Article Search

Note: the following index is comprised of keywords or phrases designated by authors or editors for each article. The link is directly to the article. The numerical designation refers to the year and the issue for that year.

H - I - J - K - L - M


Haasiophis ..................... The skull of Pachyrachis 2005.1 
habitat .......................... Marine biogeography controls 2010.3
Artiodactyl postcrania 2012.1
Mating moths 2019.1
habitat in copula ........... Mating moths 2019.1
habitat reconstruction .... New fossil cylindrical beetle 2019.2
Hadrictis ..................... The large Eomellivora fricki 2017.1
Hadrosauridae .............. Hadrosaurid forearm 2012.3
Hadrosaur(s) .................. Gait reconstruction 2009.3
High latitude hadrosaurs 2011.3 
Hadrosaurid forearm 2012.3
Halecomorph fish ......... Jurassic fish - X-ray 2015.3
Halplidae ........................ New Cretaceous beetle larvae 2023.3
halo .............................. 3D "Phycosiphoniform" burrows 2009.3 
hamiticonic ................... Body position and function in Cretaceous ammonites  1998.1 
Hangenberg Crisis ........ Brachiopods from Thuringia 2019.1
hardground ................... A late Silurian hardground 2010.2 
harmful algal bloom ...... A Shear-Compression Fracture (2022.3)
Hattiesburg Formation ... Miocene Plants of Mississippi 2019.2
Hauffiopteryx ................... Revision of Hauffiopteryx 2020.2 
Hauterivian-Barremian ... Mizzia-like alga 2017.1
Havasupai Canyon ........ Rock art "dinosaurs" 2012.2
head ............................. Visualising muscle Anatomy 2009.3 
head-butting ................. Brain Size in Dinocephalia 2024.2
helcionellid .................. Biology of Mellopegma 2011.2 
helical colonies ............ Helical colony form 2006.2 
Heliconoides ................. Pteropoda from Tanzania 2017.3
Helladotherium ............... Giraffidae of Thermopigi 2019.3
hemichordates ................. Krejciella reinterpreted 2022.2
Hemipristis .................... Quantitative change in Hemipristis 2006.1 
Hemphillian .................. Mustelid from Arizona 2011.3
Horned Toad Hills fauna 2011.3 
Discriminant ID of postcrania 2013.3
Alturas geochronology 2014.3
herbivores .................. Buluk, Kenya stable isotopes 2024.1
herbivory ...................... Ungulate FEA 2010.3 
Herodotus .................... Dinosaurs in Greco-Roman art? 2013.3
Herpetofauna ............... Pleistocene herpetofaunas from Kärlich 2011.3 
Fossil Herps from Fălciu 2022.2
Heterostraci ................. Psammosteids revision 2019.2
Hetang Biota ................
Protomonaxonid relationships 2013.2
heterochrony ............... Gastropod heterochrony model 2015.1
heteromorph ................. Body position and function in Cretaceous ammonites  1998.1 
heterosoricidae ............. Heterosoricidae: Soricids from RA basin 2019.3
Heterotermitinae ............ New termite from Rovno amber 2021.1 
hexactinellida ................... Teganium from Wales 2023.2
hexactinellid sponges ... Foraminifera caught in sponges 2006.1 
High Dynamic Range
(HDR) .............................

HDR imaging in paleontology 2009.1 
high-fiber herbivory ....... New eupelycosaur 2018.3
Himalayas ..................... Paleogeography of the Indus River and Himalayan tectonics 2005.1
Geology of river canyons in Western China 2005.1 
hip ............................... Modeling extinct locomotion 2024.1
Hipparion ....................... Hipparionin dental microwear 2022.1
Hipparion Red Clay ...... Translation of Zdansky's 1923 Hipparion fauna of Shanxi 2005.1 
Hispaniola Island ........... Dominican amber Tropiduchidae 2019.3
histology ....................... Scottish diplacanthid fishes 2016.1
Deciphering Diplodocid Growth 2017.3
Ramsåsa acanthodian fin spines 2017.3
Cheiracanthus from Scotland 2020.1 
Histology of spinosaurid teeth 2020.3 
New Devonian acanthodian 2023.1
history .......................... Commentary: Twenty years online! 2017.1
Tübingen Palaeontology Archive 2019.2
history of science .......... Tübingen Palaeontology Archive 2019.2
hoax ............................... Late-surviving pterosaur? 2013.1
Late-surviving pterosaurs? 2014.3
hobby ........................ Amateur paleontology 2022.1
holdfast ......................... Image segmentation 2014.3
Holocene ....................... Identification key, Holocene fresh-water thecamoebians 1998.1
Stable isotopes in scallops and paleotemperatures 2000.2
Fish scales of British Columbia and paleofisheries
Benthic foraminifera from Bermuda 2003.1
Solar variation and Holocene fish productivity 2004.1
Taxonomy foraminifera 2012.2 
Cannibalism in gastropods 2013.1
Quaternary gastropods 2015.3
Pre-colonial Piedmont forests 2019.1
Benthic foraminifera off Peru 2017.2
Offshore Namibian foraminifera 2020.2 
Late Holocene Fauna from Cuba 2020.3
Vanished Ecosystem 2021.1
Sorex morphospace dynamics 2023.3
Holocene bryozoans from Japan 2025.1
holotype .......................... Gobilagus and Asian Eocene lagomorphs 2005.1 
Museo de La Plata Catalogue 2013.1
hominin .......................... Modeling extinct locomotion 2024.1
hominid/s ......................... Removing fossil deformation 2008.2 
Holistic analysis of bone 2014.3
Hominoidea, Miocene ..... Problems stemming from misassignment of Sivapithecus teeth 2005.1 
Homolodromioidea ......... The crab Eodromites 2015.3
New species of Tanidromites 2016.3
New Bajocian crab from France 2021.2
Systematics of Laeviprosopon 2023.1
homologie ...................... Cranial turtle musculature 2011.2 
homonym ........................ Moncharmontzeiana new genus 2010.2 
Homoloidea ............... Systematics of Laeviprosopon 2023.1
transformation .................

Quasihomothetic transformation 2013.3
horn use ..........................  Horn use in Triceratops 2004.1 
horseshoe crab ................ A Permian austrolimulid 2019.3
Hubertoceras (Ammonoidea) ................
Antidimorph of Hubertoceras 2017.2
Huehuetla ........................... Huehuetla Turonian vertebrates 2019.1
Hueyatlaco stratigraphy .. Stratigraphic debate at Hueyatlaco 2011.3 
humerus ......................... Pliocene chrysochlorids 2010.1 
Plio-Pleistocene moles 2015.2
Condylura fossil 2016.3
Mammal humeri across the K/Pg 2017.3
Plesiosaur humeral pathology 2018.1
humidity ......................... Pyrite disease 2020.3
Hungarosaurus ...............
Skull of Hungarosaurus 2014.1
Hyainailourinae .............. New Eocene African hyaenodonts 2016.3
Hybodontiformes ......... Permian sharks of Greece 2017.1
hybrid speciation .............. Mammoths, DNA and morphology 2024.3
Hydra Island ................. Permian sharks of Greece 2017.1
hydrogeology ............ Dotilla Pellet designs 2024.1
hydrospire ..................... Blastoid hydrospire fluid flow 2015.1
hydrostatics ................... Body position and function in Cretaceous ammonites  1998.1
hydrothermal system ...... La Starza forams and ostracods 2018.3
hyena ........................... The origin of the brown hyena 2024.1
hymenosomatidae .......... Chattian hymenosomatids 2024.1
hyoid .............................. Whale hyoid 2024.1 
Hyotheriinae ................. Turkish Early Miocene suids 2015.2
hypaxial abdominal muscles Gastralia of Plateosaurus   2014.1
hypocone .......................
Hypocones in Eocene Adapids 2012.3


