C3 diets ............................ |
Buluk, Kenya stable isotopes 2024.1 |
cache .......................... |
Tubulichnium – deep-sea trace 2017.2 |
Cacomorphocerini ........ |
New Cacomorphocerus 2019.2 |
Caenophidia ................ |
Caenophidian calibrations 2016.2 |
Caimaninae ................... |
Mourasuchus amazonensis 2019.2 |
"Cainotherium plan" ..... |
New species of Cainotherioidea 2020.3 |
caimanines .................. |
Caimanines from Urumaco Formation 2016.3 |
Caithness ...................... |
Scottish diplacanthid fishes 2016.1 Cheiracanthus from Scotland 2020.1 New Devonian acanthodian 2023.1 |
Caithness Flagston Group ... |
New Devonian acanthodian 2023.1 |
Calabrian ................ |
Whale-fall paleo-community 2018.1 |
calcareous ..................... |
Microfossil extraction 2013.3 |
calcareous microfossils .. |
Ovummuridae, Wenlock, UK 2022.2 |
calcareous sponges ... |
Symbiosis in the Silurian 2022.2 Endobiotic symbiont fauna 2022.3 |
Calcidiscus leptoporus .. |
Illustrating coccolith evolution with 3-D animations 2001.1 Volume density diagrams 2012.3 |
calcium ..................... |
Decomposing crayfish 2020.3 |
calibration .................... |
Animal history timescale 2015.1 Fossil calibrations for snakes 2015.1 Caenophidian calibrations 2016.2 Earliest fossil of Elgaria 2018.1 First butterfly in Baltic amber 2025.1 |
calibration point .......... |
First butterfly in Baltic amber 2025.1 |
California ....................... |
Artificial neural networks for environmental studies 2000.2 Eocene carnivoraforms 2013.2 |
Callovian ....................... |
Jurassic Liopleurodon of France 2024.2 |
Caló den Rafelino .........
Rebuttal to Furió and Pons-Monjo 2013.2 |
Calvados ...................... |
New Bajocian crab from France 2021.2 |
calvarium ..................... |
Mammals from Solna Jama Cave 2017.1 |
Calvert Cliffs .............. |
A Shear-Compression Fracture (2022.3) |
Calvert Formation ........ |
Isopod Impression in a Coprolite 2024.3 |
Camarasaurus ............. |
Manus and pes of Camarasaurus 2015.2 |
Cambay shale ................ |
Eocene lizards from India 2008.1 |
Cambrian ...................... |
Cambrian stereom 2013.3 Cambrian sclerites 2014.3 Chancelloriids 2015.1 Brachiopods of the Forteau Formation 2017.3 Trilobite moulting variability 2019.2 Revision of Cambrian trilobite taxa 2020.2 Injured trilobites in the TMP 2020.2 Collections biases 2020.3 A new Chengjiang euarthropod 2022.1 Chuandianella ovata 2022.1 Cadiz Dolichometopids 2022.2 Bradoriid carapace disparity 2024.3 Drishti and Amira visualizations 2025.1 |
Cambrian Explosion ...... |
Injured trilobites in the TMP 2020.2 |
Cambrian (lower) .......... |
A new Chengjiang euarthropod 2022.1 Origin of the hemichordate larva 2024.1 |
Cambrian Series 2 ......... |
Early Cambrian SSFs of Mexico 2019.2 |
Camelidae ..................... |
Discriminant ID of postcrania 2013.3 |
Campanian ............... |
Bioerosion traces on turtles 2023.3 A long-nose ichthyodectiform 2024.3 |
Camptophyllia ...............
The arthropod Camtophyllia 2012.2 |
Canada .......................... |
New Genus of Arcellinina 2015.3 New Eocene Primates of Saskatchewan 2023.2 |
Canada, British Columbia ........................ |
Fish scales of British Columbia and paleofisheries 2001.2 Solar variation and Holocene fish productivity 2004.1 Cenozoic and Cretaceous ichthyoliths 2005.2 Foraminifera caught in sponges 2006.1 |
Cañadón Vaca ................ |
Cañadon Vaca Astrapotheres 2019.2 |
cancellous bone ...........
