FIGURE 1. Geographical position of the type locality Pellendorf in Austria in an overview (X = position of Pellendorf) and exact map (M = sandpit Max, S = sandpit Semrad).


FIGURE 2. Part of the sediment block with the two leaves of Aristolochia austriaca nov. spec. in the same layer, (GBA 2008/085/0001a, b), scale bar 5 cm, HT = holotype, PT = paratype, ? = unidentifiable leaf fragments in a different layer.


FIGURE 3. Holotype of Aristolochia austriaca nov. spec., GBA 2008/085/0001a, scale bar 1.3 cm.


FIGURE 4. Paratype of Aristolochia austriaca nov. spec., (upper row) GBA 2008/085/0001b; and its counterpart (lower row), scale bars 1 cm.


FIGURE 5. cf. Aristolochia austriaca nov. spec., GBA 2008/085/0002, scale bar 1 cm.


FIGURE 6. Examples of Aristolochia leaves of extant species, all scale bars 1 cm. 1. A. sempervirens Linnaeus, 1753 (W 1889-284039, see also Figure 7). 2-4. A. rotunda Linnaeus, 1753 (6.2. W 1956-08094, 6.3. W 1976-06490, 6.44. W 1966-12346). 5. A. baetica Linnaeus, 1753 (W Herbar Jacq. Fil., see also Figure 9.1).


FIGURE 7. Voucher of Aristolochia sempervirens Linnaeus, 1753 (W 1889-284039) with a leaf of different shape at the base of one shoot (arrow); this leaf is figured in Figure 6.1, scale bar 5 cm.


FIGURE 8. Voucher of Aristolochia baetica Linnaeus, 1753 (W 1970-10884). 1. overview of two stems, scale bar 5 cm. 2. two normal leaves, detail of the upper stem, scale bar 1 cm. 3. one normal leaf type and one wider and infolded leaf (arrow), detail of the lower stem, scale bar 1 cm.


FIGURE 9. Examples of Aristolochia species with small and wide leaves. 1. A. baetica Linnaeus, 1753 (W Herbar. Jacq. Fil.), the upper leaf is figured in Figure 6.5 in detail, scale bar 5 cm. 2. A. bridgesii (Klotzsch) Duchartre, 1864 (W Herb. Cuming.), scale bar 1 cm. 3. A. chilensis Bridges ex Lindley, 1834 (W H. Endl. Chili-Cuming), scale bar 1 cm.



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