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First record of an Eomysticetidae from the Late Oligocene at the Pilon locality, San Gregorio Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico
PE 28.1.a1

Cielo Cedillo-Avila, Gerardo González-Barba, and Azucena Solis-Añorve

A taxonomic revision of the Cenomanian bothremydid turtle Algorachelus parva from Israel and morphological variation within its genus
PE 28.1.a2

Adán Pérez-García 

Noninvasive elemental XRF characterization of mudstone lagerstätten for provenance identification: Advantages and limitations
PE 28.1.a3

Alejandro Gil-Delgado, Jordi Ibáñez-Insa, Albert Sellés, Xavier Delclòs, Àngel Galobart, Matías Reolid, David Cruset, Soledad Álvarez, and Oriol Oms

Paleoecology and taphonomy of spatangoid echinoid-produced burrows (Scolicia) in slope and basin floor deposits from the Eocene of Cuba
PE 28.1.a4

Jorge Villegas-Martín, Renata G. Netto, Reinaldo Rojas-Consuegra, and Jordi M. de Gibert

Drishti and Amira – different visualizations exemplified by the early Cambrian Chengjiang arthropod Leanchoilia illecebrosa from China
PE 28.1.a5

Michel Schmidt, Roland R. Melzer, Huijuan Mai, Xianguang Hou, and Yu Liu

Further trimming down the marine heavyweights: Perucetus colossus did not come close to, much less exceed, the tonnage of blue whales, and the latter are not ultra-sized either
PE 28.1.a6

Gregory S. Paul and Asier Larramendi

Unveiling the cheilostome bryozoan fauna of Daidokutsu submarine cave (Okinawa, Japan) over the last 7,000 years
PE 28.1.a7

Emanuela Di Martino, Antonietta Rosso, Paul D. Taylor, Ruby W.T. Chiu, Kazuhiko Fujita, Akihisa Kitamura, and Moriaki Yasuhara

Glossary of fossil tetrapod tracks
PE 28.1.a8

Jens N. Lallensack, Giuseppe Leonardi, and Peter L. Falkingham

The morphological diversity and distribution of the genus Menispermites (Magnoliopsida) in the Cretaceous of Northern Asia
PE 28.1.a9

A.A. Zolina, L.B. Golovneva, and A.A. Grabovskiy 

First butterfly (Papilionoidea) from Baltic amber by a characteristic egg pinpoints an Eocene minimal age of admirals (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae) — a distinct step in the rise of the Papilionoidea
PE 28.1.a10

Thilo C. Fischer and Axel Hausmann

Following their footsteps: Report of vertebrate fossil tracks from John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon, USA
PE 28.1.a11

Conner J. Bennett, Nicholas A. Famoso, and Daniel I. Hembree

Reassessment of the possible size, form, weight, cruising speed, and growth parameters of the extinct megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon (Lamniformes: Otodontidae), and new evolutionary insights into its gigantism, life history strategies, ecology, and extinction
PE 28.1.a12

Kenshu Shimada, Ryosuke Motani, Jake J. Wood, Phillip C. Sternes, Taketeru Tomita, Mohamad Bazzi, Alberto Collareta, Joel H. Gayford, Julia Türtscher, Patrick L. Jambura, Jürgen Kriwet, Romain Vullo, Douglas J. Long, Adam P. Summers, John G. Maisey, Charlie Underwood, David J. Ward, Harry M. Maisch IV, Victor J. Perez, Iris Feichtinger, Gavin J.P. Naylor, Joshua K. Moyer, Timothy E. Higham, João Paulo C.B. da Silva, Hugo Bornatowski, Gerardo González-Barba, Michael L. Griffiths, Martin A. Becker, and Mikael Siversson

High local variability in elevation of the Oldman-Dinosaur Park Formation contact revealed by digital outcrop reconstruction, and implications for dinosaur biostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Belly River Group of Alberta, Canada 
PE 28.1.a13

Alexandre V. Demers-Potvin and Hans C.E. Larsson 