Holistic analysis of bone 2014.3 |
Candiacervus ............... |
Uniformity in variety 2018.1 Body mass of Candiacervus 2022.2 |
Canellales .................... |
Magnoliidae 2015.1 |
Çankiri-Çorum Basin ..... |
Turkish Early Miocene suids 2015.2 |
cannibalism .................. |
Cannibalism in gastropods 2013.1 |
Cantabrian Zone .......... |
Demosponge from Spain 2013.2 |
Cantaure Formation ..... |
Early Neogene Elasmobranchii 2016.2 |
Capdevila Formation ... |
Spatangoid echinoid burrows 2025.1 |
Caplen Beach ............... |
Pleistocene manatees in Texas (2020.3) |
Caprinae ....................... |
New Bovid from the Pliocene of Nevada 2005.1 |
Caprinidae .................... |
Rudist taxonomy using X-ray CT 2007.3 |
Căpus Formation ......... |
Bartonian fish from Transylvania 2019.3 |
carapace |
Sexual systems in fossils 2012.2 |
carbonate dissolution ... |
Agglutinated foraminifera 2011.2 |
carbonate rocks ............ |
Arachnostega in the Ordovician 2014.3 |
carbonate/s .................... |
Macrofossils from chalk 2004.1 Decomposing crayfish 2020.3 |
carboniferous ............... |
XMT of carboniferous scorpions 2012.2 The arthropod Camtophyllia 2012.2 |
carbon isotopes ............... |
Buluk, Kenya stable isotopes 2024.1 |
Carbonuferous (Upper) ... |
Eumalacostracan from Piesberg 2022.1 |
carcass ........................ |
Forensic palaeoentomology 2016.2 |
Carcharodontosaurid .... |
Theropod trackway at Las Hoyas 2017.3 |
Carcinidae ..................... |
Carcinidae Diversity 2023.3 |
Carcinus ...................... |
Outline ontogeny analysis 2024.1 |
Cariamiformes ................. |
Eocene Cariamiformes from Antarctica 2024.1 |
Caribbean .................... |
Constraining Caryocorbula 2005.2 Venzuelan Echinoids 2010.3 |
Caririchnium ichnofacies |
Cretaceous dinosaur tracksite 2003.1 |
Carnian .......................... |
Carnian ostracods from Turkey 2018.2 |
Carnic Alps ...................... |
Yakhtashian algae, Carnic Alps 2019.3 |
Carnivora ...................... |
Palaeogene Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans from Gansu 2005.1 3D surface analysis 2008.2 Carnivoran chewing 2008.2 Haasgat HGD Assemblage 2012.3 Oldest Asian bunodont otters 2013.3 New material of Daphoenictis 2015.2 New Kenyan Miocene Carnivora 2018.1 Occurrence of the Sabretooth 2020.2 |
Carnivoramorpha ........... |
Eocene carnivoraforms 2013.2 |
Carnivoraformes ........... |
Eocene carnivoraforms 2013.2 |
carnivorans ................... |
New Kenyan Miocene Carnivora 2018.1 |
Carnivory ........................ |
Deciduous hyaenodont teeth 2017.3 |
carpal .......................... |
Gomphotheriid manus 2014.1 |
Carpathian flysch .......... |
Oligocene passerine foot 2014.1 Galliform bird from Oligocene 2014.3 |
Caribbean Biogeographic Province ......................... |
Metrarabdotos from Pirabas 2017.2 |
Carodnia ....................... |
South American Xenungulata 2024.2 |
Caseasauria ................. |
New material of Alierasaurus 2017.2 |
Caseidae ....................... |
New material of Alierasaurus 2017.2 |
casting ........................... |
Casting microscopic detail 2003.2 |
Castle Bank ................... |
Teganium from Wales 2023.2 |
Castoridae ....................... |
Skull of Capacikala gradatus 2014.2 Fossil beaver morphology 2023.3 |
cathodoluminescence ...