Iberian Peninsula ......... Eocene squamates from Spain 2013.1
Last Iberian mastodon (2014)
Crocuta spelaea in Iberia 2017.1
Early Eocene lizards 2017.2
Soricids from RA basin 2019.3
Postcranium of Paludidraco 2024.2
Iberian range ............... Biodiversity of “La Cantalera" 2015.2
Ice Age ....................... Biodiversity across the LPIA 2020.2
ichnofabric .................... 3D "Phycosiphoniform" burrows 2009.3
Paleozoic infaunalization 2011.2
ichnite ................................ Digital preservation 2019.1
ichnofacies .................... Foram borings 2003.1
ichnofossil/s ................. 3D "Phycosiphoniform" burrows 2009.3
Neoichnology of scorpions 2012.1
Neoichnology of spirobolids 2014.1
Neoichnology of sand skinks 2014.3
Neoichnology of spiders 2015.1
Neoichnology of tarantulas 2017.3
ichnogenus ................... Ambergrisichnus alleronae 2014.2
ichnology ....................... Computer simulation of foraging strategies 1998.2 
Foram borings 2003.1
Ambergrisichnus alleronae 2014.2
Armadillo foraging pits 2014.3
Neoichnology of toads 2015.2
Quantifying ichthyoliths 2017.1
Downslope trackways 2017.2
Tubulichnium – deep-sea trace 2017.2
UAVs and dinosaur tracksites 2018.3
Glossary of tetrapod tracks 2025.1
ichnospecies ................. Ambergrisichnus alleronae 2014.2
Trace fossil Polykampton 2019.1
ichnotaxonomy .............. Foram borings 2003.1
Tubulichnium – deep-sea trace 2017.2
Trace fossil Polykampton 2019.1
Icthyodectiformes ..... A long-nose ichthyodectiform 2024.3 
ichthyoliths..................... Cenozoic and Cretaceous ichthyoliths 2005.2
Quantifying ichthyoliths 2017.1
ichthyosaur .................... Icthyosaur from Texas 2011.3
Spanish ichthyosaurs 2018.2
Digitisation through glass 2024.2
Ichthyosauria .............. Digitisation through glass 2024.2
Idaho ............................... New Vaccinioideae species 2019.3
ionic liquids ................... Removing SEM coating 2012.2
idealized model .............. Digital fossil restoration 2012.1
identification .................. Recent South Atlantic radiolarians 1998.2
identification guide .......... Analysis of fossil ID guides 2020.1
identification key .......... Holocene fresh-water thecamoebians 1998.1
The database 2015.3
Iguanodontia ............... Skull of Tenontosaurus (2015.2)
Iguanodontian phylogeny 2022.3
Iharkút ........................ Skull of Hungarosaurus 2014.1
illustration ..................... QuickTime virtual reality for illustrating microfossils  1998.2
Virtual whitening of fossils 2013.2
image enhancement ..... Polarized light in photographing fossils in shales 2000.1
Manipulation of light sources to enhance fossil imaging 2002.1
HDR imaging in paleontology 2009.1
Virtual whitening of fossils 2013.2
image processing ......... Improving depth of field 2009.2
imaging ........................ Visualising muscle anatomy 2009.3
Image segmentation 2014.3
Optical tomography comparisons 2015.1
Digitization workflows 2016.3
Pterosaur soft parts 2023.2
imaging techniques ...... Ordovician holothurian 2013.1
immunochemsitry ............ Commentary: Keratin protein preservation 2019.3
inclusion/s .......................

Eocene crane fly from Baltic amber 2015.1
A new Limoniidae from Miocene 2016.2
New Coccinelloidea from Eocene 2018.1
First butterfly in Baltic amber 2025.1

index of stratigraphic potential (ISP) ...............
Ranking of invertebrates 2019.2
India ............................. Umiaites from Kutch 2009.1
Thecamoebian Community 2012.1
Whales from India 2014.3
Uca lactea mud mounds 2015.2
Antidimorph of Hubertoceras 2017.2
Taxonomy, Recent foraminifera 2019.3
Testate lobose amoebae 2020.3 
Rodents from Dunera, India 2023.3
Dotilla Pellet designs 2024.1
Cranial anatomy of Indohyus 2024.1
Pseudoscorpion in Indian amber 2024.2
India (East coast) ......... Taxonomy, Recent foraminifera 2019.3
Indian coast ................. Nyctithere postcrania 2013.3
Indian Ocean ................ Cephalopod dispersal 2008.3
Taxonomy of Holocene pylonioid 2017.3
Indohyus ................ Cranial anatomy of Indohyus 2024.1
Indonesia ....................... Biogeography and Christmas Island forams 2003.2
Indus River .................... Paleogeography of the Indus River and Himalayan tectonics 2005.1
inertia ........................... Allosaurus body mass 2009.3
infaunalization ............. Paleozoic infaunalization 2011.2
infrastructure .............. Virtual palaeontology toolkit 2012.2
infructescence ............. New Vaccinioideae species 2019.3
Inglis ............................ Sigmodon variation 2011.3
injuries ........................... Abnormal xiphosurids 2018.2
Injured trilobites in the TMP 2020.2
inner ear ....................... Braincase and osteoderms of Shinisaurus2005.1
inner shelf  .................... Namibian anoxia 2010.2
innervation ................... Cranial turtle musculature 2011.2
Ischyromys .................... "Protrogomorph" rodents 2020.2 
insect ............................ New Eocene cockroach 2015.1
Pleistocene insects Ob River 2019.1
Diptera larvae in Baltic amber (2021.1)
insecta ......................... Fossil Scatopsidae in amber 2016.2
Paleocene Gerridae from France 2016.3
Marine Miocene insect 2017.3
insect fossil/s ............. New World fossil Dixidae 2016.3
insectivore mammals ... Eulipotyphla from Ukraine 2016.1
Validity of Sorex subaraneus 2018.2
insect sub-fossil ........... Pleistocene insects Ob River 2019.1
insect trace fossils ......... Mammal sites from Northwestern Bohemia 2005.1
insular conlonization .... Deinogalerix from Scontrone 2017.1
insular dwarfism ........... Langenberg tracks 2015.2
insularity ....................... Miocene rodents from Italy
Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program ...........

Taxonomic revision of 36 deep sea benthic foraminifers
Integrated Plant Record (IPR) .....................
Advances in IPR analysis
integument ....................... Pterosaur soft parts 2023.2
interactive data
language .......................
Paleogeographic modeling with IDL 2004.2
interactive searching ..... Modelling from family diversity 1999.2 
visualization ..................

Manipulation of light sources to enhance fossil imaging
interdenteonal dentine ..... Cretaceous lungfish analysis 2024.2
intergrowth .................... Rugosan bryozoan intergrowth 2018.1
intermembranous bone . Variability in mammal bones 2010.1
internal acoustic meatusinternal acoustic meatus (IAM) .................. Two exceptional Balaenomorpha 2023.3
internal structures ......... XMT on brachiopod fossils 2017.2
International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) ........................
The NSB database 2020.1 
Internet ........................... PVC Preface 2019.3
interpolations.................  Paleogeographic modeling with IDL 2004.2
intertrappean sediments .. Testate lobose amoebae 2020.3 
intraspecific variation / variability ... GIS-based morphometrics 2014.1
Bone histology sauropods 2021.1
intraspecies variation ... A new skull of Numataphocoena 2016.3
inventory and
monitoring .....................

