Article Search

Numbers refer to PE Issue, Volume, and Article (PE2.1.6A), and the year of publication (1999).


PE1.1.a1 Body Position and the Functional Morphology of Cretaceous Heteromorph Ammonites (1998)

PE1.1.a2 Evidence of Binary Division in Mature Central Capsules of a Collosphaerid Colonial Radiolarian: Implications for Shell Ontogenetic Patterns in Modern and Fossil Species (1998)

PE1.1.a3 Application of the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) of Sea Surface Temperature Estimation to Middle Pliocene North Pacific Planktonic Foraminifer Assemblages (1998)

PE1.1.a4 Identification Key for Holocene Lacustrine Arcellacean (Thecamoebian) Taxa (1998)

PE1.2.a5 Computer Simulation of the Evolution of Foraging Strategies: Application to the Ichnological Record (1998)

PE1.2.a6 Classification and Distribution of South Atlantic Recent Polycystine Radiolaria (1998)

PE1.2.a7 Some Remarks and Emendation of the Family Arionoceratidae Dzik (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) (1998)

PE1.2.a8 Likelihood Estimation of the Time of Origin of Cetacea and the Time of Divergence of Cetacea and Artiodactyla (1998)

PE1.2.a9 QuickTime VR: A Powerful New Illustrative Tool for Micropaleontological Research (1998)

PE1.2.a10 Microvertebrate Concentrations in Pedogenic Nodule Conglomerates: Recognizing the Rocks and Recovering and Interpreting the Fossils (1998)


PE2.1.1A Extinction and Naticid Predation of the Bivalve Chione Von Mühlfeld in the late Neogene of Florida (1999)

PE2.1.2A Fusulinid Succession from the Middle-Upper Carboniferous Boundary Beds on Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway (1999)

PE2.1.3A Laser Confocal Microscopy and Geographic Information Systems in the Study of Dental Morphology (1999)

PE2.1.4A Thecamoebian Bibliography (The) (1999)

PE2.1.5A Easy Access to Doubtful Taxonomic Decisions (1999)

PE2.1.6A Taxonomy and the Security of Databases (1999)

PE2.1.7A ADAPTS (Analysis of Diversity, Asymmetry of Phylogenetic Trees, and Survivorship): A New Software Tool for Analysing Stratigraphic Range Data (1999)

PE2.1.8A Beyond the Cutting Edge, Electronic Publications the 21ST Century (1999)

PE2.1.9A H. Alleyne Nicholson -- A Great Victorian Paleontologist (1999)

PE2.2.10A Original Shell Colouration in Late Pleistocene Terebratulid Brachiopods from New Zealand (1999)

PE2.2.11A Evolutionary Modelling from Family Diversity (1999)

PE2.2.12A Thermophysiology and Biology of Giganotosaurus: Comparison with Tyrannosaurus (1999)

PE2.2.13A Cenozoic Deep Sea Microfossil Record: Explorations of the DSDP/ODP Sample Set Using the Neptune Database (1999)

PE2.2.14A Pareto Analysis of Paleontological Data: A New Method of Weighing Variable Importance (1999)


PE 3.1.1A Exploring the Effects of Toothwear on Functional Morphology: A Preliminary Study Using Dental Topographic Analysis(2000)

PE3.1.2A Epofix and Vacuum: An Easy Method to Make Casts of Hard Substrates(2000)

PE3.1.3A Inferring the Retinal Anatomy and VIsual Capacities of Extinct Vertebrates (2000)

PE3.1.4A Teasing Fossils out of Shales with Cameras and Computers (2000)

PE3.2.5A Illustration and Taxonomic Reevaluation of Neogene Foraminifera Described from Japan (2000)

PE3.2.6A Function and Adaptation in Paleontology and Phylogenetics: Why Do We Omit Darwin? (2000)

PE3.2.7A Late Holocene Environment of the Southern North Sea from the Stable Isotopic Composition of Queen Scallop Shells (2000)

PE3.2.8A Sea Surface-water Temperature and Isotopic Reconstructions from Nannoplankton Data Using Artificial Neural Networks (2000)

PE3.2.9A Application of a Three-Dimensional Color Laser Scanner to Paleontology (2000)


PE4.1.1A Method of Illustrating the Morphological Evolution of Coccoliths with 3D Animations Applied to Calcidiscus Leptoporus (2001)

PE4.1.2A Methodologies for the Visualization and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Fossils from the Silurian Herefordshire Lagerstätte (2001)

PE4.1.3A Bryozoan Generic Extinctions and Originations During the Last One Hundred Million Years (2001)

PE4.1.4A PAST: Paleontological Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analysis (2001)

PE4.1.5A Modelling Middle Pliocene Warm Climates of the USA (2001)

PE4.2.6A Atlas of Common Squamatological (Fish Scale) Material in Coastal British Columbia, and an Assessment of the Utility of Various Scale Types in Paleofisheries Reconstruction (2002)

PE4.2.7A Amount of the Taphonomic/Tectonic Compaction in the Fluminimaggiore Formation (SW Sardina, Italy) with Discussion of a New Paleontological Method for Estimating Compaction (The) (2002)

PE4.2.8A Re-Illustration and Revised Taxonomy for Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifers (2002)


PE5.1.1A Computed Tomography of an Anolis Lizard in Dominican Amber: Systematic, Taphonomic, Biogeoraphic, and Evolutionary Implications (2002)

PE5.1.2A Environmental Control of Diversity, Evolutionary Rates and Taxa Longevities in Antarctic Neogne Radiolaria (2002)

PE5.1.3A Sterographic Virtual Reality Representations of Microfossils in Light Microscopy (2002)

PE5.1.4A Imaging Fossils Using Reflectance Transformation and Interactive Manipulation of Virtual Light Sources (2002)

PE5.2.5A Illustrated Guide to the Benthic Foraminifera of the Hebridean Shelf, West of Scotland, With Notes on Their Mode of Life (An) (2002)

PE5.2.6A Northern Gondwanan Siluro-Devonian Palaeogeography Assessed by Cephalopods (2002)

PE5.2.7A Oldest Placental Mammal from Sub-Saharan Africa: Eocene Microbat from Tanzania–Evidence for Early Evolution of Sophisticated Echolocation (2002)

PE5.2.8A Digitizing Large Fossil Skeletal Elements for Three-dimensional Applications (2002)


PE6.1.1A Fourier Method to Describe and Compare Suture Patterns (A) (2003)

PE6.1.2A Palaecological and Ichnological Significance of Microborings in Quaternary Foraminifera (2003)

PE6.1.3A New Cretaceous Dinosaur Tracksite in Southern New Mexico (A) (2003)

PE6.1.4A Illustration of Modern Benthic Foraminifera from Bermuda and Remarks on Distribution in Other Subtropical/tropical Areas (2003) 

PE6.1.5A Thecamoebian Bibliography, 2nd Edition (The) (2003)

PE6.2.6A Biogeography of Some Eocene Larger Foraminifera, and Their Application in Distinguishing Geological Plates (2003)

PE6.2.7A Morphometric Studies on Three Ostracod Species of the Genus Digmocythere Mandelstam from the Middel Eocene of Egypt (2003)

PE6.2.8A Casting, Replication, and Anaglyph Stereo Imaging of Microscopic Detail in Fossils, with Examples from Conodonts and Other Jawless Vertebrates (2003)


PE7.1.1A Horn Use in Triceratops (Dinosauria: Ceratopsidae): Testing Behavioral Hypotheses Using Scale Models (2004)

PE7.1.2A Holocene Solar Variability and Pelagic Fish Productivity in the NE Pacific (2004)

PE7.1.3A Ordovician-Silurian Distribution of Orthida (Palaeozoic Brachiopoda) in the Greater Iapetus Ocean Region (2004)

PE7.1.4A Extraction of Calcereous Macrofossils from the Upper Cretaceous White Chalk and Other Sedimentary Carbonates in Denmark and Sweden: The Acid-Hot Water Method and the Waterblasting Technique (2004)

PE7.2.5A Pattern Matching: Classification of Ammonitic Sutures Using GIS (2004)

PE7.2.6A Triassic and Cenozoic Palaeobiogeography: Two Case Studies in Quantitative Modelling Using IDL® (2004)

PE7.2.7A On the Simulation of the Evolution of Morphological Shape: Multivariate Shape under Selection and Drift (2004)


PE8.1.1A Will Downs' Role in the Geological Reconnaissance of River Canyons in Western China (2005)

PE8.1.2A Mio-Pliocene Growth of the Tibetan Plateau and Evolution of East Asian Climate (2005)

PE8.1.3A Translation of Otto Zdansky's "The Localities of the Hipparion Fauna in Baode Country in N.W. Shanxi" (1923) from the German (2005)

PE8.1.4A The Ossified Braincase and Cephalic Osteoderms of Shinisaurus crocodilurus (Squamata: Shinisauridae) (2005)

PE8.1.5A New Materials of Pararhizomys from Northern China (2005)

PE8.1.6A Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene of Xianshuihe Formation, Lanzhou Basin, Gansu Province, China (2005)

PE8.1.7A Gobiolagus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from Ula Usu, Inner Mongolia, and Comments on Eocene Lagomorphs of Asia (2005)

PE8.1.8A Insect Bone-Modification and Paleoecology of Oligocene Mammal-Bearing Sites in the Doupov Mountains, Northwestern Bohemia (2005)

PE8.1.9A Turtle Tracks in the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of South-Central Montana (2005)

PE8.1.10A Anaglyph Stereo Imaging of Dinosaur Track Morphology and Microtopography (2005)

PE8.1.11A New Species of Sinocapra (Bovidae, Caprinae) from the Lower Pliocene Panaca Formation, Nevada (USA) (2005)

PE8.1.12A The Facial Skeleton of the Early Oligocene Colodon (Perissodactyla, Tapiroidea) (2005)

PE8.1.13A A Procolophonid (Parareptilia) from the Owl Rock Member, Chinle Formation of Utah, USA (2005)

PE8.1.14A Microwear in Modern Squirrels in Relation to Diet (2005)

PE8.1.15A Biostratigraphic Survey in the Siwaliks of Pakistan: A Method for Standardized Surface Sampling of the Vertebrate Fossil Record (2005)

PE8.1.16A Misconceptions Arising from the Misassignment of Nonhominoid Teeth to the Miocene Hominoid Sivapithecus  (2005)

PE8.1.17A An Unusual Diatomyid Rodent from an Infrequently Sampled Late Miocene Interval in the Siwaliks of Pakistan (2005)

PE8.1.18A Snakes of the Siwalik Group (Miocene of Pakistan): Systematics and Relationship to Environmental Change (2005)

PE8.1.19A Will Downs and the Zinda Pir Dome (2005)

PE8.1.20A Relationship of Chitarwata Formation Paleodrainage and Paleoenvironments to Himalayan Tectonics and Indus River Paleogeography (2005)