Cambrian stereom 2013.3 |
Catlins ......................... |
Catlins Coast Jurassic 2020.3 |
Caucasus ....................... |
Palaeobatrachid from Caucasus 2018.2 Pleistocene biota from Armenia 2019.1 |
caudata ......................... |
Mio-Pliocene salamanders 2011.2 |
cave/s ......................... |
Underwater Palaeontology 2018.2 Late Holocene Fauna from Cuba 2020.3 |
cave fauna .................... |
New Andean cave faunas 2009.3 |
cave sites ..................... |
Drimolen Makondo fauna 2015.2 |
Cavimorpha-Phimorpha.. |
Four mammal calibrations 2015.1 |
CD-ROM ................... |
Electronic publications of the future 1999.1 |
Cedar Mountain Formation .... |
Cedar Mtn Fm Predictive Model 2023.3 |
Cenomanian .................. |
Fossil fishes from Chiapas 2009.2 Cretaceous foraminifera of B.C. 2010.2 Bite Marks and Shell Disease Comparison 2023.2 |
Cenomanian (Early) ....... |
Icthyosaur from Texas 2011.3 |
Cenozoic ........................ |
Cenozoic deep sea microfossil database 1999.2 Cenozoic and Cretaceous ichthyoliths 2005.2 Large caviomorph tracks 2011.2 New Eocene cockroach 2015.1 New Netropical Megatherinae 2018.2 Aloisalthella and Clypeina 2019.2 South America mammal EDA 2020.1 Paleoclimate in Tehuacá Formation 2021.2 Oligocene shark nursery 2021.2 Amateur paleontology 2022.1 Miocene decapods Cyprus Anomura 2023.3 Symposium on Fossil Decapods 2023.3 Mid-Cenozoic palaeoclimates northwest Europe 2024.2 |
Central America ............... |
Pliocene whale from Panama 2019.2 |
Central Great Plains ........ |
Fossil Snakes of Penny Creek 2024.1 |
centre of mass ................ |
Allosaurus body mass 2009.3 |
central capsules ............ |
Binary division and shell formation in colonial radiolarians |
cephalopod biofacies .... |
Cephalopods reflect Siluro-Devonian paleogeography 2002.2 |
cephalopod (coleoid) .... |
Belemnite phylogeny 2023.1 |
cephalopoda/s ............... |
Silurian nautiloid family Arionoceratidae 1998.2 Fourier analysis of ammonoid sutures 2003.1 GIS analysis of sutures 2011.1 Possible fossil paralarva 2012.3 Cephalopod Hydrostatics 2019.1 Exploring Ammonoid Paleobiology 2019.3 GM in ammonoids virtual models 2021.3 Shapes of the ammonoid whorl 2023.1 |
Ceratopogonnidae ........... |
Biting midges in Fushun amber 2016.3 |
Ceratopsidae/Ceratopsia.. |
Horn use in Triceratops 2004.1 Sexual selection in Ceratopsia 2016.1 Forelimb function 2023.3 |
Cercamoniinae ............... |
Redescription of A. roselli 2016.2 |
Cercopithecoides ............ |
Drimolen Makondo fauna 2015.2 |
Cernictis |
Mustelid from Arizona 2011.3 |
Cerro de los Batallones ... |
New skull of D. rex from BAT4 2019.2 |
cervical vertebrae ........ |
Retrodeformation and phylogeny 2013.1 Spinal fusions in plesiosaurs 2019.1 Axial skeleton of Bagualia 2021.3 |
Cervidae .......................... |
New old deer from Washington 2020.1 Body mass of Candiacervus 2022.2 |
Cetacea .......................... |
Estimate of early Eocene for origin of whales 1998.2 Whales from India 2014.3 Oligocene mysticetes from México 2018.1 Cranial anatomy of Indohyus 2024.1 |
cetacean/s ..................... |
Koeberg Early Pliocene Cetacea 2019.1 The Volhynian (Late Middle Miocene) 2020.3 A Shear-Compression Fracture 2022.3 Trimming down Perucetus 2025.1 |
cetacean vertebrae ..... |
A Shear-Compression Fracture 2022.3 |
Chadronian ....................
New material of Daphoenictis 2015.2 Apatemyids from Nebraska, USA 2017.1 |
chaetetid hypercalcified demosponges .................
Demosponge from Spain 2013.2 |
Chalcidoidea .................... |
Redescription of Parviformosus 2020.1 |
Chambers Tuff Formation . |
Texas Brontotheriidae 2021.3 |
Chancelloriida ...............
Chancelloriids 2015.1 |
Chapalmalania ............... |
Scavenging of a glyptodont 2013.2 |
Charadrii ........................ |
Charadriiformes calibration 2015.1 |
Charente-Maritime ......... |
New Cretaceous auger beetle 2014.1 |
Chasmaporthetes .......... |
Drimolen Makondo fauna 2015.2 |
Chasmosaurinae ............. |
Horn use in Triceratops 2004.1 |
Chasmosaurus ................ |
Neocerotopsian stance 2007.1 |
Chatham Island ............... |
Chatham Island Penguins 2019.3 |
Chattian ........................ |
Chattian hymenosomatids 2024.1 |
Cheilostomata .................. |
Tamiami Formation bryozoans 2019.1 |
Chelidae ........................ |
Chelus fossil skull 2015.2 |
Cheilostomatida ............. |
Holocene bryozoans from Japan 2025.1 |
Cheiracantus .................. |
Cheiracanthus from Scotland 2020.1 |
chemoreception ............. |
Chemoreception and foraging 2007.1 |
Chengjiang ..................... |
A new Cambrian euarthropod 2020.2 A new Chengjiang euarthropod 2022.1 Chuandianella ovata 2022.1 Origin of the hemichordate larva 2024.1 |
Chengjiang biota ........... |
Chuandianella ovata 2022.1 |
chewing ......................... |
Edmontosaurus mastication 2008.2 |
Chiapas ......................... |
Fossil fishes from Chiapas 2009.2 Paleocene fishes from Palenque 2015.2 Ancient armored trumpetfish 2016.3 A new ant fossil species 2023.3 A long-nose ichthyodectiform 2024.3 |
Chilecebus .....................