GIS at John Day Fossil Beds
intervals ...................... Novel distance for intervals 2023.2
inverse kinematics ........ Edmontosaurus mastication 2008.2
invertebrates ............... Size and shape reification 2013.3
Ranking of invertebrates 2019.2
invertebrate fossils ......... Ranking of invertebrates 2019.2
invertebrate paleontology .. Collections biases 2020.3
Ionia Sea ...................... Deep water ostracods 2015.2
Iran ............................... Pennsylvanian fusulinids from Iran 2006.1
Middle to Late Permian Foraminifera 2015.1
Quaternary mammals of Iran 2016.3
Irvingtonian .................. Irvingtonian arvicolines 2011.3
Ischyromyidaea ........... Eocene rodents from Oregon 2017.2
Ishimosorex ................... New Neogene anourosoricin shrews from northern Asia 2022.3
island biogeography .........  Palaeoecology and rising seas 2021.2
island gigantism ......... Body mass of Candiacervus 2022.2
Isoptera .................. Opalized Termite Coprolites 2024.3
isosurface ...................... Visualization and reconstruction of 3-D fossils 2001.1
Israel ............................. The skull of Pachyrachis 2005.1
Qesem Bats 2013.3
A bothremydid turtle in Israel 2025.1
Itaboraí basin ................ Enamel microstructure Carodnia 2017.2
Italy ............................... Miocene rodents from Italy 2006.2
Ambergrisichnus alleronae 2014.2
Elongated theropod tracks 2015.3
Moncucco Torinese: paleoecology and paleoclimatology 2017.1
Deinogalerix from Scontrone 2017.1
New material of Alierasaurus 2017.2
Trace fossil Polykampton 2019.1
Yakhtashian algae, Carnic Alps 2019.3
Italy, SW Sardinia ......... Crushed Silurian cephalopods reflect compaction 2001.2
Ithonidae ....................... Unusual lacewing larvae 2022.2


Janacekia ..................... On Janeia and Janacekia (2021.1) 
Janeia .............................. On Janeia and Janacekia (2021.1) 
Japan ........................ Japanese fossil lizards 2015.2
Otoliths from Cretaceous 2024.1
jaw appataratus ....... Analysis of ammonoid jaws 2016.3
Jebel Qatrani
Formation ..

Egyptian Ameghinornithid
Jehol ...................... Iteravis histology 2015.2
John Day Fossil Beds .... GIS at John Day Fossil Beds 2020.1
John Day Formation ...... Eocene rodents from Oregon 2017.2
John Day Fossil Tracks 2025.1
joints ......................... Cranial joints in Sphenodon 2011.2 
Joman period ..........
A Japanese Holocene whale 2017.3
journal ...................... Commentary: Twenty years online! 2017.1
Commentary: Sponsorships and updates 2017.2
Commentary: Priorities 2019.1
journal policies......... Open Access in palaeontology 2019.1
Judith River Formation ... Judith River Formation turtle tracks 2005.1
Jurassic ................. Tlaxiaco Jurassic vertebrates 2014.2
The crab Eodromites 2015.3
German Jurassic megalosaurid 2016.2
New species of Tanidromites 2016.3
Spanish ichthyosaurs 2018.2
Scaphognathus in RTI and UV 2018.3
Solnhofen pterodactyloids 2020.1
Catlins Coast Jurassic 2020.3
Metriorhynchid skin 2021.2 
Apatosaurine feeding mechanism 2022.2
Pterosaur soft parts 2023.2
Jurassic Liopleurodon of France 2024.2
Jurassic Araucarian ........ Jurassic Araucarian 2008.3
Jurassic, Early .........
Enigmatic trace fossils 2008.3
Jurassic ammonite phragmocones 2009.1 
Neorylstonia paper 2019.2
Revision of Hauffiopteryx 2020.2 
Pliensbachian leptonectid 2022.2
New Toarcian coccolepidid fish 2024.1
Jurassic, Late .......... Langenberg tracks 2015.2
Jurassic fish - X-ray 2015.3
Jurassic, Lower ........ Spanish ichthyosaurs 2018.2
Jurassic, Middle ........ Antarctic belemnites 2007.1
Antidimorph of Hubertoceras 2017.2
Plesiosaur humeral pathology 2018.1
Fossil Liverwort from China 2019.2
Jurassic, Upper ........ Antarctic belemnites 2007.1
Jurassic pliosaurid, Poland 2015.2
Bone histology sauropods 2021.1
A new Cricosaurus species 2021.2 
juvenile .................... Anthracotheriidae from Egypt 2016.3


Kachina Bridge ............... "Dinosaur" petroglyphs 2011.1 
Kalotermitidae ................ Opalized Termite Coprolites 2024.3
Kansas, U.S. ...................... Late Pleistocene rodents 2011.3 
Kärlich ............................. Pleistocene herpetofaunas from Kärlich 2011.3 
Karongasaurus ................. Sauropod Dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Malawi 2005.1 
Karoo .............................. Therapids from the Permian of Malawi 2005.1
Enigmatic trace fossils 2008.3 
karstic infillings .............. New species of Cainotherioidea 2020.3 
Kasimovian ..................... Evolution of carboniferous fusulinids on Spitsbergen 1999.1 
Katian ............................. Cincinnatian biogeography 2010.1 
Rugosan bryozoan intergrowth 2018.1
Kazakhstan ..................... Remote sensing in paleontology 2009.2 
Kenya/Kenyan ................ Rusinga Island Flora 2013.3
New Kenyan Miocene Carnivora 2018.1
keratin ............................. Commentary: Keratin protein preservation 2019.3
key ............................... Fossil Panorpodidae 2015.2
Tanytarsini in Baltic amber 2016.2
Kharga Oasis ............ Bioerosion traces on turtles 2023.3
Khok Sung site ............... ESR dating of Khok Sung site 2019.3
Kimmeridgian ................ Ammonites, Kimmeridgian, Mexico 2016.2
A new Portuguese goniopholidid 2024.1 
kinesis ............................ Cranial joints in Sphenodon2011.2 
modeling ........................
Kentrosaurus defense 2011.2
Kishenehn Formation .... Two new fossil bee flies 2015.3
New World fossil Dixidae 2016.3
Kishenehn Formation Diptera 2019.2
Midges of Kishenehn Formation 2022.1
Kishenehn Formation Diptera 2022.2    
Kızılırmak Formation .... Oligocene ruminant from Turkey 2016.3
Koeberg ........................... Koeberg Early Pliocene Cetacea 2019.1
Koholiinae ..................... New Eocene African hyaenodonts 2016.3
Konservat-Lagerstätte .... Eumalacostracan from Piesberg 2022.1
Köppen-Geiger ................ Mid-Cenozoic palaeoclimates northwest Europe 2024.2
krokodilopardalis ........... Dinosaurs in Greco-Roman art? 2013.3
k-means clustering ......... Marine biogeography controls 2010.3 
Köroglu Volcanics .......... Trees of GVP in Miocene 2018.3
K-Pg boundary ............... Belemnites around the KTB 2017.2
Spiny pinnate palms from India 2024.1
Krokodilschwanz-Höckerechse ...................  
Braincase and osteoderms of Shinisaurus 2005.1
K-T interface ................... Paleocene dinosaurs 2009.1
Response Lucas et al. (2009) 2009.2 
Kutch, India ................... Umiaites from Kutch 2009.1 
Antidimorph of Hubertoceras 2017.2
Kutjamarpu .................... Riversleigh basal macropodoids 2014.1
New family of marsupials 2018.1
Kyrgyzstan ................... Ortok Carnivores 2020.3