PE8.1.21A A New Enigmatic Large Rhinocerotid from the Upper Member of the Chitarwata Formation at Zinda Pir Dome, Western Pakistan (2005)

PE8.1.22A Oligocene and Early Miocene Ruminants (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from Pakistan and Uganda (2005)

PE8.1.23A Taphonomic Observations on a Camel Skeleton in a Desert Environoment in Abu Dhabi (2005)

PE8.1.24A Small Rodents and a Lagomorph from the Early Miocene Bukwa Locality, Southeastern Uganda (2005)

PE8.1.25A Oligocene-Age (32.7-27.5 MA) Terrestrial Strata of Northwestern Ethiopia: A Preliminary Report on Paleoenvironments and Paleontology (2005)

PE8.1.26A A Morphological Model and CT Assessment of the Skull of Pachyrachis problematicus (Squamata; Serpentes), a 98 Million Year-Old Snake with Legs from the Middle East (2005)

PE8.1.27A Sauropod Dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of Malawi, Africa (2005)

PE8.1.28A Therapsids from the Permian Chiweta Beds and the Age of the Karoo Supergroup in Malawi (2005)

PE8.2.29A Cenozoic and Cretaceous Ichthyoliths from the Tofino Basin and Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada (2005)

PE8.2.30A Neutron Tomography of Internal Structures of Vertebrate Remains: A Comparison with X-Ray Computed Tomography (2005)

PE8.2.31A Microevolutionary Dynamics of the Early Devonian Conodont Wurmiella from the Great Basin of Nevada (2005)

PE8.2.32A Role of Constraint and selection in the Morphologic evolution of Caryocorbula (Mollusca: Corbulidae) from the Caribbean Neogene (2005)

PE8.2.33A Combining Morphometric and Paleoecological Analyses: Examining Small-Scale Dynamics in Species-Level and Community-Level Evolution (2005)


PE9.1.1A Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy and Fusulinids of Central and Eastern Iran (2006)

PE9.1.2A New Fossil Ratite (Aves: Palaeognathae) Eggshell Discoveries from the Late Miocene Baynunah Foramation of the United Arab Emirates, Arabian Peninsula (2006)

PE9.1.3A Modern Foraminifera Attached to Hexactinellid Sponge Meshwork on the West Canadian Shelf: How They Compare with Their Jurassic Counterparts in Europe (2006)

PE9.1.4A Quantifying a Possible Miocene Phyletic Change in Hemipristis (Chondrichthyes) Teeth (2006)

PE9.2.5A A Diverse New Assemblage of Late Eocene Squamates (Reptilia) from the Chadron Formation of North Dakota, U.S.A. (2006)

PE9.2.6A Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) From The Late Miocene Fissure Filling Biancone 1 (Gargano, Prov. Foggia, Italy) (2006)

PE9.2.7A Source Code for Theoretical Morphologic Simulation of Helical Colony Form in the Bryozoa (2006)

PE9.2.8A Positioning and Enhanced Sterographic Imaging of Microfossils in Reflected Light (2006)

PE9.2.9A Loosening the CLAMP: An Exploratory Graphical Approach to the Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (2006)


PE10.1.1A Chemoreception, Odor Landscapes, and Foraging in Ancient Marine Landscapes (2007)

PE10.1.2A Stalked Crinoid Locomotion, and its Ecological and Evolutionary Implications (2007)

PE10.1.3A Lauraceae Macrofossils and Dispersed Cuticle from the Miocene of Southern New Zealand (2007)

PE10.1.4A Microfacies of Stromatoliticicrofacies of Stromatolitic Sinter from Acid-Sulphate-Chloride Springs at Parariki Stream, Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand (2007)

PE10.1.5A Forelimb Stance and Step Cycle in Hasmosaurs Irvinenesis (Diosauraia Neoceratopsia) (2007)

PE10.1.6A New Middle and Upper Jurassic belemnite ASSEMBLAGEs from West Antarctica (Latady Group, Ellsworth Land): Taxonomy and Paleobiogeography (2007)

PE10.2.7A A New Docodont Mammal from the Jurassic Kota Formation of India (2007)

PE 10.2.8A A New Titanosauriform Sauropod (Dinosauria: Saurishchia) from the Early Cretaceous of Central Texas and its Phylogenetic Relationships (2007)

PE10.2.9A An Index to Measure Concavity of the Occlusal Surface of the Cheek Teeth and an Assessment of Concavity in Gliridae (Mammalia, Rodentia) (2007)

PE10.2.10A Permian Fusulini Fauna of Peri-Gondwanan Affinity from Kalmard Region East-Central Iran and Its Significance for Tectonics and Paleogeography (2007)

PE10.2.11A Diversity Estimates, Biases, and Historiographic Effects: Resolving Ceacean Diversity in the Tertiary (2007)

10.3.12A A New Species of Cladocyclus (Teleostei: Ichthyodectiformes) from the Cenomanian of Morocco (2007)

10.3.13A Rudist Taxonomy Using X-Ray Computed Tomography (2007)

10.3.14A Monocot Macrofossils from the Miocene of Southern New Zealand (2007)

10.3.15A Early Eocene Dispersed Cuticles and Mangrove to Rainforest Vegetation at Strahan-Regatta Point, Tasmania (2007)

10.3.16A A Possible Endoparasitic Chytridiomycete Fungus from the Permian of Antarctica (2007)

10.3.17A Early Eocene Macroflora from the Red Hot Truck Stop Locality (Meridian, Mississippi, USA) (2007)


11.1.1A Locomotion in the Extinct Notoungulate Protypotherium (2008)

11.1.2A An Illustrated Guide to Fjord Foraminifera from the Seymour-Beliz Inlet Complex, Northern British Columbia, Canada (2008)

11.1.3A Structural Mechanics of Pachycephalosaur Crania Permitted Head-Butting Behavior (2008)

11.1.4A Agamid Lizards from the Early Eocene of Western India: Oldest Cenozoic Lizards from South Asia (2008)

11.1.5A StrataPhy: A New Computer Program for Straocladistic Analysis (2008)

11.2.6A Anatomy of the Very Tiny: First Description of the Head Skeleton of the Rare South American Catfish Sarcoglanis simplex (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) (2008)

11.2.7A Three-Dimensional Re-Evaluation of the Deformation Removal Technique Based on "Jigsaw Puzzling" (2008)

11.2.8A Locomotion in Fossil Carnivora: An Application of Eigensurface Analysis for Morphometric Comparison of 3D Surfaces (2008)

11.2.9A A Three-Dimensional Animation Model of Edmontosaurus (Hadrosauridae) for Testing Chewing Hypotheses (2008)

11.2.10A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Tooth Relationships During Carnivoran Chewing (2008)

11.2.11A PaleoView3D: from Specimen to Online Model (2008)

11.3.12A A Review of the Post-Mortem Dispersal of Cephalopod Shells (2008)

11.3.13A An Araucarian Conifer Bract-Scale Complex from the Lower Jurassic of Massachusetts: Implications for Estimating Phylogenetic/Stratigraphic Congruence in the Araucariacea (2008)

11.3.14A New Information on the Upper Triassic Archosauriform Vancleavea campi Based on New Material from the Chinle Formation of Arizona (2008)

11.3.15A Dispersed Leaf Cuticle from the Early Miocene of Southern New Zealand (2008)

11.3.16A Enigmatic Trace Fossils from the Aeolian Lower Jurassic Clarens Formation, Southern Africa (2008)

11.3.17A Is There An Option for a Pneumatic Stablization of Sauropod Necks? An Experimental and Anatomical Approach (2008)


2009 Articles

12.1.1A The Impact of Asymmetries in the Elements of the Phragmocone of Early Jurassic Ammonites (2009)

12.1.2A The Genus Umiaites Spath, 1931 (Ammonoidea) from the Tithonian (Late Jurassic) of Kutch, Western India (2009)

12.1.3A New Geochronologic and Stratigraphic Evidence Confirms the Paleocene Age of the Dinosaur-Bearing Ojo Alamo Sandstone and Animas Formation in the San Juan Basis, New Mexico and Colorado (2009)

12.2.4A Improving Depth of Field Resolution for Palynological Photomicrography (2009)

12.2.5A Miocene Climate Modelling Sensitivity Experiments for Different CO2 Concentrations (2009)

12.2.6A New Occurrences of Permian Corals from the McCloud Belt in Western North America (2009)

12.2.7A The Head and Neck Muscles Associated with Feeding in Sphenodon (Reptilia: Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia) (2009)

12.2.8A No Evidence of Paleocene Dinosaurs in the San Juan Basin (2009)

12.2.9A Response to Critique by Lucas et al. (2009) of Fassett (2009) Paper on Paleocene Dinosaurs of the San Juan Basin (2009)

12.3.10A The Fossil Record and Evolution of Bovidae: State of the Field (2009)

12.3.11A Virtual Palaeontology: Gait Reconstruction of Extinct Vertebrates Using High Performance Computing (2009)

12.3.12A Three-Dimensional Morphometric Ontogeny of Mollusc Shells by Micro-Computed Tomography and Geometric Analysis (2009)

12.3.13A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of "Phycosiphoniform" Burrows: Implications for Identification of Trace Fossils in Core (2009)

12.3.14A How Big was 'Big Al'? Quantifying the Effect of Soft Tissue and Osteological Unknowns on Mass Predictions for Allosaurus (Dinosauria Theropoda) (2009)

12.3.15A New Pleistocene Cave Faunas of the Andes of Central Perú: Radiocarbon Ages and the Survival of Low Latitude, Pleistocene DNA (2009)

2009 Technical Articles

12.1.1T High Dynamic Range Imaging as Applied to Paleontological Specimen Photograph (2009)

12.2.2T AMOR – A New System for Automated Imaging of Microfossils for Morphometric Analyses (2009)

12.2.3T Remote Sensing Applied to Paleontology:Exploration of Upper Cretaceous Sediments in Kazakhstan for Potential Fossil Sites (2009)

12.2.4T Mechanical Digitizing for Paleontology - New and Improved Techniques (2009)

12.2.5T Improving Depth of Field Resolution for Palynological Photomicrography (2009)

12.3.6T New Methods to Document Fossils from Lithographic Limestones of Southern Germany and Lebanon (2009)

12.3.7T Visualising Muscle Anatomy Using Three-Dimensional Computer Models - An Example Using the Head and Neck Muscles of Sphenodon (2009)


2010 Articles

PE12.1.1A Middle Miocene Mesotheriine Diversity at Cerdas, Bolivia and a Reconsideration of Plesiotypotherium minus (2010)

PE13.1.2A Morphometric Considerations of the Teeth of the Palaeocastorine Beavers Capacikala, Palaeocastor and "Capatanka (2010)

PE13.1.3A New Golden Moles (Afrotheria, Chrysochloridae) from the Early Pliocene of South Africa (2010)

PE13.1.4A Comparative Variability of Intermembranous and Endochondral Bones in Pleistocene Mammals (2010)