Mammal inner ear 2012.2 |
chimaeras ....................... |
Eocene chondrichthyans of Kyiv 2023.2 |
China ............................. |
Translation of Zdansky's 1923 Hipparion fauna of Shanxi 2005.1 Palaeogene Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans from Gansu 2005.1 Geology of river canyons in Western China 2005.1 Pararhizomys from Northern China 2005.1 Chinese microtines 2011.3 Fossil Liverwort from China 2019.2 Revision of Cambrian trilobite taxa 2020.2 A new Cambrian euarthropod 2020.2 Luchibang is a Chinese chimera 2024.2 |
Chinji ........................... |
New giraffid genus 2024.2 |
Chinlechelys ................... |
Triassic Turtle Chinlechelys 2021.1 |
Chinle Formation ........... |
Procolophonid from the Chinle Formation, Utah 2005.1 New Vancleavea material 2008.3 |
Chione ............................ |
Gastropod predation on a Neogene bivalve 1999.1 |
Chironomidae ................. |
Chironomid identification 2014.1 Tanytarsini in Baltic amber 2016.2 Libanochlites from Eocene 2019.2 Caddisfly larvae from amber 2023.2 |
Chiroptera ...................... |
Qesem Bats 2013.3 Four mammal calibrations 2015.1 |
Chisos Formation ....... |
Texas Brontotheriidae 2021.3 |
Chitarwata Formation .... |
New Rhinocerotid from Zinda Pir, Pakistan 2005.1 |
chitinozoans .................. |
Krejciella reinterpreted 2022.2 |
Choerolophodon ........... |
Haritalyangar Proboscideans 2018.1 |
Chondrichthyes ............. |
Oligocene shark nursery 2021.2 |
chord of an arc ............... |
Crushed Silurian cephalopods reflect compaction 2001.2 |
Chosi Group ............. |
Otoliths from Cretaceous 2024.1 |
Christmas Island ............. |
Biogeography and Christmas Island forams 2003.2 |
Chondrichthyes ................ |
Edestus minor microwear 2019.2 |
Chrondrostei ...................
New Coccolepidid from Patagonia 2013.1 New Toarcian coccolepidid fish 2024.1 |
chronology ..................... |
Arvicoline chronometry 2011.3 |
chronospecies ........... |
Fossil beaver morphology 2023.3 |
chytridiomycetes ............ |
Permian endoparasitic fungus 2007.3 |
Ciconiidae ...................... |
Pliocene birds from Myanmar 2016.3 |
cingulates .......................
Glyptodont nasal anatomy 2012.3 |
citizen science ................. |
Paleontology Citizen Science 2020.1 Analysis of fossil ID guides 2020.1 |
Citronelle Formation ...... |
Citronelle flora climate 2015.3 |
clade .............................. |
"Protrogomorph" rodents 2020.2 |
cladistic analysis ............. |
Systematics of Eosemionotus 2019.1 |
Cladocera ........................ |
Cenozoic Daphnia from Germany 2013.2 Cretaceous ephippia 2016.3 |
cladogensis ................. |
Body mass of Candiacervus 2022.2 |
Claiborne Group ............... |
Eocene plants from Tennessee 2013.3 Fossil plants from Tennessee 2020.3 |
Clarendonian ................. |
New Archaic Pika from Nebraska 2011.1 Lapara Creek 2019.1 Fossil Snakes of Penny Creek 2024.1 |
Clariidae ....................... |
Cenozoic catfishes of Europe 2016.3 |
Clarkforkian ................... |
Buckman Hollow local fauna 2014.1 |
Clarkia flora .................... |
New Vaccinioideae species 2019.3 |
Clarno Formation .......... |
Eocene rodents from Oregon 2017.2 First mesonychid from Oregon 2019.2 John Day Fossil Tracks 2025.1 |
classification ............. |
Outline ontogeny analysis 2024.1 |
Class Tentaculitoidea ..... |
Tentaculitoids of Brazil 2018.2 |
clay dispersion ............. |
Microfossil extraction 2013.3 |
climate ............................. |
Vegetation evolution and climate change 2021.2 |
climate change ............... |