La Brea Tar Pits .............. La Brea Tar Pits Paleoart 2022.1
laboratory techniques ... Wada Air Scribe 2024.1
Labridae ..................... Medobory backreef fish fauna: 2024.3
Lachnopus ..................... New Entiminae in amber 2017.2
lacustrine ....................... Kishenehn Fossil Spiders 2020.3 
Lagerstätte/n ................... Underwater Palaeontology 2018.2
Kishenehn Fossil Spiders 2020.3 
A new ant fossil species 2023.3
Lagoa Santa ..................... Occurrence of the Sabretooth 2020.2 
Lagomorpha ................... New Archaic Pika from Nebraska 2011.1
Potwar rabbits 2011.3
Tooth ontogeny from CT 2014.1
Enamel Ochotona and Prolagus 2017.3
 Trischizolagus of Tepe Alagöz 2019.1
lagomorphs ..................... Gobilagus and Asian Eocene lagomorphs 2005.1
Rodents and lagomorphs from the Miocene of Uganda 2005.1
La Guajira ....................... Chelus  fossil skull 2015.2
lake ............................... Taphonomy of the Morrison Fm. 2014.3
lake sediments .............. Thecamoebian Community 2012.1
Lake Zabinskie .............. Chironomid identification 2014.1
La Meseta Formation ..... Eocene annelid cocoons 2016.1
Lamprosomaini ................ New fossil Lamprosomatinae 2019.2
landmarks ................ GM in ammonoids OBM vs VMM 2024.3
Landsat 8 .......................... Cedar Mtn Fm Predictive Model 2023.3
Langhian ........................... South Slovakia Neogene Basins 2020.3 
Lantian ......................... Pararhizomys from Northern China 2005.1 
lapetus .........................  Oceans of Orthids 2004.1 
LaPorte City Formation .. Telychian conodonts from Iowa 2017.2
large mammals ............. Global dental ecometrics 2018.1
larger benthic
foraminifera ...

Lari ............................... Charadriiformes calibration 2015.1
La Rioja province ...........  Large caviomorph tracks 2011.2 
larva .............................. Possible fossil paralarva 2012.3
Midges of Kishenehn Formation 2022.1
Unusual lacewing larvae 2022.2
Caddisfly larvae from amber 2023.2 
New Cretaceous beetle larvae 2023.3
larvae ........................... Caddisfly larvae from amber 2023.2 
laser scanning ................ Digital models 2008.2
3D photogrammetry 2012.1
morphotype .....................

California biochronology 2011.3 
late Emsian ..................... Rickard Hill facies Nautiloids 2018.3
Late Paleocene ................ NW Louisiana mollusk features 2014.2
Late Quaternary .............. La Starza forams and ostracods 2018.3
Late Serpukhovian ......... The coral Heritschioides 2014.1
Lauraceae ...................... Miocene plant cuticle 2007.1 
Pliocene-Quaternary cuticle 2019.1
Dinmore plant macrofossil 2019.3
Laurales ......................... Eocene Laurales from Patagonia 2013.3
Magnoliidae 2015.1
Laurasian lineage .......... Dominican amber Tropiduchidae 2019.3
Laurentia ........................ Brachiopods of the Forteau Formation 2017.3
Early Cambrian SSFs of Mexico 2019.2
Lavanttal ............................. A Miocene dabbling duck 2023.3
leaf architecture ............... Diversity at Río Pichileufú 2024.3
leaf beetles ..................... New fossil Lamprosomatinae 2019.2
leaf cuticle .................... Pliocene-Quaternary cuticle 2019.1
leaf database ................. Database of fossil leaves 2018.1
leaf mass per area ...... Leaf traits of Miocene floras 2023.2
leaf morphometry ........... Database of fossil leaves 2018.1
leaf physiognomy ........... Loosening the CLAMP 2006.2 
leaf size ......................... Miocene climate of New Zealand 2014.3
leaf traits ......................... Database of fossil leaves 2018.1
Taxon-specific variability 2021.1 
Leaf traits of Miocene floras 2023.2
Leanchoilia ........................ Drishti and Amira visualizations 2025.1
leaves ........................... Pre-colonial Piedmont forests 2019
Database of fossil leaves 2018.1
Pliocene-Quaternary cuticle 2019.1
Taxon-specific variability 2021.1 
lectotype ....................... Museo de La Plata Catalogue 2013.1
Lekhwair ...................... Mizzia-like alga 2017.1
Lemmiscus ..................... Origin of Lemmiscus 2011.3 
Lemna ............................ Miocene Plants of Mississippi 2019.2
Lepidoptera .................. First butterfly in Baltic amber 2025.1
Leporidae ....................... Potwar rabbits 2011.3 
Leptomyrmecini tribe ....... A new ant fossil species 2023.3
Leptonextidae ................ Pliensbachian leptonectid 2022.2
Lepus cf. callotis ............ California biochronology 2011.3 
Le Quesnoy .................... European Oxyaenidae 2011.2 
Lerin Formation ........... Miocene bird footprints 2016.1
letters ............................... Tübingen Palaeontology Archive 2019.2
Liassotipula ................. Diptera from England 2017.1
Libellulidae ..................... Odonata from Enspel 2020.3
Libonectesmorgani ........
Plesiosaur mastication 2013.2
LiDAR ............................. Allosaurus body mass 2009.3 
life cycle ......................... Binary division and shell formation in colonial radiolarians  1998.1 
life habit ......................... Ranking of invertebrates 2019.2
light microscopy ............. Microwear observer error 2012.1
Liliales ............................ Early Eocene Ripogonum 2014.3
Limacina ....................... Pteropoda from Tanzania 2017.3
limbs .............................. The metapodials of Giraffidae 2016.3
limb stance ..................... Neocerotopsian stance 2007.1 
limestone ...................... Okinawan amphibians 2015.1
XRF characterization 2025.1
Limoniidae .................... Diptera from England 2017.1
limpets ........................... Limpets predation in Patagonia 2018.3
Limulus polyphemus ...... Abnormal xiphosurids 2018.2
Linguliformea ................. Brachiopods of the Forteau Formation 2017.3
Liocarcinus .................. Outline ontogeny analysis 2024.1
Lipotyphla ...................... Species concept in Nesiotites 2013.2
Nyctithere postcrania 2014.3
lips ............................. T. rex trigeminal canals 2022.1
Lirainosaurus ................ Titanosaur skeleton 2013.2
lithistid ........................... Protomonaxonid relationships 2013.2
lithographic limestone ..... XRF characterization 2025.1
lithology ......................... Biodiversity across the LPIA 2020.2
lithostratigraphy ............ Pennsylvanian fusulinids from Iran 2006.1
No Paleocene dinosaurs 2009.2 
Foraminifera in Niger Delta 2017.3
Litopterna .................... Anatomy and systematics of Thomashuxleya externa (Notoungulata) 2017.2
Littoraria ...................... A new Echinolittorina 2016.1
liverwort ....................... Fossil Liverwort from China 2019.2
living fossil/s ................. Quantifying the living fossil 2018.1
living vs. total
assemblages ..................

Thecamoebian seasonality 2010.2 
lizard/s ......................... Eocene lizards from India 2008.1 
Eocene squamates from Spain 2013.1
Early Eocene lizards 2017.2
Llandovery .................... Telychian conodonts from Iowa 2017.2
Llandovery (upper) ......... Želkovice graptolite analysis 2024.3
lobster/s ...................... Lobster genus Oncopareia (2022.2)
Fossil lobsters from Canada 2023.1
Synaxidae and new genus 2023.2
lobsters (spiny) .......... Synaxidae and new genus 2023.2
local fauna ..................... Petite Pliocene mammals from Panaca 2011.3 
locality data .................. GIS at John Day Fossil Beds 2020.1
locomotion ...................... Neocerotopsian stance 2007.1
Protypotherium locomotion 2008.1
Gait reconstruction 2009.3
Digital Plateo I 2010.2 
Holistic analysis of bone 2014.3
Modeling extinct locomotion 2024.1
Loess deposition ............. East Asian climate in the Miocene Pliocene 2005.1 
logarithmic ......................... Estimating spirals 2020.2 
London Clay ................. Eocene dromiid crabs revised 2017.3
British bothremydid turtle 2018.2
long bone abrasion ......... Small mammal abrasion 2019.2
longest trackways .......... Longest crab trackways 2014.2
Lophocricetus ................ New dipodid from Moldova 2014.3
Lopingian ........................... Bozorgnites, Crassispirellina 2019.1
Lothidok Formation .......... New Kenyan Miocene Carnivora 2018.1 
Lourinhã Formation ......... A new Portuguese goniopholidid 2024.1 
Lower Alterations ............... Haritalyangar Proboscideans 2018.1 
Lower Rhine Embayment ... Fossil amphibians from Hambach 2024.1
lower teeth ..................... Tooth ontogeny from CT 2014.1
Lujanian .......................... A new species of Eutatus 2017.1
Lutetian ........................... Kromtitis lluisprietoi n. sp. 2019.2
Lutrinae .......................... Oldest Asian bunodont otters 2013.3
Lusitanian Basin ........... Portuguese sauropods 2017.2
Luxembourg-Trier ............ Pliensbachian leptonectid 2022.2
Lycopsida ...................... Devonian lycopsid cone 2017.3
Lyreididae .......................... New Palaeocene raninid crab 2023.3