PE13.1.5A Using GIS to Assess the Biogeographic Impact of Species Invasions on Native Brachiopods during the Richmondian Invasion in the Type-Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician, Cincinnati Region) (2010)

PE13.1.6A Paleobotany and Sedimentology of Late Oligocene Terrestrial Strata from the Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau (2010)

PE13.2.7A Discrimination of Fenestrate Bryozoan Genera in Morphospace (2010)

PE13.2.8A The Digital Plateosaurus I: Body Mass, Mass Distribution, and Posture Assessed by Using CAD and CAE on a Digitally Mounted Complete Skeleton (2010)

PE13.2.9A Microconchid-Dominated Hardground Association from the Late Pridoli (Silurian) of Saaremaa, Estonia (2010)

PE13.2.10A MONCHARMONTZEIANA: New Name for Pytine Moncharmont Zei and Sgarella, 1978 Non Fortey, 1975 (2010)

PE13.2.11A Benthic Foraminifera from the Diatomaceouis Mud Belt Off Nambia: Characteristic Species for Sever Anoxia (2010)

PE13.2.12A A Guide to Late Albian-Cenomanian (Cretaceous) Foraminifera from the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada (2010)

PE13.2.13A Seasonal Environmental and Chemical Impact on Thecamoebian Community Composition in an Oil Sands Reclamation Wetland in Northern Alberta (2010)

PE13.2.14A Ecology of Paleocene-Eocene Vegetation at Kakahu, South Canterbury, New Zealand (2010)

PE13.2.15A New Interpretation of the Postcranial Skeleton and Overall Body Shape of the Placodont Cyamodus Hildegardis Peyer, 1931 (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) (2010)

PE13.3.16A A Habitat-Based Perspective of Marine Biogeography in Passive and Convergent Tectnoic Settings (2010)

PE13.3.17A Palaeoenvironmental Implications of Asteriacites Lumbricalis inthe Coste Dell'Anglone Sinemurian Dinosaur Ichnosite (NE Italy) (2010)

PE13.3.18A World Atlas of Distribution of Recent Polycystina (Radiolaria) (2010)

PE13.3.19A The Braincase of Youngina Capensis (Reptilia, Dipsida): New Insights from High-Resolution CT Scanning of the Holotype (2010)

PE13.3.20A Palaeodiversity of Caribbean Echinoids Including New Material from the Venezuelan Neogene (2010)

PE13.3.21A Finite Element Analysis of Ungulate Jaws: Can mode of Digestive Physiology be Determined? (2010)

2010 Technical Articles

PE13.3.1T High Resolution Three-Dimensional Laser-Scanning of the Type Specimen of Eubrontes (?) Glenrosensis Shuler, 1935, from the Comanchean (Lower Cretaceous) of Texas: Implications for DIgital Archiving and Preservation (2010)

PE13.3.2T Cleaning Fossil Tooth Surfaces from Microwear Analysis: Use of Solvent Gels to Remove Resistant Consolidant (2010)

2010 Commentaries

PE13.1.2E German Paleontology in the Early 21st Century (2010) 

PE13.1.3E A Golden Age of Paleontology in China? A SWOT Analysis (2010)


2011 Articles

PE14.1.1A The oldest (Middle Triassic, Anisian) lobsters from the Netherlands: taxonomy, taphonomy, paleoenvironment, and paleoecology

PE14.1.2A "Dinosaur" petroglyphs at Kachina Bridge site, Natural Bridges National Monument, southeastern Utah: not dinosaurs after all

PE14.1.3A Ammonoid septal formation and suture asymmetry explored with a geographic information systems approach

PE14.1.4A Correlations and co-occurrences of taxa: the role of temporal, geographic, and taxonomic restrictions

PE14.1.5A Pleistocene flora of Rio Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

PE14.1.6A Description of a new species of the North American archaic pika Hesperolagomys (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) from the middle Miocene (Barstovian) of Nebraska and reassessment of the genus Hesperolagomys

PE14.1.7A A New Species of Lepidotes (Actinopterygii: Semiontiformes) from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Morocco

PE14.2.9A Timing of infaunalization in shallow-marine Early Paleozoic communities in Gondwanan settings: Discriminating evolutionary and paleogeographic controls (2011)

PE14.2.10A Defense capabilities of Kentrosaurus aethiopicus Hennig, 1915 (2011)

PE14.2.11A Phylogeny and escalation in Mellopegma and other Cambrian molluscs (2011)

PE14.2.12A Large caviomorph rodent footprints of the Late Oligocene Vinchina Formation, Argentina (2011)

PE14.2.13A New data on the Oxyaenidae from the Early Eocene of Europe; biostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and paleoecologic implications (2011)

PE14.2.14A The distribution of agglutinated foraminifera in NW European seas: Baseline data for the interpretation of fossil assemblages (2011)

PE14.2.15A The cranial musculature of turtles (2011)

PE14.2.16A First Mio-Pliocene salamander fauna from the southern Appalachians (2011)

PE14.2.17A Hard tissue anatomy of the cranial joints in Sphenodon (Rhynchocephalia): sutures, kinesis, and skull mechanics (2011)

PE 14.3.18A Polyphyly, paraphyly, provinciality, and the promise of intercontinental correlation: Charles Repenning’s contributions to the study of arvicoline rodent evolution and biochronology (2011)

PE14.3.19A Platypterygius Huene,1922 (Ichthyosauria, Ophthalmosauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Texas, USA (2011)

PE14.3.20A Microwear patterns on the teeth of northern high latitude hadrosaurs with comments on microwear patterns in hadrosaurs as a function of latitude and seasonal ecological constraints (2011)

PE14.3.21A CT reconstruction and relationships of the Early Cretaceous tribosphenidan mammal, Slaughteria eruptens (Trinity Group, Texas, USA) (2011)

PE14.3.22A Eoconodon (“Triisodontidae,” Mammalia) from the Early Paleocene (Puercan) of northeastern Montana, USA (2011)

PE14.3.23A New species of Peradectes and Swaindelphys (Mammalia, Metatheria) from the Early Paleocene (Torrejonian) Nacimiento Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, USA (2011)

PE14.3.24A Terrestrial mammal fossils from the Wildcat Creek beds (Paleogene), Tieton River area, south-central Washington, USA (2011)

PE14.3.25A A new species of the genus Megapeomys (Mammalia, Rodentia, Eomyidae) from the Early Miocene of Japan (2011)

PE14.3.26A A new species of Cernictis (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae) from the Late Miocene Bidahochi Formation of Arizona, USA (2011)

PE14.3.27A Microtoid cricetids and the early history of arvicolids (Mammalia, Rodentia) (2011)

PE14.3.28A  Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Horned Toad Hills, Mojave Desert, California, USA (2011)

PE14.3.29A  New rodents (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) from the Verde Fauna of Arizona and the Maxum Fauna of California, USA, early Blancan Land Mammal Age (2011)

PE14.3.30A An owl-pellet accumulation of small Pliocene vertebrates from the Verde Formation, Arizona, USA (2011)

PE14.3.31A Cricetid rodents from the Pliocene Panaca Formation, southeastern Nevada, USA (2011)

PE14.3.32A Shrews, lagomorphs and rodents (excluding Cricetidae) from the Pliocene Panaca Formation, southeastern Nevada, USA (2011)

PE14.3.33A Microtine rodents in the Frick Collection from Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China (2011)

PE14.3.34A Variation in the lower dentition of a late Blancan (Late Pliocene) Cotton rat (Sigmodon curtisi) (2011)

PE14.3.35A Preliminary study of rodents of the Golliher B assemblage from Meade County, Kansas, USA indicates an intense cold period near the end of the Pleistocene (2011)

PE14.3.36A New perspectives on lagomorph and rodent biochronology in the Anza-Borrego Desert of southern California, USA (2011)

PE14.3.37A Arvicolini (Rodentia) from the Irvingtonian of north-central Kansas, USA (2011)

PE14.3.38A Fossil lagomorphs from the Potwar Plateau, northern Pakistan (2011)

PE14.3.39A The Early Pleistocene Mimomys hordijki (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) from Europe and the origin of modern neartctic sagebrush voles (Lemmiscus) (2011)

PE14.3.40A Caves, arvicoline rodents, and chronologic resolution (2011)

PE14.3.41A Using left-right asymmetry to estimate non-genetic variability in vole teeth (Rodentia, Muridae, Arvicolinae) (2011)

PE14.3.42A Taxonomic diversity of Late Cenozoic Asian and North American ochotonids (overview) (2011)

PE14.3.43A The Middle Pleistocene herpetofaunas from Kärlich (Neuwied Basin, Germany)(2011)

PE14.3.44A The stratigraphic debate at Hueyatlaco, Valsequillo, Mexico (2011)

PE14.3.45A The braincase of  Youngina capensis (Reptilia, Diapsida): new insights from high-resolution CT scanning of the holotype (2011)

2011 Technical Articles

PE14.1.1T fossil: Palaeoecological and palaeogeographical analysis tools (2011)

PE14.2.2T Multi-view stereo 3D reconstruction of lower molars of Recent and Pleistocene rhinoceroses for mesowear analysis (2011)


2012 Articles

PE 15.1.1A Extending the utility of artiodactyl postcrania for species-level identifications using multivariate morphometric analyses (2012)

PE 15.1.2A Continuous 300,000-year fossil record: changes in the ornithofauna of Biśnik Cave, Poland (2012)

PE 15.1.3A Thecamoebian communities as proxies of seasonality in Lake Sadatal in the Ganga Yamuna Plains of North India (2012)

PE15.1.4A Vasseuromys rambliensis sp. nov. (Gliridae, Mammalia) from the Ramblian (Lower Miocene) of the Tudela Formation (Ebro basin, Spain) (2012)

PE15.1.5A Equids from Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave (Crimea, Ukraine): co-occurrence of the stenonid Equus hydruntinus and the caballoid E. ferus latipes based on skull and postcranial remains

PE15.16A The effect of singletons and interval length on interpreting diversity trends from the palaeobotanical record

PE15.1.7A Permian stromatolites associated with bivalve coquina beds - Angatuba, SP, Brazil (Teresina Formation, Paraná Basin) (2012)

PE15.1.8A Nesiotites rafelinensis sp. nov., the earliest shrew (Mammalia, Soricidae) from the Balearic Islands, Spain (2012)

PE15.1.9A Fauna and ecology of the holothurian bed, Llandrindod, Wales, UK (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician), and the oldest articulated holothurian (2012)

PE15.1.10A Neoichnology of the desert scorpion Hadrurus arizonensis: burrows to biogenic cross lamination (2012)

PE15.1.11A A revision of the Devonian Malvinokaffric dalmanitid trilobite Dalmanitoides Delo, 1935,on the basis of new data from Argentina (2012)

PE15.1.12A Error rates and observer bias in dental microwear analysis using light microscopy (2012)

PE15.1.13A Giant fossil soft-shelled turtles of North America (2012)