East Asian climate in the Miocene Pliocene 2005.1 Squamates from the Late Eocene 2006.2 Miocene climate modelling 2009.2 Miocene climate of New Zealand 2014.3 E/O DWAF from Sicily 2017.1 Environmentally engaged 2017.3 Stasis in Pleistocene Owls 2019.3 Diptera larvae in Baltic amber 2021.1 |
climate envelope models ... |
Fossil Snakes of Penny Creek 2024.1 |
climatoogical proxy ....... |
Diptera larvae in Baltic amber 2021.1 |
Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP).......................... |
Loosening the CLAMP 2006.2 Leaf traits of Miocene floras 2023.2 |
Clinton Group ................. |
Conodonts in Second Creek Bed 2014.1 |
clothes moths .................. |
Mating moths 2019.1 |
clubs .............................. |
Commentary: Amateur & Professionals in US 2016.2 |
cluster analysis ............... |
Oceans of Orthids 2004.1 |
Clypeasteroida ................. |
New Vaquerosella from Mexico 2020.1 |
Clypeina ............................ |
Aloisalthella and Clypeina 2019.2 |
CO2 ................................ |
Miocene climate modelling 2009.2 |
coastal environments .... |
Termite nests in backshore settings 2021.1 |
Coccolepididae .............. |
New Coccolepidid from Patagonia 2013.1 New Toarcian coccolepidid fish 2024.1 |
cockroaches ................. |
New Eocene cockroach 2015.1 |
cold seep ............. |
Soft tissues in fossil crab 2023.3 |
Coelacanths ................. |
Big Dockum Group Coelacanth 2023.1 |
Coeloscleritophora .......
Chancelloriids 2015.1 |
Coleoptera .................... |
New weevil tribe 2013.3 Redescription of Ademosynidae 2017.2 New fossil cylindrical beetle 2019.2 New Cretaceous beetle larvae 2023.3 |
collagen ........................ |
Soft tissues in fossil bone 2022.3 |
collector .................. |
Amateur paleontology 2022.1 |
collections ................... |
Digitization workflows 2016.3 Pyrite disease 2020.3 Collections biases 2020.3 |
collections biases ....... |
Collections biases 2020.3 |
collosphaerid radiolaria .. |
Binary division and shell formation in colonial radiolarians 1998.1 |
Colodon ......................... |
Facial skeleton of an Oligocene Tapir 2005.1 |
cololites ....................... |
Ambergrisichnus alleronae 2014.2 |
Colombia ..................... |
Chelus fossil skull 2015.2 |
colonial collection ........... |
Bamboo corsets from Tendaguru 2023.1 |
colonial coral ................... |
The coral Heritschioides 2014.1 |
colonial radiolarian Acrosphaera ..................... |
Binary division and shell formation in colonial radiolarians 1998.1 |
colonial radiolaria, non-shelled ...................... |
Binary division and shell formation in colonial radiolarians 1998.1 |
color ................................. |
Eye anatomy and vision in extinct vertebrates 2000.1 |
color pictures .................. |
Illustration and taxonomy of Japanese Neogene foraminifera 2000.2 |
Colubridae ...................... |
Caenophidian calibrations 2016.2 |
Colubroidea .................. |
Caenophidian calibrations 2016.2 |
Colombia ......................... |
Fossil plant or turtle? 2023.3 |
columbids ...................... |
Gambier Group fossil avifaunas 2018.3 |
commercialism ............... |
Benefits of fossil sales 2014.1 |
community structure .... |
South America mammal EDA 2020.1 Želkovice graptolite analysis 2024.3 |
compact disc ......... |
See CD-ROM |
compaction ..................... |
Crushed Silurian cephalopods reflect compaction 2001.2 |
comparative analysis ....
Controversy in materials data 2015.1 |
comparison ............ |
Drishti and Amira visualizations 2025.1 |
compitum .................... |
A fossil multicarpellate fruit 2022.1 |
composite imaging ......... |
Solnhofen imaging 2009.3 |
compression fossils ....... |
New fossil harvestmen 2019.1 |
computational mechanics ... |
Coupling FEA and MSD 2015.2 |
computed tomography/ computed tomographic...