Maastrichtian .............. New skull of Axestemys 2024.2
Maastrichtian (upper) ... Belemnites around the KTB 2017.2
Maccropodiformes ........ Revision of Oligo-Miocene kangaroos (2018.1) 
Machine Learning ........... Quantitative Analysis by Machine Learning 2024.1
macrofossils ..................... Catlins Coast Jurassic 2020.3
Macronaria .......................... Bone histology sauropods 2021.1
Macropodoidea .............. Riversleigh basal macropodoids 2014.1
Four mammal calibrations 2015.1
macropredator .................. Estimating lamniform body size 2021.1
Macrosemiidae .............. Systematics of Eosemionotus 2019.1
Macrostomata ................ The skull of Pachyrachis 2005.1
Madagascar .................... Osteology of Rahonavis 2020.2 
Madagascar Elopomorpha 2021.3
Madhya Pradesh ................. Spiny pinnate palms from India 2024.1
Maeotian ..................... Molluscs from Morskaya 2 site 2020.1
Magnoavipes .................. Cretaceous dinosaur tracksite 2003.1
Magnetostratigraphy ...... Correlations of the Zinda Pir deposits of Pakistan 2005.1
No Paleocene dinosaurs 2009.2
Horned Toad Hills fauna 2011.3
TBM mammals, pmag, geochron 2018.2
Magnoliales ................... Magnoliidae 2015.1
Magnoliidae .................... Magnoliidae 2015.1
Malacostraca  ................ Decapods from the Tuzla Basin 2019.1
Chattian hymenosomatids 2024.1
Outline ontogeny analysis 2024.1
Malapa ........................... Bovidae from Malapa 2016.2
Malawi............................ Sauropod dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Malawi 2005.1
Therapids from the Permian of Malawi 2005.1
Malawisaurus ................. Sauropod dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Malawi 2005.1
Mallorca ......................... Species concept in Nesiotites 2013.2
Rebuttal to Furió and Pons-Monjo 2013.2
Malvinokaffric ................ The trilobite Dalmanitoides 2012
Mammalia...................... Protypotherium locomotion 2008.1
Pliocene chrysochlorids 2010.1
Paleocene Triisodontid 2011.3
Slaughteria gets a CT 2011.3
Buckman Hollow local fauna 2014.1
Whales from India 2014.3
European Plesiosminthus 2017.2
Mammal humeri across the K/Pg 2017.3
Dental variation of Artiodactyl 2018.2 
First mesonychid from Oregon 2019.2
Whale hyoid 2024.1 
New giraffid genus 2024.2
mammal/s ...................... Mammal xites from Northwestern Bohemia 2005.1
Wildcat Creek fauna 2011.3
Petite Pliocene mammals from Panaca 2011.3
Animal history timescale 2015.1
Earliest Uintan mammals 2016.2
Bridger Turtle Bluff Member mammals 2017.2
What does toothwear represent? 2017.3 
Global dental ecometrics 2018.1  
Paleoparasitology in Russia 2018.3
Pleistocene biota from Armenia 2019.1
Small mammal abrasion 2019.2
Cenozoic rodent assemblages 2023.2
mammals (large) ........... Global dental ecometrics 2018.1  
mammals (small) ........... Petite Pliocene mammals from Panaca 2011.3
Ctenodactylidae from Mongolia 2017.1
mammal fauna (small) ..... Palaeoecology and rising seas 2021.2
mammoths ................. Mammoths, DNA and morphology 2024.3
"Mammut" borsoni ........ "Mammut" Kaltensundheim 2022.1
Mammuthus columbi .... Mammoths, DNA and morphology 2024.3
Mammutidae .................. "Mammut" Kaltensundheim 2022.1
mandible ........................ Dimorphism in Scelidotheriinae 2015.1
Statistical approach of FEA 2016.3
Man (Early) .................... Stratigraphic debate at Hueyatlaco 2011.3
Mangareva ................... Gambier Group fossil avifaunas 2018.3
mangrove ...................... Eocene cuticle of Tasmania 2007.3
manatees ........................ Pleistocene manatees in Texas (2020.3)
Manuherikia .................. Early Miocene St. Bathans Paleo 2019.3 
manus ........................... Gomphotheriid manus 2014.1
Maorites ........................ Exploring Ammonoid Paleobiology 2019.3
marine ......................... Eocene spider crabs from Spain 2023.2
Otoliths from Cretaceous 2024.1
Fossil calibrations true crabs 2024.2
marine authigenesis .... Conodonts in Second Creek Bed 2014.1
marine fish ..................... Otoliths from Cretaceous 2024.1
marine mammals ......... Feeding in Marine Mammals 2020.2 
marine Mollusca .......... NW Louisiana mollusk features 2014.2
marine (non) ................ Fossil calibrations true crabs 2024.2
marine ostracods ........... New Quaternary Ostrocod 2014.3
marine outcrops .............. Marine Miocene insect 2017.3
marine reptile ................ Jurassic pliosaurid, Poland 2015.2
Metriorhynchid skin 2021.2 
Erratic vertebrae 2024.2
marine (shallow) ............ Paleozoic infaunalization 2011.2
marine ............................... Fossil lobsters from Canada 2023.1
Marplatan SALA ............. Argyrolagid from Northwestern Argentina 2016.2
Marsupialia ................. New wombat from Riversleigh 2015.1
Argyrolagid from Northwestern Argentina 2016.2
TBM mammals, pmag, geochron 2018.2
Thylacine Skeletal Atlas 2019.1
Sparassodont Morphometrics 2022.1
marsupial/s ..................... Late Oligocene bandicoot 2013.2
Riversleigh basal macropodoids 2014.1
New marsupial lion 2016.2
Revision of Oligo-Miocene kangaroos (2018.1) 
Martes ................... Fossil martens from Austria 2024.2
mass extinction ............... Mammal humeri across the K/Pg 2017.3
mastication .................... Carnivoran chewing 2008.2
Enamel microstructure Carodnia 2017.2
mastodon .................... Last Iberian mastodon (2014)
Mastotermitidae ............... Opalized Termite Coprolites 2024.3
materials properities ...
Controversy in materials data 2015.1
maturation ..................... Commentary: Keratin protein preservation 2019.3
maxillary canal ................. T. rex trigeminal canals 2022.1
maxillary terrace .......... A new skull of Numataphocoena 2016.3
Maxillopoda ..................
Nauplius larva in chert 2012.2
maximum parsimony ..... A long snout enchodontid fish 2020.2
Maxum .......................... Blancan Cricetids 2011.3
McCloud Belt ................. Permian coral of McCloud Belt 2009.2
McFaddin Beach ............ Pleistocene manatees in Texas 2020.3
McFaddin Beach fossil snake 2024.2
mechanical analysis ..... Analysis of function and adaptation in phylogenetics  2000.2
mechanical digitizing ... New digitizing techniques 2009.2
Mediterranean Sea ......... Artificial neural networks for environmental studies  2000.2
Taxonomy foraminifera 2012.2
Cenozoic deep-water echinoids 2014.3
Deep water ostracods 2015.2
Miocene wood-fall community 2015.2
Miocene decapods Cyprus Anomura 2023.3
Medobory barrier reef ........ Medobory backreef fish fauna: 2024.3
Medusozoa .................... Underwater drunken forest 2024.3
meeting ............................ PVC Preface 2019.3
megafauna ...................... Fossils from Las Tazas, Valsequillo, Puebla, Mexico 2024.1
megafloral paleobotany .. Rusinga Island Flora 2013.3
megalodon ..................... Early Neogene Elasmobranchii 2016.2
Estimating lamniform body size 2021.1
Megaloceros giganteus ... Antler fracture in giant deer 2014.2
Megalosauroidea ............ German Jurassic megalosaurid 2016.2
Dakota ........................