PE15.214A A taxonomic revision of orthosternous scorpions from the English Coal-measures aided by X-ray Micro-Tomography (XMT) (2012)

PE15.2.15A The enigmatic arthropod Camptophyllia (2012)

PE15.2.16A A taxonomic guide to modern benthic shelf foraminifera of the western Mediterranean Sea (2012)

PE15.2.17A Phase-contrast synchrotron microtomography reveals the morphology of a partially visible new Pseudogarypus in Baltic amber (Pseudoscorpiones: Pseudogarypidae) (2012)

PE15.2.18A Imaging the inner ear in fossil mammals: High-resolution CT scanning and 3-D virtual reconstructions (2012)

PE15.2.19A Experimental fluid mechanics of an Ediacaran frond (2012)

PE15.2.20A Sexual discrimination at work: Spinicaudatan ‘Clam Shrimp’ (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) as a model organism for the study of sexual system evolution (2012)

PE15.2.21A Genetic analysis of cave bear specimens from Niedźwiedzia Cave, Sudetes, Poland (2012)

PE15.2.22A More “dinosaur” and “pterosaur” rock art that isn’t (2012)

PE15.2.23A The study of cuticular and epidermal features in fossil plant impressions using silicone replicas for scanning electron microscopy (2012)

PE15.2.24A Exceptionally preserved nauplius larvae from the Devonian Windyfield chert, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (2012)

PE15.3.25A Magnification and resolution in dental microwear analysis using light microscopy (2012)

PE15.3.26A Are there two distinct types of hypocone in Eocene primates? The ‘pseudohypocone’ of notharctines revisited (2012)

PE15.3.27A A neomorphic ossification of the nasal cartilages and the structure of paranasal sinus system of the glyptodont Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto 1957 (Mammalia, Xenarthra) (2012)

PE15.3.28A A possible fossil paralarva (Cephalopoda: Coleoidea) from the Solnhofen Lithographic Limestones (Upper Jurassic, southern Germany) (2012)

PE15.3. 29A A revised listing of fossil mammals from the Haasgat cave system ex situ deposits (HGD), South Africa (2012)

PE 15.3.30A Forearm orientation in Hadrosauridae (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) and implications for museum mounts (2012)

PE 15.3.31A Discovery of a Pleistocene mysticete whale, Georgia Bight (USA) (2012)

PE 15.3.32A Bite marks revisited – evidence for middle-to-late Eocene Basilosaurus isis predation on Dorudon atrox (both Cetacea, Basilosauridae) (2012)

2012 Technical Articles

PE 15.1.1T Acquisition of high resolution three-dimensional models using free, open-source, photogrammetric software (2012)

PE 15.1.2T Idealized landmark-based geometric reconstructionsof poorly preserved fossil material: A case study of an early tetrapod vertebra (2012)

PE 15.1.3T Methodology of the micro-computer tomography on foraminifera (2012)

PE 15.2.4T Non-destructive, safe removal of conductive metal coatings from fossils: a new solution (2012)

PE 15.2.5T SPIERS and VAXML: A software toolkit for tomographic visualisation and a format for virtual specimen interchange (2012)

PE 15.2.6T A palaeobiologist's guide to 'virtual' micro-CT preparation (2012)

PE 15.3.7T Mining morphological evolution in microfossils using volume density diagrams (2012)


2013 Articles

PE 16.1.1A Tooth enamel microstructure of Revueltosaurus and Krzyzanowskisaurus (Reptilia:Archosauria) from the Upper Triassic Chinle Group, USA: Implications for function, growth, and phylogeny (2013)

PE 16.1.2A Comment on supposed holothurian body fossils from the middle Ordovician of Wales (Botting and Muir, Palaeontologia Electronica: 15.1.9A) (2013)

PE 16.1.3A Reply to: Smith et al., "Comment on supposed holothurian body fossils from the middle Ordovician of Wales (Botting and Muir, Palaeontologia Electronica: 15.1.9A)" (2013)

PE 16.1.4A Cannibalism in Holocene muricid snails in the Beagle Channel, at the extreme southern tip of South America: an opportunistic response? (2013)

PE 16.1.5A Morphological variability of the trace fossil Schaubcylindrichnus coronus as a response to environmental forcing (2013)

PE 16.1.6A Investigation of a claim of a late-surviving pterosaur and exposure of a taxidermic hoax: the case of Cornelius Meyer's dragon (2013)

PE 16.1.7A A new genus of coccolepidid fishes (Actinopterygii, Chondrostei) from the continental Jurassic of Patagonia (2013)

PE 16.1.8A Lizards and amphisbaenians (Reptilia, Squamata) from the late Eocene of Sossís (Catalonia, Spain) (2013)

PE 16.2.9A Relationships of the Cambrian Protomonaxonida (Porifera) (2013)

PE 16.2.10A A biomechanical analysis of the skull and adductor chamber muscles in the Late Cretaceous Plesiosaur Libonectes (2013)

PE 16.2.11A Multibody dynamics model of head and neck function in Allosaurus (Dinosauria, Theropoda) (2013)

PE 16.2.12A Sorex bifidus n. sp. and the rich insectivore mammal fauna (Erinaceomorpha, Soricomorpha, Mammalia) from the Early Pleistocene of Żabia Cave in Poland (2013)

PE 16.2.13A The oldest fossil record of bandicoots (Marsupialia; Peramelemorphia) from the late Oligocene of Australia (2013)

PE 16.2.14A New carnivoraforms (Mammalia) from the middle Eocene of California, USA, and comments on the taxonomic status of 'Miacis' gracilis (2013)

PE 16.2.15A First evidence of scavenging of a Glyptodont (Mammalia, Glyptodontidae) from the Pliocene of the Pampean region (Argentina): taphonomic and paleoecological remarks (2013)

PE 16.2.16A The use of the species concept in paleontology. Comment on "Nesiotites rafelinensis sp. nov., the earliest shrew (Mammalia, Soricidae) from the Balearic Islands, Spain" by Rofes et al., 2012 (2013)

PE 16.2.17A Chronostratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance of an early Cambrian microfauna from the Heraultia Limestone, northern Montagne Noire, France (2013)

PE 16.2.18A  A new plate-like hypercalcified chaetetid demosponge (Loiscupula bachendensi gen. nov. sp. nov) from the Cantabrian Zone (Moscovian, Pennsylvanian, NW Spain) (2013)

PE 16.2.19A Appendicular skeleton and dermal armour of the Late Cretaceous titanosaur Lirainosaurus astibiae (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from Spain (2013)

PE 16.2.20A Proportions, characters and chronologies: their contribution to systematic paleontology. A rebuttal to Furió and Pons-Monjo (2013)

PE 16.3.21A Systematics and dental microwear of the late Miocene Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Hayranlı, Anatolia: Implications for paleoecology and paleobiodiversity (2013)

PE 16.3.22A The modified application of Perron's theorem to evolutionary and palaeoecological studies of invertebrates in palaeobiology (2013)

PE 16.3.23A Bat remains (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem Cave, Israel, with the first Pleistocene record of fruit bats in the Mediterranean region (2013)

PE 16.3.24A Brachycamacina, a new subtribe of the tribe Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae Entiminae) in Dominican amber (2013)

PE 16.3.25A Dinosaurs and pterosaurs in Greek and Roman art and literature? An investigation of young-earth creationist claims (2013)

PE 16.3.26A Rare leaf fossils of Monimiaceae and Atherospermataceae (Laurales) from Eocene Patagonian rainforests and their biogeographic significance (2013)

PE 16.3.27A A method for improved identification of postcrania from mammalian fossil assemblages: multivariate discriminant function analysis of camelid astragali (2013)

PE 16.3.28A A morphotype catalog and paleoenvironmental interpretations of early Miocene fossil leaves from the Hiwegi Formation, Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya (2013)

PE 16.3.29A X-ray micro-CT reconstruction reveals eight antennomeres in a new fossil taxon that constitutes a sister clade to Dundoxenos and Triozocera (Strepsiptera: Corioxenidae)

PE 16.3.30A The oldest Asian Sivaonyx (Lutrinae, Mustelidae): a contribution to the evolutionary history of bunodont otters

PE 16.3.31A Fruits, seeds, and flowers from the Warman clay pit (middle Eocene Claiborne Group), western Tennessee, USA

PE 16.3.32A Stereom microstructures of Cambrian echinoderms revealed by cathodoluminescence (CL)

2013 Technical Articles

PE 16.1.1T A biplanar X-ray method for three-dimensional analysis of track formation (2013)

PE 16.1.2T Retrodeformation as a test for the validity of phylogenetic characters: an example from diplodocid sauropod vertebrae (2013)

PE 16.1.3T Dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauria) at Museo de La Plata, Argentina: annotated catalogue of the type material and Antarctic specimens (2013)

PE 16.2.4T Virtual whitening of fossils using polynomial texture mapping (2013)

PE 16.2.5T Re-evaluation of the Mesozoic mantis shrimp Ursquilla yehoachi based on new material and the virtual peel technique (2013)

PE 16.3.6T Quasi-homothetic transformation for comparing the mechanical performance of planar models in biological research  (2013)

PE 16.3.7T An acid-free method of microfossil extraction from clay-rich lithologies using the surfactant Rewoquat (2013)

2014 Articles

PE 17.1.1A Partial skull and endocranial cast of the ankylosaurian dinosaur Hungarosaurus from the Late Cretaceous of Hungary: implications for locomotion (2014)

PE 17.1.2A The Devonian placoderm fish Bothriolepis canadensis revisited with three-dimensional digital imagery (2014)

PE 17.1.3A The Polish sub-fossil chironomids (2014)

PE 17.1.4A The last Iberian gomphothere (Mammalia, Proboscidea): Anancus arvernensis mencalensis nov. ssp. from the earliest Pleistocene of the Guadix Basin (Granada, Spain) (2014)

PE 17.1.5A Determining the ontogenetic variation of lower cheek teeth occlusal surface patterns in lagomorphs using micro-ct technology (2014)

PE 17.1.6A A complete passerine foot from the late Oligocene of Poland (2014)

PE 17.1.7A A description of small gomphotheriid (Mammalia, Proboscidea) manuses from the earliest Pleistocene 111 Ranch Beds, southeast Arizona, USA (2014)

PE 17.1.8A  Artificially evolved functional shell morphology of burrowing bivalves (2014)

PE 17.1.9A Wavelet analysis of ammonoid sutures (2014)

PE 17.1.10A Conodont biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and taphonomy of the Second Creek Bed and Wolcott Furnace Hematite (Clinton Group) in West Central New York State (2014)

PE 17.1.11A A revision of Heritschioides Yabe, 1950 (Anthozoa, Rugosa), latest Mississippian and earliest Pennsylvanian of western North America (2014)

PE 17.1.12A  Motion range of the manus of Plateosaurus engelhardti von Meyer, 1837 (2014)

PE 17.1.13A The gastralial apparatus of Plateosaurus engelhardti: morphological description and soft-tissue reconstruction (2014)