Facial skeleton of an Oligocene Tapir 2005.1 Rudist taxonomy using X-ray CT 2007.3 Solnhofen imaging 2009.3 XMT of carboniferous scorpions 2012.2 The arthropod Camtophyllia 2012.2 Virtual palaeontology toolkit 2012.2 Micro-CT workflow 2012.2 Olfaction in rhynchosaurs 2014.1 Skull of Tenontosaurus 2015.2 XMT on brachiopod fossils 2017.2 Investigating CT scan quality 2020.1 |
computer ........................ |
Morphology of large bones captured by digitizer 2002.2 New digitizing techniques 2009.2 |
computer model/s ......... |
Jurassic ammonite phragmocones 2009.1 Gastropod heterochrony model 2015.1 |
computer program ......... |
New stratocladistic program 2008.1 |
computer simulation ....... |
CFD of ammonoid shells 2020.1 |
concentration.................. |
Neutron tomography of vertebrate remains 2005.2 |
conch ........................ |
GM in ammonoids virtual models 2021.3 |
Conchostraca .............. |
Sexual systems in fossils 2012.2 |
conglomerates ................ |
Microvertebrates in calcareous nodules in ancient soils 1998.2 |
confocal microscopy ...... |
Computerized morphology of small teeth 1999.1 |
Conicocassis gen. nov. ... |
New Genus of Arcellinina 2015.3 |
conicality ....................... |
Armadillo foraging pits 2014.3 |
Coniopterygidae ........... |
Unusual lacewing larvae 2022.2 |
conodont/s ................... |
Microevolution in Wurmiella 2005.2 Conodonts in Second Creek Bed 2014.1 Conodont X-ray tomographies 2016.3 Telychian conodonts from Iowa 2017.2 |
conodont biostratigraphy.. |
Pyrenean Givetian correlation 2016.3 |
conservation .................... |
Neutron scan plant resin 2017.3 Air-abrasive fossil preparation 2018.2 Fire in fossil preparation 2021.2 Sustainable preservation 2024.1 Digitisation through glass 2024.2 |
consolidant removal ...... |
Cleaning teeth for microwear 2010.3 |
consolidation .................. |
Sustainable preservation 2024.1 |
constraint/s...................... |
Constraining Caryocorbula 2005.2 GIS analysis of sutures 2011.1 |
containers (transport) ... |
Bamboo corsets from Tendaguru 2023.1 |
continental .....................
Neoichnology of scorpions 2012.1 Neoichnology of spirobolids 2014.1 Neoichnology of sand skinks 2014.3 Neoichnology of spiders 2015.1 Neoichnology of toads 2015.2 Neoichnology of tarantulas 2017.3 |
continuous characters .. |
Novel distance for intervals 2023.2 |
continuum mechanics .... |
Quasihomothetic transformation 2013.3 |
controlled food testing ... |
What does toothwear represent? 2017.3 |
Conulariida ................... |
Underwater drunken forest 2024.3 |
convergence .................. |
Enamel structure of mole rats 2018.2 Mesozoic reef crabs 2020.2 |
convergent evolution ..... |
Foraminifera caught in sponges 2006.1 Lobster genus Oncopareia 2022.2 |
co-occurrence ................ |
Correlations and co-occurrences 2011.1 |
coprolites .................. |
Opalized Termite Coprolites 2024.3 Isopod Impression in a Coprolite 2024.3 |
coquina bed ................... |
Permian stromatolites 2012.1 |
Coraginae ...................... |
New Anthribidae in amber 2016.2 |
coral/s ............................ |
Permian coral of McCloud Belt 2009.2 The coral Heritschioides 2014.1 Quantifying ichthyoliths 2017.1 Neorylstonia paper 2019.2 Oligocene-Miocene corals 2019.3 Spanish Valanginian Corals 2021.1 Symbiosis in the Silurian 2022.2 |
coral mounds ................ |
Deep water ostracods 2015.2 |
coral reefs .................... |
Quantifying ichthyoliths 2017.1 |
corals (tabulate) ........... |
Symbiosis in the Silurian 2022.2 Endobiotic symbiont fauna 2022.3 |
Corbulidae...................... |
Constraining Caryocorbula 2005.2 |
core ............................... |
3D "Phycosiphoniform" burrows 2009.3 |
coronus ......................... |
Schaubcylindrichnus 2013.1 |
correlation ..................... |
Pennsylvanian fusulinids from Iran 2006.1 Correlations and co-occurrences 2011.1 Arctic macroflora 2021.1 |
Costa Rica ..................... |
Pleistocene flora from Costa Rica 2011.1 |
cotton rat ....................... |
Sigmodon variation 2011.3 |
Covidfructus multicarpellatus ............. |
A fossil multicarpellate fruit 2022.1 |
Corynexochida ............ |
Cadiz Dolichometopids 2022.2 |
crab/s ............................. |
Eocene dromiid crabs revised 2017.3 A Permian austrolimulid 2019.3 Dotilla Pellet designs 2024.1 |
Crade of Humankind ...... |
Drimolen Makondo fauna 2015.2 New Bajocian crab from France 2021.2 |
cranial ............................ |
Facial skeleton of an Oligocene Tapir 2005.1 |
cranial endocast ............ |
Olfaction in rhynchosaurs 2014.1 |
