FIGURE 1. 1, location map of the Jebel Qatrani area, Fayum Depression. 2, stratigraphic positions and age estimates for major mammal-bearing fossil localities, following Seiffert (2006), EOB is abbreviation for Eocene Oligocene Boundary. 3, map of Jebel Qatrani area, showing different rock units, common landmarks and the approximate position of anthracothere-bearing fossil localities.


FIGURE 2. Dental terminology used to describe features of the deciduous premolars of Bothriogenys fraasi, following Bärmann and Rössner (2011).


FIGURE 3. 1-4, right partial maxilla of DPC 5167 with dP2-M1, in (1) lateral, (2) medial, (3) anterior, and (4) occlusal views; 5, right partial maxilla of DPC 20439 ( with dP3- dP4, in occlusal view; 6-8, right dP4 of DPC 3224 (, in (6) occlusal, (7) lingual, (8) ventral views; 9, DPC 11416 ( with dP1- dP4, in occlusal view.


FIGURE 4. Left mandibular fragment of DPC 11416 ( with dP1- dP4, showing stage I of the eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi, in (1) lateral, (2) internal, (3) medial, and (4) occlusal views.


FIGURE 5. Right mandibular fragment of DPC 7706 ( with dP2- M1, showing stage II of the eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi, in (1) lateral, (2) medial, (3-4) internal, and (5) occlusal views.


FIGURE 6. Right mandibular fragment of DPC 2705 ( with dP2- M1, showing stage III of the eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi, in (1) lateral, (2) medial, (3-4) internal, and (5) occlusal views.


FIGURE 7. Right mandibular fragment of DPC 13562 ( with P2, dP3-4, M1-M2, showing stage IV of the eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi, in (1) lateral, (2, 4) internal and X-ray, and (3) medial views.


FIGURE 8. Right mandibular fragment of DPC 6207 ( with P2- M3, showing stage V of the eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi, in (1) lateral, (2) occlusal, (3) medial, (4) internal views; 5-6, right partial maxilla of DPC 10677 (, in (5) occlusal and (6) medial views.


FIGURE 9. Comparison of the different stages (I-V) of the eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi.


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