PE 17.1.14A The earliest occurrence and remarkable stasis of the family Bostrichidae (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) in Cretaceous Charentes amber (2014)

PE 17.1.15A Paleoneurology of Teyumbaita sulcognathus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) and the sense of smell in rhynchosaurs (2014)

PE 17.1.16A Additions to the latest Paleocene Buckman Hollow local fauna, Chappo Member of the Wasatch Formation, Lincoln County, southwestern Wyoming (2014)

PE 17.1.17A Cranial morphometrics of the dire wolf, Canis dirus, at Rancho La Brea: temporal variability and its links to nutrient stress and climate (2014)

PE 17.1.18A Neoichnology of two spirobolid millipedes: improving the understanding of the burrows of soil detritivores (2014)

PE 17.1.19A Geographic Information Systems technology as a morphometric tool for quantifying morphological variation in an ammonoid clade (2014)

PE 17.1.20A Revision of basal macropodids from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area with descriptions of new material of Ganguroo bilamina Cooke, 1997 and a new species (2014)

PE 17.1.21A The first fossil Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae, Piperales) leaves from Austria (2014)

PE 17.2.22A Endocranial morphology of the extinct Antillean shrew Nesophontes (Lipotyphla: Nesophontidae) from natural and digital endocasts of Cuban taxa (2014)

PE 17.2.23A Healed antler fracture from a giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus) from the Pleistocene in Poland (2014)

PE 17.2.24A Late Jurassic marine vertebrates from Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca State, southern Mexico (2014)

PE 17.2.25A  Cranial morphology of the Oligocene beaver Capacikala gradatus from the John Day Basin and comments on the genus (2014)

PE 17.2.26A Review of the Pliocene and Pleistocene Talpidae (Soricomorpha, Mammalia) of Poland (2014)

PE 17.2.27A The Miocene climate in New Zealand: Estimates from paleobotanical data (2014)

PE 17.2.28A Mediolus, a new genus of Arcellacea (Testate Lobose Amoebae) (2014)

PE 17.2.29A Ambergris cololites of Pleistocene sperm whales from central Italy and description of the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies Ambergrisichnus alleronae (2014)

PE 17.2.30A Late Paleocene examples of residual coloration and embryonic features in juvenile marine mollusks from Northwest Louisiana (2014)

PE 17.2.31A Longest crab trackways from the Bay of Bengal Coast, India: their geological and geotechnical applications (2014)

PE 17.3.32A First report on the palaeopsychrospheric ostracod genus Nemoceratina (Pariceratina) Gründel and Kozur, 1972 (Ostracoda, Bythocytheridae) from the Quaternary of the Mediterranean basin and description of a new species (2014)

PE 17.3.33A A CT-image-based framework for the holistic analysis of cortical and trabecular bone morphology (2014)

PE 17.3.34A Protocetid cetaceans (Mammalia) from the Eocene of India (2014)

PE 17.3.35A A new Turolian species Lophocricetus cimishliensis (Rodentia, Zapodidae) from the Republic of Moldova (2014)

PE 17.3.36A Taphonomic patterns of a dinosaur accumulation in a lacustrine delta system in the Jurassic Morrison Formation, San Rafael Swell, Utah, USA (2014)

PE 17.3.37A Swimming through the substrate: the neoichnology of Chalcides ocellatus and biogenic structures of sand-swimming vertebrates (2014)

PE 17.3.38A A new genus and species of a galliform bird from the Oligocene of Poland (2014)

PE 17.3.39A A Paleogene trans-Antarctic distribution for Ripogonum (Ripogonaceae: Liliales)? (2014)

PE 17.3.40A The trace fossil Arachnostega in the Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica) (2014)

PE 17.3.41A Investigation of claims of late-surviving pterosaurs: the cases of the winged dragons of Belon, Aldrovandi, and Cardinal Barberini (2014)

PE 17.3.42A Hadimopanella oezgueli Gedik, 1977: a palaeoscolecidan sclerite useless for taxonomic purposes (2014)

PE 17.3.43A Geochronology of the Upper Alturas Formation, northern California: Implications for the Hemphillian-Blancan North American Land Mammal Age boundary (2014)

PE 17.3.44A  Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean bathyal echinoids: evidence of adaptation to psychrospheric conditions and affinities with Atlantic assemblages (2014)

PE 17.3.45A Repair scars on Mactra violacea from the eastern coast of India: A new classification and a model for describing shell breakage on bivalves (2014)

PE 17.3.46A The foraging pits of the nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus (Mammalia: Xenarthra: Dasypodidae), and implications for interpreting conical trace fossils (2014)

PE 17.3.47A New postcranial bones of the extinct mammalian family Nyctitheriidae (Paleogene, UK): Primitive euarchontans with scansorial locomotion (2014)

2014 Technical Articles

PE 17.3.1T Breaking free from the matrix: Segmentation of fossil images (2014)

2014 Commentaries

PE 17.1.1E The greatest challenge to 21st century paleontology: When commercialization of fossils threatens the science (2014)

PE 17.1.2E The benefits of commercial fossil sales to 21st-century paleontology (2014)

PE 17.2.3E Contributions by amateur paleontologists in 21st century paleontology (2014)

PE 17.2.4E IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Franco Medioli, April 1, 1935 – January 31, 2014 (2014)

 PE 17.3.5E State of the Palaeoart (2014)

PE 17.3.6E Paleontology in Argentina: History, heritage, funding, and education from a southern perspective (2014)



PE 18.1.1A Late Pleistocene-Holocene amphibians from Okinawajima Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan: Reconfirmed faunal endemicity and the Holocene range collapse of forest-dwelling species (2015)

PE18.1.2A Angiosperm pollen grains from the Cuayuca Formation (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene), Puebla, Mexico (2015)

PE 18.1.3A Illustrated guide to Pliocene foraminifera from Miyakojima, Ryukyu Island Arc, with comments on biostratigraphy (2015)

PE 18.1.4A A new species of Dactylolabis (Idiolabis) Alexander, 1931 from the Eocene Baltic amber and its relationships among Dactylolabinae (Diptera: Limoniidae) (2015)

PE 18.1.5A An ameghinornithid-like bird (Aves, Cariamae, ?Ameghinornithidae) from the early Oligocene of Egypt (2015)

PE 18.1.6A Chancelloriids of the Cambrian Burgess Shale (2015)

PE 18.1.7A Neoichnology of the burrowing spiders Gorgyrella inermis (Mygalomorphae: Idiopidae) and Hogna lenta (Araneomorphae: Lycosidae) (2015)

PE 18.1.8A Soft-tissue anatomy of the Plesiosaur pectoral girdle inferred from basal Eosauropterygia taxa and the extant phylogenetic bracket (2015)

PE 18.1.9A New genus of primitive wombat (Vombatidae, Marsupialia) from Miocene deposits in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area (Queensland, Australia) (2015)

PE 18.1.10A Insights into the controversy over materials data for the comparison of biomechanical performance in vertebrates (2015)

PE 18.1.11A Identification of fossilized eggshells from the Taung hominin locality, Taung, Northwest Province, South Africa (2015)

PE 18.1.12A Dimorphism in Quaternary Scelidotheriinae (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Phyllophaga) (2015)

PE 18.1.13A New Curculioninae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Dominican amber (2015)

PE 18.1.14A Visualizing the fluid flow through the complex skeletonized respiratory structures of a blastoid echinoderm (2015)

PE 18.1.15A Two new species of Pseudaetobatus Cappetta, 1986 (Batoidei: Myliobatidae) from the southeastern United States (2015)

PE 18.1.16A Latiblattella avita sp. nov. (Blattaria: Ectobiidae) from the Eocene Kishenehn Formation, Montana, USA (2015)

PE 18.1.17A Taxonomy, ecology and biogeographical trends of dominant benthic foraminifera species from an Atlantic-Mediterranean estuary (the Guadiana, southeast Portugal) (2015)

PE 18.1.18A Description of the stylohyal bone of a giant sloth (Lestodon armatus) (2015)

PE 18.1.19A Middle-Late Permian (Murgabian-Djulfian) foraminifers of the northern Maku area (western Azerbaijan, Iran) (2015)

PE 18.1.20A Reassessment of 'Plesiosaurus' megacephalus (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, UK (2015)

PE 18.1.21A Late Early Permian (late Leonardian; Kungurian) algae, microproblematica, and smaller foraminifers from the Yeso Group and San Andres Formation (New Mexico; USA) (2015)

PE 18.2.22A Bathyal ostracods from the Santa Maria di Leuca deep–water coral province (northern Ionian Sea) (2015)

PE 18.2.23A A new Oligo-Miocene dolphin from New Zealand: Otekaikea huata expands diversity of the early Platanistoidea (2015)

PE 18.2.24A A shelduck coracoid (Aves: Anseriformes: Tadorna) from the arid early Pleistocene of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China (2015)

PE 18.2.25A New material and evaluation of the chronostratigraphic position of Daphoenictis tedfordi (Mammalia, Carnivora, Amphicyonidae), a cat-like carnivoran from the latest Eocene of northwestern Nebraska, USA (2015)

PE 18.2.26A Burrowing and mud-mound building life habits of fiddler crab Uca lactea in the Bay of Bengal coast, India and their geological and geotechnical importance (2015)

PE 18.2.27A Fossil Mysticeti from the Pleistocene of Santa Maria Island, Azores (Northeast Atlantic Ocean), and the prevalence of fossil cetaceans on oceanic islands (2015)

PE 18.2.28A Exceptional crocodylomorph biodiversity of "La Cantalera" site (lower Barremian; Lower Cretaceous) in Teruel, Spain (2015)

PE 18.2.29A The first plesiosaurian (Sauropterygia, Pliosauridae) remains described from the Jurassic of Poland (2015)

PE 18.2.30A Small hyotheriine suids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late early Miocene of Turkey and a short overview of early Miocene small suoids in the Old World (2015)

PE 18.2.31A Dinosaur tracks from the Langenberg Quarry (Late Jurassic, Germany) reconstructed with historical photogrammetry: Evidence for large theropods soon after insular dwarfism (2015)

PE 18.2.32A The first fossil skull of Chelus (Pleurodira: Chelidae, Matamata turtle) from the early Miocene of Colombia (2015)

PE 18.2.33A New representative of the family Panorpodidae (Insecta, Mecoptera) from Eocene Baltic Amber with a key to fossil species of genus Panorpodes (2015)

PE 18.2.34A First description of in situ primate and faunal remains from the Plio-Pleistocene Drimolen Makondo palaeocave infill, Gauteng, South Africa (2015)

PE 18.2.35A Osteohistology of the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation ornithuromorph (Aves) Iteravis huchzermeyeri (2015)

PE 18.2.36A An assemblage of lizards from the Early Cretaceous of Japan (2015)

PE 18.2.37A The cranial anatomy of Tenontosaurus tilletti Ostrom, 1970 (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) (2015)