cranial morphometrics/ morphology .................. |
Canis dirus craniometrics 2014.1 cranial morphology: Lion cranial variability 2022.3
cranial osteology ............. |
Aetosauroides skull 2021.3 |
craniodental ................... |
Thylacine Skeletal Atlas 2019.1 |
cranium ......................... |
Cranial joints in Sphenodon 2011.2 Skull of Tenontosaurus 2015.2 New skull of Axestemys 2024.2 |
crater lakes ..................... |
Eocene echo-locating micro-bat from Tanzania 2002.2 |
Crato Formation .............. |
Redescription of Parviformosus 2020.1 |
crayfish ......................... |
Decomposing crayfish 2020.3 |
creationism .................... |
"Dinosaur" petroglyphs 2011.1 Dinosaurs in Greco-Roman art? 2013.3 |
Creodonta ....................... |
Palaeogene Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans from Gansu 2005.1 European Oxyaenidae 2011.2 |
Cretaceous ..................... |
Macrofossils from chalk 2004.1 GIS identification of Ammonites 2004.2 Sauropod dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Malawi 2005.1 The skull of Pachyrachis 2005.1 Cenozoic and Cretaceous ichthyoliths 2005.2 Fossil fishes from Chiapas 2009.2 Cretaceous foraminifera of B.C. 2010.2 High latitude hadrosaurs 2011.3 Slaughteria gets a CT 2011.3 Ursquilla and virtual peel 2013.2 Japanese fossil lizards 2015.2 Cretaceous ephippia 2016.3 Analysis of ammonoid jaws 2016.3 A Mizzia-like alga 2017.1 Belemnites around the KTB 2017.2 Neutron scan plant resin 2017.3 Appalachia biogeography 2018.1 Arundel Fauna of Maryland, USA 2018.2 Early Cretaceous leaves 2018.3 New fossil harvestmen 2019.1 New Belonostomus record 2019.3 Arlington Archosaur turtles 2019.3 Osteology of Rahonavis 2020.2 Mesofossils of Lower Silesia 2020.3 Spanish Valanginian Corals 2021.1 Plesiosaur vertebrae 2021.3 Madagascar Elopomorpha 2021.3 Bite Marks and Shell Disease Comparison 2023.2 The osteology of Irritator 2023.2 New Cretaceous beetle larvae 2023.3 Soft tissues in fossil crab 2023.3 Metatherian ecomorphology 2023.3 A bothremydid turtle in Israel 2025.1 |
Cretaceous, Early .... |
Plesiosaur vertebrae 2021.3 |
Cretaceous, Late .......... |
Mesofossils of Lower Silesia 2020.3 Comparison of methods: Micro-CT and epoxy cast-embedding 2023.2 A bothremydid turtle in Israel 2025.1
Cretaceous, Lower ........ |
Body position and function in Cretaceous ammonites 1998.1 Rudist taxonomy using X-ray CT 2007.3 3D Glen Rose Track 2010.3 Biodiversity of “La Cantalera" 2015.2 Otoliths from Cretaceous 2024.1 |
Cretaceous, Mid ............. |
Cretaceous dinosaur tracksite 2003.1 New baenid genus Gehennachelys 2023.2 |
Cretaceous-Paleogene .... |
Mammal humeri across the K/Pg 2017.3 |
Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution ...................... |
Libanochlites from Eocene 2019.2 |
Cretaceous-Tertiary ....... |
Extinctions and originations of bryozoan genera 2001.1 Cenozoic Daphnia from Germany 2013.2 |
Cretaceous, Upper ......... |
Judith River Formation turtle tracks 2005.1 Fossiliferous flints 2019.3 Arlington Archosaur turtles 2019.3 Campanian ammonoid biozonation 2021.3 |
Cricetidae ...................... |
Blancan Cricetids 2011.3 |
cricetids ......................... |
Origin of arvicolids 2011.3 Pliocene cricetids 2011.3 |
Cricosaurus ................ |
A new Cricosaurus species 2021.2 |
Crimea ........................ |
Equids from Emine-Bair-Khosar 2012.1 |
crinoid/s ......................... |
Image segmentation 2014.3 |
crista transversa ............. |
Two exceptional Balaenomorpha 2023.3 |
critical features ............. |
Fossil Anthicidae, Ischaliidae 2019.1 |
crocodile lizard .............. |
Braincase and osteoderms of Shinisaurus 2005.1 |
Crocodylia ..................... |
Caimanines from Urumaco Formation 2016.3 Mourasuchus amazonensis 2019.2 Oldest record of Alligator in southeastern North America 2023.1 Bite Marks and Shell Disease Comparison 2023.2 Ultrastenos revised 2024.1 |
Crocodyliformes ............ |
Metriorhynchid skin 2021.2 |
Crocodylomorpha ......... |
Biodiversity of “La Cantalera" 2015.2 A new Portuguese goniopholidid 2024.1 |
Cromeromys ................... |
Chinese microtines 2011.3 Origin of Lemmiscus 2011.3 |
Crocopoda ...................... |
Archosauromorphs from Spain 2017.3 |
Crocuta spelaea ............ |
Crocuta spelaea in Iberia 2017.1 |
crouching posture ......... |
Elongated theropod tracks 2015.3 |
crown group fossils ...... |
Dragonfly fossil calibrations 2016.1 Fossil calibrations true crabs 2024.2 |
crown group ................. |
Fossil calibrations true crabs 2024.2 |
crown morphology .........
