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A new genus and species of fossil pseudoscorpion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from the Eocene amber of Western India
PE 27.2.26

Priya Agnihotri, Hukam Singh, Kumarapuram A Subramanian, Jagannadh Vishwanathan, and Ashok Sahni

Flatbed scanners as versatile tools for studying surface details of compression fossils
PE 27.2.27

Mario Schädel and Richard Schubert

Shell anatomy and intraspecific variability of the Spanish Lutetian podocnemidid turtle Neochelys zamorensis
PE 27.2.28

Adán Pérez-García, Andrea Guerrero, Santiago Martín de Jesús, and Francisco Ortega

A new giraffid Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Ruminantia, Giraffidae) from the Miocene of northern Pakistan
PE 27.2.29

María Ríos, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas, Muhammad Akbar Khan, and Nikos Solounias

New insights on the anatomy, paleobiology, and biostratigraphy of Xenungulata (Mammalia) from the Paleogene of South America
PE 27.2.30

Javier N. Gelfo, Guillermo M. López, and Mariano Bond

The first cranium of Axestemys infernalis (Testudines: Trionychidae) from the Lance Formation of Wyoming, USA; an updated description and phylogenetic analysis
PE 27.2.31

Jasper Ponstein, Jonathan J.W. Wallaard, Maarten de Rijke, and René H.B. Fraaije

One or two species? Revision of fossil martens from the late Early Pleistocene sites Deutsch Altenburg 2 and 4 (Austria)
PE 27.2.32

Adrian Marciszak and Doris Nagel