PE 18.2.38A Neogene Benthic Foraminifera from the southern Bering Sea (IODP Expedition 323) (2015)

PE 18.2.39A Paleocene fishes from Palenque, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico (2015)

PE 18.2.40A Findings of Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) Dybowski et Grochowski (Branchiopoda: Cladocera) in Cenozoic volcanogenic lakes in Germany, with discussion of their indicator value (2015)

PE 18.2.41A A new Miocene deep-sea chiton and early evidence for Teredinidae-sustained wood-fall communities (2015)

PE 18.2.42A Talpa fossilis or Talpa europaea? Using geometric morphometrics and allometric trajectories of humeral moles remains from Hungary to answer a taxonomic debate  (2015)

PE 18.2.43A Neoichnology of the eastern spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus holbrookii (Anura: Scaphiopodidae): criteria for recognizing anuran burrows in the fossil record (2015)

PE 18.2.44A Articulated bone sets of manus and pedes of Camarasaurus (Sauropoda, Dinosauria) (2015)

PE 18.3.45A Evidence for unusual size dimorphism in a fossil ailurid (2015)

PE 18.3.46A Conicocassis, a new genus of Arcellinina (testate lobose amoebae) (2015)

PE 18.3.47A New plant fossil records and paleoclimate analyses of the late Pliocene Citronelle Formation flora, U.S. Gulf Coast (2015)

PE 18.3.48A An outline of the European Quaternary localities with freshwater gastropods: Data on geography and updated stratigraphy (2015)

PE 18.3.49A Elongated theropod tracks from the Cretaceous Apenninic Carbonate Platform of southern Latium (central Italy) (2015)

PE 18.3.50A Reappraisal of the primitive crab Eodromites, with description of three new species from European localities (Decapoda: Brachyura: Goniodromitidae) (2015)

PE 18.3.51A Two new and disparate fossil bee flies (Bombyliidae: Anthracinae) from the Americas and reassessment of Anthrax dentoni Lewis, 1969 (2015)

PE18.3.52A A new member of the family Plotopteridae (Aves) from the late Oligocene of British Columbia, Canada (2015)

PE 18.3.53A Late Jurassic jaw bones of Halecomorph fish (Actinopterygii: Halecomorphi) studied with X-ray microcomputed tomography (2015)

PE 18.3.54A Application of shell spiral deviation methodology to fossil brachiopods: Implications for obtaining specimen ontogenetic ages (2015)


2015 Technical Articles

PE 18.1.1T Imaging of the inner structure of cave bear teeth by novel non-destructive techniques (2015)

PE 18.1.2T Heterochrony in helicoid spiral cones: a computer model for demonstrating heterochronic evolution (2015)

PE 18.1.3T Synopsis of European Neogene freshwater gastropod localities: updated stratigraphy and geography (2015)

PE 18.2.4T Challenges encountered during acid resin transfer preparation of fossil fish from Monte Bolca, Italy (2015)

PE 18.2.5T Coupling finite element analysis and multibody system dynamics for biological research (2015)

PE 18.2.6T A novel application of the white light/fringe projection duo: recovering high precision three-dimensional images from fossils for the digital preservation of morphology (2015)

PE 18.3.7T A simulation-based examination of residual diversity estimates as a method of correcting for sampling bias (2015)


2015 Fossil Calibration

PE 18.1.1FC Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history (2015)

PE 18.1.2FC Fossil calibration of Magnoliidae, an ancient lineage of angiosperms (2015)

PE 18.1.3FC Phylogenetically vetted and stratigraphically constrained fossil calibrations within Aves (2015)

PE 18.1.4FC Sixteen vetted fossil calibrations for divergence dating of Charadriiformes (Aves, Neognathae) (2015)

PE 18.1.5FC Four mammal fossil calibrations: balancing competing palaeontological and molecular considerations (2015)

PE 18.1.6FC Fossil calibration dates for molecular phylogenetic analysis of snakes 1: Serpentes, Alethinophidia, Boidae, Pythonidae (2015)

PE 18.1.7FC Five well-supported fossil calibrations within the "Waterbird" assemblage (Tetrapoda, Aves) (2015)


2015 Commentaries

PE 18.1.1E Commentary: Fossil Calibration Database (2015)

PE 18.2.2E Palaeontologia Electronica in an increasingly open-access world (2015)

PE 18.2.3E The Digital Atlas of Ancient Life: delivering information on paleontology and biogeography via the web (2015)

PE 18.3.4E The database: Concept and status (2015)



PE 19.1.1A Australo-Papuan treecreepers (Passeriformes: Climacteridae) and a new species of sittella (Neosittidae: Daphoenositta) from the Miocene of Australia (2016)

PE 19.1.2A Riparian and valley-margin hardwood species of pre-colonial Piedmont forests: A preliminary study of subfossil leaves from White Clay Creek, southeastern Pennsylvania, USA (2016)

PE 19.1.3A Morphological variations in Cycloclypeus carpenteri: Multiple embryos and multiple equatorial layers (2016) 

PE 19.1.4A Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous chondrichthyans from the Fairfield Group, Canning Basin, Western Australia (2016)

PE 19.1.5A Positive allometry for exaggerated structures in the ceratopsian dinosaur Protoceratops andrewsi supports socio-sexual signaling (2016)

PE 19.1.6A What nymphal morphology can tell us about parental investment – a group of cockroach hatchlings in Baltic amber documented by a multi-method approach (2016)

19.1.7A First bird footprints from the lower Miocene Lerín Formation, Ebro Basin, Spain (2016)

PE 19.1.8A A new species of Echinolittorina Habe, 1956 (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) from the Quaternary of Chile (2016)

PE 19.1.9A New data on Eulipotyphla (Insectivora, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene to the Middle Pleistocene of Ukraine (2016)

PE 19.1.10A The diplacanthid fishes (Acanthodii, Diplacanthiformes, Diplacanthidae) from the Middle Devonian of Scotland (2016)

PE 19.1.11A Fossil clitellate annelid cocoons and their microbiological inclusions from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctica (2016)

PE 19.1.12A The oldest species of the relic extant genus Mesochria from Eocene Fushun amber of China (Diptera: Anisopodidae: Mycetobiinae (2016)

PE 19.2.13A Upper Pleistocene blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) trapped in fossilized crania of large mammals discovered from gravel pits in the Rhine rift valley from Hesse (Germany) (2016)

PE 19.2.14A Intraspecific variation in fossil vertebrate populations: Fossil killifishes (Actinopterygii: Cyprinodontiformes) from the Oligocene of Central Europe (2016)

PE 19.2.15A Bryozoan fauna from the Permian (Artinskian-Kungurian) Zhongba Formation of southwestern Tibet (2016)

PE 19.2.16A Pleistocene Bovidae (Mammalia) from Malapa, Gauteng Province, South Africa (2016)

PE 19.2.17A New dental material and redescription of Agerinia roselli (Primates, Adapiformes) from Les Saleres (early Eocene, NE Iberian Peninsula) (2016)

PE 19.2.18A Towards the diversity of non-biting midges of the tribe Tanytarsini from Eocene Baltic amber (Diptera: Chironomidae) (2016)

PE 19.2.19A Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, 1991: Updating the systematic and palaeobiogeographic interpretation (2016)

PE 19.2.20A Unveiling trampling history through trackway interferences and track preservational features: a case study from the Bletterbach gorge (Redagno, Western Dolomites, Italy) (2016)

PE 19.2.21A New basal dinosauromorph records from the Dockum Group of Texas (2016)

PE 19.2.22A A fossil dung midge in Mexican amber (Diptera: Scatopsidae) (2016)

PE 19.2.23A Redescription of the argyrolagid Microtragulus bolivianus (Metatheria, Polydolopimorphia, Bonapartheriiformes) based on new remains from Northwestern Argentina

PE 19.2.24A New Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) in Dominican and Mexican ambers (2016)

PE 19.2.25A New and little known crane-fly species of the genera Helius, Elephantomyia and Toxorhina (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Dominican and Mexican amber (2016)

PE 19.2.26A New Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) in Dominican and Mexican ambers (2016)

PE 19.2.27A Mammals from the earliest Uintan (middle Eocene) Turtle Bluff Member, Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming, USA, Part 1: Primates and Rodentia (2016)

PE 19.2.28A An Early Neogene Elasmobranch fauna from the southern Caribbean (Western Venezuela) (2016)

PE 19.2.29A A new megalosaurid theropod dinosaur from the late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) of north-western Germany: Implications for theropod evolution and faunal turnover in the Jurassic (2016)

PE 19.3.30A Big-headed marine crocodyliforms and why we must be cautious when using extant species as body length proxies for long-extinct relatives (2016)

PE 19.3.31A Biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Fushun amber reveal further biotic links between Asia and Europe during the Eocene (2016)

PE 19.3.32A Patterns of diet and body mass of large ungulates from the Pleistocene of Western Europe, and their relation to vegetation (2016)

PE 19.3.33A First fossil of Cylindrostethinae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) in the Paleocene of Menat, France (2016)

PE 19.3.34A Late Cenozoic catfishes of Southeastern Europe with inference to their taxonomy and palaeogeography (2016)

PE 19.3.35A New dragonflies and damselflies from Middle Miocene deposits in SW Bulgaria (Insecta: Odonata) (2016)

PE 19.3.36A A night heron (Ciconiiformes, Ardeidae) and a stork (Ciconiidae) from the Pliocene of Myanmar (Burma) (2016)

PE 19.3.37A Oligocene ruminants from the Kızılırmak Formation, Çankırı-Çorum Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey (2016)

PE 19.3.38A Deciduous dentition and dental eruption sequence of Bothriogenys fraasi (Anthracotheriidae, Artiodactyla) from the Fayum Depression, Egypt (2016)

PE 19.3.39A Graphic correlation of the upper Eifelian to lower Frasnian (Middle-Upper Devonian) conodont sequences in the Spanish Central Pyrenees and comparison with composite standards from other areas (2016)

PE 19.3.40A Ephippia belonging to Ceriodaphnia Dana, 1853 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Daphniidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Australia (2016)

PE 19.3.41A New fossils of Hyaenodonta (Mammalia) from the Eocene localities of Chambi (Tunisia) and Bir el Ater (Algeria), and the evolution of the earliest African hyaenodonts (2016)

PE 19.3.42A  Non-linear ontogenetic shape change in Cryptolithus tesselatus (Trilobita) using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics (2016)

PE 19.3.43A New palynological evidence for the age of the Beda Formation, Sirte Basin, Libya (2016)

PE 19.3.44A First report of Quaternary mammals from the Qalehjough area, Lut Desert, Eastern Iran (2016)

PE 19.3.45A Three new species of the genus Tanidromites (Decapoda: Brachyura: Tanidromitidae) from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) of Poland (2016)

PE 19.3.46A Non-destructive analysis of in situ ammonoid jaws by synchrotron radiation X-ray micro-computed tomography (2016)