Cretaceous dinosaur tracksite
Mekong River ................. Geology of river canyons in Western China 2005.1
Mekosuchinae ............ Ultrastenos revised 2024.1
Mellopegma ................... Biology of Mellopegma 2011.2
Mellivorinae ................ The large Eomellivora fricki 2017.1
Menilite shales ............. Oligocene passerine foot 2014.1
Galliform bird from Oligocene 2014.3
Passerine bird from Oligocene 2018.2
Menispermaceae .............. Menispermites in Northern Asia 2025.1
Menispermites .......... Menispermites in Northern Asia 2025.1
Merycoidodontoidea ...... Dental variation of Artiodactyl 2018.2 
mesh analysis ................ Ontogeny of mollusc shells 2009.3
mesofossils .................... Mesofossils of Lower Silesia 2020.3 
Mesolimulus walchi ...... Abnormal xiphosurids 2018.2
Mesonychia .................... Estimate of early Eocene for origin of whales  1998.2
First mesonychid from Oregon 2019.2
Mesotheriidae ................ Cerdas mesotheriines 2010.1
mesowear ..................... 3D reconstruction of molars 2011.2
Pleistocene mammal ecometrics 2016.3
Tapir Population Mesowear 2020.2
mesowear analysis .......... Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis in Siberia 2021.1
Mesozoic ........................ Jurassic Araucarian 2008.3
Teleosaurid size estimation 2016.3
Aloisalthella and Clypeina 2019.2
Mesozoic reef crabs 2020.2 
New Bajocian crab from France 2021.2
Belemnite phylogeny 2023.1
The osteology of Irritator 2023.2
Symposium on Fossil Decapods 2023.3
Bennettitales from Mexico 2024.1
On an Early Jurassic theropod 2024.1 
Erratic vertebrae 2024.2
Mesozoic marine reptiles .. Spinal fusions in plesiosaurs 2019.1
Messinian ..................... Moncucco Torinese: paleoecology and paleoclimatology 2017.1
Paratethyan ostracods 2018.1
Ziphiid from Japan 2019.2
Messinian (late) ............ Paratethyan ostracods 2018.1
metabolism .................... Giganotosaurs and Tyrannosaurus 1999.2
metacarpal ................... Gomphotheriid manus 2014.1
Holistic analysis of bone 2014.3
metal coating ................ Removing SEM coating 2012.2
metapodial ................... The metapodials of Giraffidae 2016.3
metatarsal traces .......... Elongated theropod tracks 2015.3
metatheria ..................... New Paleocene marsupials 2011.3
Metatherian ecomorphology 2023.3
Metazoa .......................... Animal history timescale 2015.1
Chancelloriids 2015.1
Animal history timescale 2015.1
methane seep ............... Soft tissues in fossil crab 2023.3
methodology ................. Advances in IPR analysis 2020.1 
Micro-CT bioerosion 2020.2
methods ......................... Morphology of large bones captured by digitizer 2002.2
New digitizing techniques 2009.2
Metridiochoerus ............. Drimolen Makondo fauna 2015.2
Metriorhynchidae .......... Teleosaurid size estimation 2016.3
A new Cricosaurus species 2021.2 
Mexican amber .............. Fossil Scatopsidae in amber 2016.2
Mexican Cenozoic basins ..
Angiosperm pollen Cuayuca Fm. 2015.1
Mexico ........................... Fossil fishes from Chiapas 2009.2
Stratigraphic debate at Hueyatlaco 2011.3
Tlaxiaco Jurassic vertebrates 2014.2
Angiosperm pollen Cuayuca Fm. 2015.1
Paleocene fishes from Palenque 2015.2
Ammonites, Kimmeridgian, Mexico 2016.2
Fossil Scatopsidae in amber 2016.2
Ancient armored trumpetfish 2016.3
Oligocene mysticetes from México 2018.1 
Huehuetla Turonian vertebrates 2019.1
Early Cambrian SSFs of Mexico 2019.2
New Vaquerosella from Mexico 2020.1
Albian Armigatus in America 2020.3 
Paleoclimate in Tehuacá Formation 2021.2
Campanian ammonoid biozonation 2021.3
Texas Brontotheriidae 2021.3
Pliocene goodeid from Mexico 2023.2
Bennettitales from Mexico 2024.1
Fossils from Las Tazas, Valsequillo, Puebla, Mexico 2024.1
A long-nose ichthyodectiform 2024.3 
An Eomysticetidae from Mexico 2025.1
Mexico (Northwest) .... An Eomysticetidae from Mexico 2025.1
Mexiglossa ..................... Bennettitales from Mexico 2024.1
Meyer, Cornelius
(Cornelio) .....................

Late-surviving pterosaur? 2013.1
microbial mats ............... Theropod trackway at Las Hoyas 2017.3
Microcambeva ............... Skull of Sarcoglanis 2008.2
micro-CT Methodology of µCT on forams 2012.1
Micro-CT workflow 2012.2
A new Strepsiptera genus 2013.3
Tooth ontogeny from CT 2014.1
Amber cockroach nymphs 2016.1
Decomposing crayfish 2020.3
Petrosal bone morphology 2021.2 
Chuandianella ovata 2022.1
micro-environment ....... Medobory backreef fish fauna: 2024.3
microevolution .............. Microevolution in Wurmiella 2005.2
microfossils .................... Stereoscopic virtual reality representations of microfossils 2002.1
Diversity and evolution in Antarctic Neogene radiolaria 2002.1 
Casting microscopic detail 2003.2
Improved microfossil imaging 2006.2
Removing SEM coating 2012.2
Volume density diagrams 2012.3
Microfossil extraction 2013.3
Testate lobose amoebae 2020.3 
 Ovummuridae, Wenlock, UK 2022.2
microfossils (calcareous) ...  Ovummuridae, Wenlock, UK 2022.2
(phosphatic) ..........

