2.38

Javier Luque, Heather D. Bracken-Grissom, Javier Ortega-Hernández, and Joanna M. Wolfe

Estimating the endocranial volume and body mass of Anteosaurus, Jonkeria, and Moschops (Dinocephalia, Therapsida) using 3D sculpting
PE 27.2.39

Julien Benoit and A.J. Midzuk

Postcranial anatomy of the Spanish Upper Triassic sauropterygian Paludidraco multidentatus (Simosauridae)
PE 27.2.40

Alberto Cabezuelo-Hernández, Carlos De Miguel Chaves, Francisco Ortega, and Adán Pérez-García

A reassessment on Luchibang xingzhe: A still valid istiodactylid pterosaur within a chimera 
PE 27.2.41

David W. E. Hone, Shunxing Jiang, Adam J. Fitch, Yizhi Xu, and Xing Xu

Unveiling the histology and anatomy of the lungfish Chaoceratodus portezuelensis (Sarcopterygii: Dipnoi) from the Portezuelo and Cerro Lisandro formations (Upper Cretaceous) of Argentine Patagonia
PE 27.2.42

Karen M. Panzeri and Federico A. Guzmán

Temperate to tropical palaeoclimates on the northwest margin of Europe during the middle Cenozoic
PE 27.2.43

Jessica McCoy, Martha E. Gibson, Emma P. Hocking, Jennifer M.K. O’Keefe, James B. Riding, Raymond Roberts, Stewart Campbell, Geoffrey D. Abbott, and Matthew J. Pound

Accurate specimen digitization through glass achieved and validated using 3D surface scanning
PE 27.2.44

Valentin Fischer, Nicolas Vaczi, Rebecca F. Bennion, Romain Cottereau, Jessica Lawrence Wujek, and Jamie A. MacLaren



Palaeontologia Electronica among the most influential palaeontological journals
PE 27.2.2e

Carolin Haug, Matúš Hyžný, Russell Bicknell, Oleksandr Kovalchuk, Heinrich Mallison, Diana Elizabeth Fernández, and Gabriela Sobral