PE 19.3.47A Pteropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Thecosomata) from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (United States Atlantic Coastal Plain) (2016)

PE 19.3.48A The late Miocene caimanine fauna (Crocodylia: Alligatoroidea) of the Urumaco Formation, Venezuela (2016)

PE 19.3.49A A new skull of the fossil porpoise Numataphocoena yamashitai (Cetacea: Phocoenidae) from the upper part of the Horokaoshirarika Formation (lower Pliocene), Numata Town, Hokkaido, Japan, and its phylogenetic position (2016)

PE 19.3.50A First comprehensive morphological analysis on the metapodials of Giraffidae (2016)

PE 19.3.51A Fruits, seeds and flowers from the Bovay and Bolden clay pits (early Eocene Tallahatta Formation, Claiborne Group), northern Mississippi, USA (2016)

PE 19.3.52A Evolutionary convergence in conodonts revealed by Synchrotron-based Tomographic Microscopy (2016)

PE 19.3.53A Eekaulostomus cuevasae gen. and sp. nov., an ancient armored trumpetfish (Aulostomoidea) from Danian (Paleocene) marine deposits of Belisario Domínguez, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico (2016)

PE 19.3.54A Condylura (Mammalia, Talpidae) reloaded: New insights about the fossil representatives of the genus (2016)

PE 19.3.55A The first fossil New World Dixidae with a critical discussion of generic definitions (2016)

PE 19.3.56A Nannotanyderinae: a new subfamily of Tanyderidae (Diptera) (2016)


2016 Technical Articles 

PE19.1.1T Using X-ray computed tomography analysis tools to compare the skeletal element morphology of fossil and modern frog (Anura) species (2016)

PE 19.2.2T Accounting for differences in element size and homogeneity when comparing Finite Element models: Armadillos as a case study (2016)

PE 19.3.3T Picking up the pieces: the digital reconstruction of a destroyed holotype from its serial section drawings (2016)

PE 19.3.4T Digitization workflows for paleontology collections (2016)

PE 19.3.5T Multispectral and colour imaging systems for the detection of small vertebrate fossils: A preliminary study (2016)


2016 Fossil Calibration

PE 19.1.1FC How to date a dragonfly: Fossil calibrations for odonates (2016)

PE 19.2.2FC Fossil calibration dates for molecular phylogenetic analysis of snakes 2: Caenophidia, Colubroidea, Elapoidea, Colubridae (2016)


2016 Commentaries and Reviews

PE 19.2.1E Amateur paleontological societies and fossil clubs, interactions with professional paleontologists, and social paleontology in the United States (2016)

PE 19.1.2R The Bare Bones (2016)

PE 19.2.2R Biology and Evolution of Crocodylians (2016)



PE 20.1.1A Large-sized species of Ctenodactylidae from the Valley of Lakes (Mongolia): An update on dental morphology, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography (2017)

PE 20.1.2A Rereading a tree-ring database to illustrate depositional histories of subfossil trees (2017)

PE 20.1.3A Large mammals (carnivores, artiodactyls) from Solna Jama Cave (Bystrzyckie Mts, Southwestern Poland) in the context of faunal changes in the postglacial period of Central Europe (2017)

PE 20.1.4A Eocene/Oligocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifers (DWAF) assemblages from the Madonie Mountains (Sicily, Southern Italy) (2017)

PE 20.1.5A A remarkably well-preserved terrestrial isopod (Peracarida: Isopoda: Armadillidiidae) from the upper Oligocene of Hungary, with remarks on the oniscidean taphonomy (2017)

PE 20.1.6A Draconisella mortoni sp. nov., a Mizzia-like Dasycladalean alga from the Lower Cretaceous of Oman (2017)

PE 20.1.7A Patterns of craniofacial variation and taxonomic diversity in the South African Cercopithecidae fossil record (2017)

PE 20.1.8A The oldest record of gnathostome fossils from Greece: Chondrichthyes from the Lopingian of Hydra Island (2017) 

PE 20.1.9A Apatemyids (Mammalia, Apatotheria) from the middle Chadronian (late Eocene) of Sioux County, Nebraska, USA (2017)

PE 20.1.10A Late Messinian mollusks and vertebrates from Moncucco Torinese, north-western Italy. Paleoecological and paleoclimatological implications (2017)

PE 20.1.11A Pleistocene cave hyenas in the Iberian Peninsula: New insights from Los Aprendices cave (Moncayo, Zaragoza) (2017)

PE 20.1.12A A new genus and species of Muridae (Rodentia) from the Quaternary deposits of the Denizli Basin, South-western Turkey (2017)

PE 20.1.13A A new species of Eutatus Gervais (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) from the Late Pleistocene of the Northern Pampean Region, Argentina (2017)

PE 20.1.14A The Erymnochelys group of turtles (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae) in the Eocene of Europe: New taxa and paleobiogeographical implications (2017)

PE 20.1.15A The genera Architipula Handlirsch, 1906 and Grimmenia Krzemiński and Zessin, 1990 (Diptera: Limoniidae) from the Lower Jurassic of England (2017)

PE 20.1.16A New species of Deinogalerix (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla) from the late Miocene of Scontrone (Abruzzo, central Italy) (2017)

PE 20.1.17A Re-evaluation of the very large Eomellivora fricki (Pia, 1939) (Carnivora, Mustelidae, Mellivorinae) from the Late Miocene of Austria (2017)

PE 20.1.18A Biases in the study of relationships between biodiversity dynamics and fluctuation of environmental conditions (2017)

PE 20.1.19A Late middle Eocene caviomorph rodents from Contamana, Peruvian Amazonia (2017)

PE 20.2.20A First early Eocene lizards from Spain and a study of the compositional changes between late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic Iberian lizard assemblages (2017)

PE 20.2.21A Five new species from the subfamily Entiminae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Dominican amber (2017)

PE 20.2.22A Morphology and sediment deformation of downslope Brasilichnium trackways on a dune slipface in the Nugget Sandstone of northeastern Utah, USA (2017)

PE 20.2.23A Reconstruction of the musculoskeletal system in an extinct lion (2017)

PE 20.2.24A The first Eocene rodents from the Pacific Northwest, USA (2017)

PE 20.2.25A A new species of jerboa (Mammalia, Rodentia, Allactaga) from the late Miocene of Ukraine (2017)

PE 20.2.26A New material of Alierasaurus ronchii (Synapsida, Caseidae) from the Permian of Sardinia (Italy), and its phylogenetic affinities (2017)

PE 20.2.27A Upper Jurassic sauropod record in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): Geographical and lithostratigraphical distribution (2017)

PE 20.2.28A New insights on Tournaisian–Visean (Carboniferous, Mississippian) athyridide, orthotetide, rhynchonellide, and strophomenide brachiopods from southern Belgium (2017)

PE 20.2.29A Mammals from the earliest Uintan (middle Eocene) Turtle Bluff Member, Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming, USA, Part 2: Apatotheria, Lipotyphla, Carnivoramorpha, Condylartha, Dinocerata, Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla (2017)

PE 20.2.30A The dentition of Carodnia vieirai (Mammalia: Xenungulata): enamel microstructure and mastication pattern (2017)

PE 20.2.31A Ademosynidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): A new concept for a coleopteran key taxon and its phylogenetic affinities to the extant suborders (2017)

PE 20.2.32A New records of the Bryozoan Metrarabdotos from the Pirabas Formation (Lower Miocene), Pará State, Brazil (2017)

PE 20.2.33A Revision of so-called Pomatoschistus (Gobiiformes, Teleostei) from the late Eocene and early Oligocene (2017)

PE 20.2.34A An exceptionally well-preserved skeleton of Thomashuxleya externa (Mammalia, Notoungulata), from the Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina (2017)

PE 20.2.35A Pleistocene to Holocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Peruvian continental margin (2017)

PE 20.2.36A Two pelobatid frogs from the late Miocene of Caucasus (Russia) (2017)

PE 20.2.37A The taxonomic status of the genus Hubertoceras Spath: A new light on sexual dimorphism from the Callovian ammonites of Kutch, India (2017)

PE 20.2.38A The late Maastrichtian Belemnella kazimiroviensis group (Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) in the Middle Vistula valley (Poland) and the Maastricht area (the Netherlands, Belgium) – taxonomy and palaeobiological implications (2017)

PE 20.2.39A Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) conodonts from the LaPorte City Formation of eastern Iowa, USA (East-Central Iowa Basin) and their implications for global Telychian conodont biostratigraphic correlation (2017)

PE 20.2.40A Hidden subsurface garden on own faeces — the trace fossil Tubulichnium rectum (Fischer-Ooster, 1858) from the Cretaceous-Palaeogene deep-sea sediments (2017)

PE 20.2.41A A revision of European Plesiosminthus (Rodentia, Dipodidae), and new material from the upper Oligocene of Teruel (Spain) (2017)

PE 20.2.42A First record of extinct Paraconularia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from Tethyan sequence (Upper Permian) of Spiti valley, Himachal Himalaya, India (2017)

PE 20.3.43A A new multi-faceted framework for deciphering diplodocid ontogeny (2017)

PE 20.3.44A Bessarabian (Tortonian, Late Miocene) fish otoliths from a transitional freshwater-brackish environment of Mykhailivka, Southern Ukraine (2017)

PE 20.3.45A Neoichnology of tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae): Criteria for recognizing spider burrows in the fossil record (2017)

PE 20.3.46A Dental enamel ultrastructure in Ochotona and Prolagus (Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) from three late Miocene localities in Ukraine (2017)

PE 20.3.47A A new Late Devonian isoetalean lycopsid from New South Wales, Australia: Cymastrobus irvingii gen. et sp. nov. (2017)

PE 20.3.48A Taxonomy and species diversity of Holocene pylonioid radiolarians from surface sediments of the northeastern Indian Ocean (2017)

PE 20.3.49A Mammalian distal humerus fossils from eastern Montana, USA with implications for the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction and the adaptive radiation of placentals (2017)

PE 20.3.50A Balaenoptera edeni skull from the Holocene (Quaternary) of Osaka City, Japan (2017)

PE 20.3.51A Foraminifera biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of Well 5, OML 34, Niger Delta, Nigeria (2017)

PE 20.3.52A Pteropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Thecosomata) from the Eocene/Oligocene boundary interval of three cored boreholes in southern coastal Tanzania and their response to the global cooling event (2017)

PE 20.3.53A Overcoming sampling issues in dental tribology: Insights from an experimentation on sheep (2017)

PE 20.3.54A Depth related brachiopod faunas from the lower Cambrian Forteau Formation of southern Labrador and western Newfoundland, Canada (2017)

PE 20.3.55A Deciduous dentition and dental eruption of Hyainailouroidea (Hyaenodonta, “Creodonta,” Placentalia, Mammalia) (2017)

PE 20.3.56A Morphology and histology of acanthodian fin spines from the late Silurian Ramsåsa E locality, Skåne, Sweden (2017)