Microfossil extraction 2013.3
Microlepidoptera ............. Mating moths 2019.1
micromammals ................. Rodents from Dunera, India 2023.3
Micromeryx ................... Oldest Mongolian Moschidae 2019.2
microorganisms ............ Stromatolitic microfacies 2007.1
micropalaeontology ...... QuickTime virtual reality for illustrating microfossils 1998.2
Taxonomic revision of 36 deep sea benthic foraminifers 2001.2
Methodology of µCT on forams 2012.1 
Quantifying ichthyoliths 2017.1
The NSB database 2020.1 
micropreparation .............. Wada Air Scribe 2024.1
microscopy .................... Stereoscopic virtual reality representations of microfossils 2002.1
microscribe .................... Morphology of large bones captured by digitizer 2002.2
microstratigraphy .......... Ethiopian paleoenvironments 2010.1
microstructure .............. Revueltosaurus tooth enamel 2013.1
Phytosaur tooth enamel 2021.3
Underwater drunken forest 2024.3
microtines ..................... Chinese microtines 2011.3
microtomography ........... Wear-dependent Pliospalax 2023.3
Microtus ........................ Arvicoline chronometry 2011.3
Microtus californicus?... California biochronology 2011.3
Microtus (= Terricola) meadensis .....................
California biochronology 2011.3
microvertebrate/s ........... Microvertebrates in calcareous nodules in ancient soils  1998.2
Pliocene vertebrates from Arizona 2011.3
D-C boundary sharks 2016.1
Late Holocene Fauna from Cuba 2020.3
microwear ..................... Microwear and diet in squirrels 2005.1
Cleaning teeth for microwear 2010.3
High latitude hadrosaurs 2011.3
Microwear observer error 2012.1
Gliridae from Anatolia 2013.3
Edestus minor microwear 2019.2
Hipparionin dental microwear 2022.1
Middle East ............. A bothremydid turtle in Israel 2025.1
transition .........................
Offshore Namibian foraminifera 2020.2 
mildams ...................... Pre-colonial Piedmont forests 2019.1
Miminipossumidae ......... New family of marsupials 2018.1
Mimomys ...................... Chinese microtines 2011.3
Origin of Lemmiscus 2011.3
miniature ....................... Skull of Sarcoglanis 2008.2
minimum age constraints.. Charadriiformes calibration 2015.1
Minke whale ................... A Japanese Holocene whale 2017.3
numataensis ............

Fossil rorqual from Japan 2020.1
Miocene ......................... Oligocene and Miocene ruminants from Pakistan and Uganda 2005.1
Paleogeography of the Indus River and Himalayan tectonics 2005.1
Unusual rodent from the Miocene of Pakistan 2005.1
Snakes and environmental change in the Miocene of Pakistan 2005.1
Translation of Zdansky's 1923 Hipparion fauna of Shanxi 2005.1
Problems stemming from misassignment of Sivapithecus teeth 2005.1
Correlations of the Zinda Pir deposits of Pakistan 2005.1
Palaeogene Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans from Gansu 2005.1
Pararhizomys from Northern China 2005.1
Quantitative change in Hemipristis 2006.1
New Archaic Pika from Nebraska 2011.1 
Fossil glirid from Spain 2012.1
Discriminant ID of postcrania 2013.3
Oldest Asian bunodont otters 2013.3
Riversleigh basal macropodoids 2014.1
Aristolochia from Austria  2014.2
Neogene freshwater gastropods 2015.1
Miocene wood-fall community 2015.2
Miocene climbing passerines 2016.1
New Anthribidae in amber 2016.2
New dragonflies from Bulgaria 2016.3
Condylura fossil 2016.3
Ctenodactylidae from Mongolia 2017.1
Moncucco Torinese: paleoecology and paleoclimatology 2017.1
The large Eomellivora fricki 2017.1
Metrarabdotos from Pirabas 2017.2
Miocene pelobatids of Caucasus 2017.2
European Plesiosminthus 2017.2
Tortonian Otolihs from Ukraine 2017.3
Enamel Ochotona and Prolagus 2017.3
Marine Miocene insect 2017.3
New family of marsupials 2018.1
Earliest fossil of Elgaria 2018.1
Trees of GVP in Miocene 2018.3
New fossil harvestmen 2019.1
Lapara Creek 2019.1
Mourasuchus amazonensis 2019.2
New skull of D. rex from BAT4 2019.2
Oldest Mongolian Moschidae 2019.2
Early Miocene St. Bathans Paleo 2019.3 
New Vaquerosella from Mexico 2020.1
The Volhynian (Late Middle Miocene) 2020.3
Ortok Carnivores 2020.3
South Slovakia Neogene Basins 2020.3 
Amateur paleontology 2022.1
A Shear-Compression Fracture 2022.3
Oldest record of Alligator in southeastern North America 2023.1
Texas Beavers 2023.1
Leaf traits of Miocene floras 2023.2
Rodents from Dunera, India 2023.3
A Miocene dabbling duck 2023.3
Fossil Snakes of Penny Creek 2024.1
Fossil amphibians from Hambach 2024.1
Buluk, Kenya stable isotopes 2024.1
New giraffid genus 2024.2
Texas Proboscidea 2024.3
Miocene, Early ............. New Rhinocerotid from Zinda Pir, Pakistan 2005.1
Rodents and lagomorphs from the Miocene of Uganda 2005.1
Miocene plant cuticle 2007.1
Miocene monocots of New Zealand 2007.3
Miocene leaf cuticle 2008.3
Miocene Megapeomys 2011.3
Rusinga Island Flora 2013.3
Miocene bird footprints 2016.1
New marsupial lion 2016.2
Early Neogene Elasmobranchii 2016.2
New Kenyan Miocene Carnivora 2018.1 
New fossil harvestmen 2019.1
Oldest Mongolian Moschidae 2019.2
Soricids from RA basin 2019.3
Early Miocene St. Bathans Paleo 2019.3 
Dominican amber Tropiduchidae 2019.3
Miocene, Late .............. Standardized surface sampling of vertebrate sites 2005.1
Miocene climate modelling 2009.2
Fossil bovids 2009.3
Gliridae from Anatolia 2013.3
Cenozoic catfishes of Europe 2016.3
Deinogalerix from Scontrone 2017.1
Miocene jerboa from Ukraine 2017.2
Miocene pelobatids of Caucasus 2017.2
Gazella Qingyang 2018.2
Palaeobatrachid from Caucasus 2018.2
Miocene (Middle) .......... Fossil amphibians from Hambach 2024.1
Miocene-Pliocene............ Mio-Pliocene salamanders 2011.2
Taxonomic diversity of ochotonids 2011.3
MIS 5e ........................... Oceanic-island fossil cetacean 2015.2
Mississippi ..................... New Eocene rays from the U.S. 2015.1
Fossil plants from Mississippi 2016.3
New Belonostomus record 2019.3
Mississippian .................. Bozorgnites, Crassispirellina 2019.1
MIT App Inventor ......... DigApp and TaphonomApp 2020.2
mitochondrial genome ... Pliomys lenki ancient DNA 2024.3
ml shape ......................... Ellobius and GMM 2021.1 
moa ................................. Vanished Ecosystem 2021.1
model ............................ Three-D scanning of mosasaur bones 2000.2
3D photogrammetry 2012.1
modeling ...................... Modelling from family diversity 1999.2 
Fourier analysis of ammonoid sutures 2003.1 
Chemoreception and foraging 2007.1
Allosaurus body mass 2009.3
model selection ............ Bone section compactness model 2022.1
mode of life ................... Benthic Foraminifera west of Scotland 2002.2
modularity .................... Fossil killifishes from Europe 2016.2
molar morphology ......... Mammoths, DNA and morphology 2024.3
molar teeth .................... Simulating the Evolution of Morphological Shape 2004.2
3D reconstruction of molars 2011.2
molding ......................... Casting microscopic detail 2003.2
Moldova region ................ Fossil Herps from Fălciu 2022.2
molecular clock ............ Charadriiformes calibration 2015.1
Fossil Calibration Database 2015.1
Waterbird fossil calibrations 2015.1
Primate Fossil Calibrations 2023.1 
molecular dating .......... Four mammal calibrations 2015.1
molecular evolution ...... Fossil Calibration Database 2015.1
mole-rats .......................... Enamel structure of mole rats 2018.2 
Mollusca ........................ Lithification and biodiversity 2020.3 
molluscs (mollusks) ...... Epoxy and vacuum to make casts 2000.1
Biology of Mellopegma 2011.2
NW Louisiana mollusk features 2014.2
Neogene freshwater gastropods 2015.1
Moncucco Torinese: paleoecology and paleoclimatology 2017.1
Pleistocene biota from Armenia 2019.1
Taphonomy regular echinoids 2020.2
molting line ....................... Systematics of Laeviprosopon 2023.1
Molytinae ...................... New Anchonus in Dominican amber 2019.3
Monachinae ...................... Black Rock pinniped fossils 2022.3
monocot ........................ Miocene monocots of New Zealand 2007.3
Monotremata ................ Four mammal calibrations 2015.1
Montana, USA ................ Judith River Formation turtle tracks 2005.1
Paleocene Triisodontid 2011.3
Monte San Giorgio ........ The Placodont Cyamodus 2010.2
Moray Firth .................... Cheiracanthus from Scotland 2020.1
Mörnsheim ..................... A new Solnhofen pterosaur 2023.2
Morocco .......................... Histology of spinosaurid teeth 2020.3 
MorphoBank ..................... South American Xenungulata 2024.2
morphogenesis ............... Underwater drunken forest 2024.3
evolution ........................
Simulating the evolution of morphological shape 2004.2
Imaging and morphometry 2009.2
Plasticity in vole teeth 2011.3
Volume density diagrams 2012.3
morphological features ... Quantitative change in Hemipristis 2006.1
morphology ..................... Computerized morphology of small teeth 1999.1
Crawling Crinoid 2007.1
3D "Phycosiphoniform" burrows 2009.3
Fenestrate morphospace 2010.2
Quasihomothetic transformation 2013.3
Artificial bivalves 2014.1
Holistic analysis of bone 2014.3
Fossil platanistoid dolphin  2015.2
Fossil killifishes from Europe 2016.2
The metapodials of Giraffidae 2016.3
Fossil OWM cranial variation 2017.1
Deciphering Diplodocid Growth 2017.3
Cockroach fossil calibrations 2017.3
Enamel structure of mole rats 2018.2
Dental variation of Artiodactyl 2018.2 
Helius qinghai n. sp. 2019.1
Trilobite moulting variability 2019.2
Asterolepis orcadensis 2019.2
A new species of trionychid 2019.3
"Protrogomorph" rodents 2020.2 
Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis in Siberia 2021.1
Unusual lacewing larvae 2022.2
Pennsylvanian bryozoan fauna 2022.2
Fossil lobsters from Canada 2023.1
Fossil beaver morphology 2023.3
Trophic relationships 2023.3
Megalodon body form 2024.1
Morphology of Tribrachidium 2024.2
Drishti and Amira visualizations 2025.1
morphology, functional .. Protypotherium locomotion 2008.1
Frond biomechanics 2012.2
Edestus minor microwear 2019.2
CFD of ammonoid shells 2020.1 
morphometrics ............... Topography of tooth changes with wear 2000.1
Egyptian Eocene Ostracoda 2003.2
Microevolution in Wurmiella 2005.2
Imaging and morphometry 2009.2
Beaver morphometrics: 2010.1
GIS analysis of sutures 2011.1
Sexual systems in fossils 2012.2
Wavelet analysis of sutures 2014.1
GIS-based morphometrics 2014.1
3-D fossil images and white light 2015.2
A new species of Eutatus 2017.1
Mammal humeri across the K/Pg 2017.3 
Surface and form analysis 2018.1
Dinosaur trackways and GM 2019.3
A Permian austrolimulid 2019.3 
CFD of ammonoid shells 2020.1 
Revision of Cambrian trilobite taxa 2020.2 
Plesiosaur vertebrae 2021.3
Sparassodont Morphometrics 2022.1
Moles from Gray Fossil Site 2022.3
Shapes of the ammonoid whorl 2023.1
Sorex morphospace dynamics 2023.3
Trilobite moulting morphometry 2024.1 
Digitisation through glass 2024.2
GM in ammonoids OBM vs VMM 2024.3
morphometrics, geometric .. A Permian austrolimulid 2019.3
GM in ammonoids virtual models 2021.3
Sparassodont Morphometrics 2022.1
Fossil beaver morphology 2023.3
Sorex morphospace dynamics 2023.3
Carcinidae Diversity 2023.3
Outline ontogeny analysis 2024.1
Digitisation through glass 2024.2
morphospace .................. Constraining Caryocorbula 2005.2
Artificial bivalves 2014.1
Gastropod heterochrony model 2015.1
Analysis of Protoconites minor 2020.3
Sorex morphospace dynamics 2023.3
Trilobite moulting morphometry 2024.1 
Bradoriid carapace disparity 2024.3
morphotypes ................ Fossil martens from Austria 2024.2
Morrison Formation ....... Armadillo foraging pits 2014.3
Apatosaurine feeding mechanism 2022.2
New diplodocine sauropod 2024.3
mosasaur ........................ Three-D scanning of mosasaur bones 2000.2
Mosasauria ....................... Huehuetla Turonian vertebrates 2019.1
Moschidae ......................... Oldest Mongolian Moschidae 2019.2
Moscovian ...................... Evolution of carboniferous fusulinids on Spitsbergen 1999.1
Solovievaia nomen novum 2018.2
moths .............................. Mating moths 2019.1
moulting ........................ Trilobite moulting variability 2019.2
Trilobite moulting morphometry 2024.1 
Mourasuchus ................. Caimanines from Urumaco Formation 2016.3
Mourasuchus amazonensis 2019.2
amazonensis .................