Hypocones in Eocene Adapids 2012.3 |
cross sections ................ |
3D "Phycosiphoniform" burrows 2009.3 |
crurotarsan ...................
Revueltosaurus tooth enamel 2013.1 |
Crusafontina ............... |
New Neogene anourosoricin shrews from northern Asia 2022.3 |
Crustacea ..................... |
Cretaceous ephippia 2016.3 Mesozoic reef crabs 2020.2 Fossil lobsters from Canada 2023.1 Eocene spider crabs from Spain 2023.2 |
crustaceans ................... |
Eocene spider crabs from Spain 2023.2 |
Cryptoclidus ................. |
Plesiosaur humeral pathology 2018.1 |
crystal (single) ................ |
Ditrupa bartonensis tube 2020.2 |
CT scan/ning .................. |
Braincase of Youngina 2010.3 A new Strepsiptera genus 2013.3 Fossil CT scan data analyses 2016.1 3D morphometrics in trilobites 2016.3 Neorylstonia paper 2019.2 New Vaccinioideae species 2019.3 Investigating CT scan quality 2020.1 T. rex trigeminal canals 2022.1 |
ctenodactyloid rodents .. |
Unusual rodent from the Miocene of Pakistan 2005.1 |
Cuayuca Formation ...... |
Angiosperm pollen Cuayuca Fm. 2015.1 |
Cuba/n ............................. |
Endocast of Cuban Nesophontes 2014.2 Late Holocene Fauna from Cuba 2020.3 |
Cupressaceae ................ |
Neutron scan plant resin 2017.3 |
curation ......................... |
Reconstructing Scalopocynodon 2016.3 Paleontology Citizen Science 2020.1 |
Curculionoidea .............. |
New weevil tribe 2013.3 New Entiminae in amber 2017.2 New Anchonus in Dominican amber 2019.3 |
curve-skeleton ............... |
Ontogeny of mollusc shells 2009.3 |
cuticle ............................ |
Miocene plant cuticle 2007.1 Miocene monocots of New Zealand 2007.3 Eocene cuticle of Tasmania 2007.3 Red hot leaf flora 2007.3 Miocene leaf cuticle 2008.3 Paleocene-Eocene of Kakahu 2010.2 Pleistocene flora from Costa Rica 2011.1 Oniscidean isopod from Hungary 2017.1 Early Miocene St. Bathans Paleo 2019.3 Vanished Ecosystem 2021.1 |
cuttlefish ...................... |
Seagrass and cuttlefish 2019.3 |
cuttings ........................ |
Methodology of µCT on forams 2012.1 |
cyamodontoid .................. |
The Placodont Cyamodus 2010.2 |
Cycadophyte ............ |
Cycadophytas of the Permian 2021.3 |
Cyclostomata ................... |
Tamiami Formation bryozoans 2019.1 |
cyclothem .................... |
Pennsylvanian bryozoan fauna 2022.2 |
Cymothoida ...................... |
Cretaceous Epicaridea 2019.3 |
comothoid isopod .......... |
Isopod Impression in a Coprolite 2024.3 |
cyanobacteria .................. |
Yakhtashian algae, Carnic Alps 2019.3 |
cytochrome b ........... |
Ancient DNA of European pikas 2023.1 |
CV ..................................... |
Cerdas mesotheriines 2010.1 Artiodactyl postcrania 2012.1 |
Czekanowskiales .......... |
Quantitative Analysis by Machine Learning 2024.1 |