Mourasuchus amazonensis 2019.2
MP7 ................................ European Oxyaenidae 2011.2
mud-mound ...................
Uca lactea mud mounds 2015.2
multibody dynamics .... Allosaurus feeding 2013.2
Multibody System Dynamics (MSD) ..........
Coupling FEA and MSD 2015.2
multi light image collection ... Scanning fossil surfaces 2024.2
multimodal distribution .... Trilobite moulting morphometry 2024.1 
multispectral systems .. Multispectral detection 2016.3
multivariate analysis .......... Ellobius and GMM 2021.1 
muricid gastropods ....... Cannibalism in gastropods 2013.1
Muridae ......................... Quaternary aged small mammals 2017.1
Murihiku ......................... Catlins Coast Jurassic 2020.3
muroid rodents ............... Pararhizomys from Northern China 2005.1
Muschelkalk ................... The oldest Dutch lobsters 2011.1
muscle/s .......................... Sphenodon muscles 2009.2
Visualising muscle anatomy 2009.3
Allosaurus feeding 2013.2
Reconstructing a fossil lion 2017.2
muscular trade-off ......... Plesiosaur mastication 2013.2
museum/s ...................... Hadrosaurid forearm 2012.3
Commentary: Digital Atlas of Ancient Life 2015.2
Scottish Silurian fauna 2019.2
Paleontology Citizen Science 2020.1 
La Brea Tar Pits Paleoart 2022.1
museum collections ....... HDR imaging in paleontology 2009.1
Scottish Silurian fauna 2019.2
museum curation .......... Paleontology Citizen Science 2020.1 
musk deer ........................ Oldest Mongolian Moschidae 2019.2
Muskel ............................. Cranial turtle musculature 2011.2
Mustelidae ..................... Mustelid from Arizona 2011.3
Oldest Asian bunodont otters 2013.3
The large Eomellivora fricki 2017.1
Myanmar ....................... Pliocene birds from Myanmar 2016.3
Myliobatidae ................. New Eocene rays from the U.S. 2015.1
Mylodontidae .................
Dimorphism in Scelidotheriinae 2015.1
myology ......................... Sphenodon muscles 2009.2
Visualising muscle anatomy 2009.3
Plesiosaur pectoral myology 2015.1
mysticete ........................ Pleistocene Mysticete Whale 2012.3 
Mysticeti ............................. Oligocene mysticetes from México 2018.1
Pliocene whale from Panama 2019.2