PE 20.3.57A Pushing the limits of neutron tomography in palaeontology: Three-dimensional modelling of in situ resin within fossil plants (2017)

PE 20.3.58A The first fossil insect from the deep-water marine Early Miocene of Zillerleite, Germany (Diptera: Bibionidae) (2017)

PE 20.3.59A A new trackway possibly made by a trotting theropod at the Las Hoyas fossil site (Early Cretaceous, Cuenca Province, Spain): Identification, bio-dynamics and palaeoenvironmental implications (2017)

PE 20.3.60A Who’s that girl? A singular Tropiduchidae planthopper from the Eocene Baltic amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) (2017)

PE 20.3.61A Revision of Dromilites bucklandii (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura): Type material revealing its real identity, a junior synonym, and a new species (2017)

PE 20.3.62A First direct archosauromorph remains from the Early-Middle Triassic transition of the Iberian Peninsula (2017)


2017 Technical Articles

PE 20.1.1T RNames, a stratigraphical database designed for the statistical analysis of fossil occurrences – the Ordovician diversification as a case study (2017)

PE 20.1.2T Methods for isolation and quantification of microfossil fish teeth and elasmobranch dermal denticles (ichthyoliths) from marine sediments (2017)

PE 20.2.3T Virtual palaeontology: the effects of mineral composition and texture of fossil shell and hosting rock on the quality of X-ray microtomography (XMT) outcomes using Palaeozoic brachiopods (2017)


2017 Fossil Calibration Article

PE 20.3.1FC Fossil calibrations for the cockroach phylogeny (Insecta, Dictyoptera, Blattodea), comments on the use of wings for their identification, and a redescription of the oldest Blaberidae (2017)


2017 Commentaries

PE 20.1.1E Twenty Years Online! A brief history of Palaeontologia Electronica (2017) 

PE 20.2.2E Palaeontologia Electronica needs your help! (2017)

PE 20.2.3E Should the terms 'basal taxon' and 'transitional taxon' be extinguished from cladistic studies with extinct organisms? (2017)

PE 20.3.4E The environmental and socially engaged palaeontologist - suggestions for action at conferences and beyond (2017)

PE 20.3.5E Paleontologia Electronica is still number one for new open access fossil species (2017)


2017 PE Notes

PE 20.2.1N PE Note: New name for the foraminiferal genus Olgia


2018 Articles

PE 21.1.1A Surfin’ endocasts: The good and the bad on brain form (2018)

PE 21.1.2A Miminipossum notioplanetes, a Miocene forest-dwelling phalangeridan (Marsupialia; Diprotodontia) from northern and central Australia (2018)

PE 21.1.3A Computational biomes: The ecometrics of large mammal teeth (2018)

PE 21.1.4A Intergrowth of Orbignyella germana Bassler, 1911 (Bryozoa) and Lambelasma carinatum Weyer, 1993 (Rugosa) in the pelmatozoan-bryozoan-receptaculitid reefs from the Late Ordovician of Estonia (2018)

PE 21.1.5A The biogeography and ecology of the Cretaceous non-avian dinosaurs of Appalachia (2018)

PE 21.1.6A New handsome fungus beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinelloidea: Anamorphidae, Endomychidae) from European amber of the Upper Eocene (2018)

PE 21.1.7A A new group of late Oligocene mysticetes from México (2018)

PE 21.1.8A Revision of Oligo-Miocene kangaroos, Ganawamaya and Nambaroo (Marsupialia: Macropodiformes, Balbaridae) (2018)

PE 21.1.9A Uniformity in variety: Antler morphology and evolution in a predator-free environment (2018)

PE 21.1.10A New Miocene Carnivora (Mammalia) from Moruorot and Kalodirr, Kenya (2018)

PE 21.1.11A The early Pleistocene whale-fall community of Bargiano (Umbria, Central Italy): Paleoecological insights from benthic foraminifera and brachyuran crabs (2018)

PE 21.1.12A New reports of Paratethyan ostracods affinity from the Mediterranean Basin (Sicily, Italy) (2018)

PE 21.1.13A Evidence for survival in a Middle Jurassic plesiosaur with a humeral pathology: What can we infer of plesiosaur behaviour? (2018)

PE 21.1.14A Quantifying the living fossil concept (2018) 

PE 21.1.15A New proboscidean fossils from Middle Siwaliks of Haritalyangar area, Himachal Pradesh, India (2018)

PE 21.2.16A A new Megatheriinae skull (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) from the Pliocene of Northern Venezuela – implications for a giant sloth dispersal to Central and North America (2018)

PE 21.2.17A New fossil species of Trichodesma LeConte, 1861 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Eocene Baltic amber collected in the Kaliningrad region, Russia (2018)

PE 21.2.18A Enamel ultrastructure of molars in †Anomalomys gaillardi and some spalacid taxa (Rodentia, Mammalia) (2018)

PE 21.2.19A Abnormal xiphosurids, with possible application to Cambrian trilobites (2018)

PE 21.2.20A Solovievaia nomen novum for Ovatella Solovieva pre-occupied and revision of this fossil Foraminifera (Fusulinida, Profusulinellidae) (2018)

PE 21.2.21A Devonian Tentaculitoidea of the Malvinokaffric Realm of Brazil, Paraná Basin (2018)

PE 21.2.22A Practice and prospects in underwater palaeontology (2018)

PE 21.2.23A Dental measurements do not diagnose modern artiodactyl species: Implications for the systematics of Merycoidodontoidea (2018)

PE 21.2.24A “Gazella” (Mammalia: Bovidae) from the late Miocene Qingyang area, Gansu, China (2018)

PE 21.2.25A Mammals from the earliest Uintan (middle Eocene) Turtle Bluff Member, Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming, USA, Part 3: Marsupialia and a reevaluation of the Bridgerian-Uintan North American Land Mammal Age transition (2018)

PE 21.2.26A Carnian (Late Triassic) ostracods from the Sorgun Ophiolitic Mélange (Southern Turkey): Taxonomy, palaeoenvironment, and evidence of predation (2018)

PE 21.2.27A A new species of Miocene wombat (Marsupialia, Vombatiformes) from Riversleigh, Queensland, Australia, and implications for the evolutionary history of the Vombatidae (2018) 

PE 21.2.28A New insights on the only bothremydid turtle (Pleurodira) identified in the British record: Palemys bowerbankii new combination (2018)

PE 21.2.29A First report of Leptonectes (Ichthyosauria: Leptonectidae) from the Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) of Asturias, northern Spain (2018)

PE 21.2.30A Palaeobatrachid frog from the late Miocene of Northern Caucasus, Russia (2018)

PE 21.2.31A Faunal composition and paleoenvironment of the Arundel Clay (Potomac Formation; Early Cretaceous), Maryland, USA (2018)

PE 21.2.32A Articulated avian remains from the early Oligocene of Poland adds to our understanding of Passerine evolution (2018)

PE 21.2.33A Contribution to the validity and taxonomic status of the European fossil shrew Sorex subaraneus and the origin of Sorex araneus (Soricidae, Eulipotyphla, Insectivora, Mammalia) (2018)

PE 21.3.34A Early Cretaceous angiosperm leaves from the Dakota Formation, Hoisington III locality, Kansas, USA (2018)

PE 21.3.35A Paleoparasitology in Russia, history and prospects (2018)

PE 21.3.36A Drilling predation traces on recent limpets from northern Patagonia, Argentina (2018)

PE 21.3.37A New omomyoids (Euprimates, Mammalia) from the late Uintan of southern California, USA, and the question of the extinction of the Paromomyidae (Plesiadapiformes, Primates) (2018)

PE 21.3.38A New data on the earliest European ruminant (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): A revision of the fossil mandible from Rusce in the Pčinja basin (late Eocene, Southeastern Serbia) (2018)

PE 21.3.39A The oldest specialized tetrapod herbivore: A new eupelycosaur from the Permian of New Mexico, USA (2018)

PE 21.3.40A Further contributions to the early Miocene forest vegetation of the Galatian Volcanic Province, Turkey (2018)

PE 21.3.41A Holocene benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages in a paleo-hydrothermal vent system of Campi Flegrei (Campania, South Italy) (2018)

PE 21.3.42A Nautiloid cephalopods from the Rickard Hill facies of the Saugerties Member of the Schoharie Formation, eastern New York, USA (late Emsian, Devonian): A case study in taphonomy from glacial erratics (2018)

PE 21.3.43A New prehistoric avifaunas from the Gambier Group, French Polynesia (2018)


2018 Technical Articles

PE 21.1.1T MORPHYLL: A database of fossil leaves and their morphological traits (2018)

PE 21.2.2T The air-abrasive technique: A re-evaluation of its use in fossil preparation (2018)

PE 21.3.3T The use of aerial and close-range photogrammetry in the study of dinosaur tracksites: Lower Cretaceous (upper Aptian/lower Albian) Molfetta ichnosite (Apulia, southern Italy) (2018)

PE 21.3.4T Goldfuß was right: Soft part preservation in the Late Jurassic pterosaur Scaphognathus crassirostris revealed by reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) and UV light and the auspicious beginnings of paleo-art (2018)

PE 21.3.5T Mapping the past: GIS and intrasite spatial analyses of fossil deposits in paleontological sites and their applications in taxonomy, taphonomy and paleoecology (2018)


2018 Fossil Calibration Article

PE 21.1.1FC The earliest known occurrence of Elgaria (Squamata: Anguidae) and a minimum age for crown Gerrhonotinae: Fossils from the Split Rock Formation, Wyoming, USA (2018)


2019 Articles

PE 22.1.1A Congenital and late onset vertebral fusions in long necked plesiosaurs: The first report of spondylosis deformans in Sauropterygians (2019)\

PE 22.1.2A New fossil representative of the genus Helius (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the little known and newly discovered locality Caergen Village of northeastern Tibetan Plateau (China) (2019)

PE 22.1.3A Late Pleistocene insects from the Dubrovino site at Ob River (West Siberia, Russia) and their paleoenvironmental significance (2019) 

PE 22.1.4A Bozorgnites nom. nov. and Crassispirellina nom. nov.: New names for the preoccupied foraminiferal genera Bozorgniella and Crassispirella (2019)

PE 22.1.5A First fossil harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) from Spain and notes on the fossil record of Opiliones (2019)

PE 22.1.6A Fossil cetaceans from Duinefontein (Koeberg) an early Pliocene site on the southwestern Cape, South Africa (2019)

PE 22.1.7A Mating moths (Tineidae, Ditrysia, Lepidoptera) preserved as frozen behavior inclusion in Baltic Amber (Eocene) (2019)

PE 22.1.8A The narial morphology of Metarhinus and Sphenocoelus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Brontotheriidae) (2019)

PE 22.1.9A Middle Miocene decapod crustacean assemblage from the Tuzla Basin (Tušanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina), with a description of two new species and comparison with coeval faunas from Slovenia (2019)

PE 22.1.10A Taxonomy and phylogeny of Eosemionotus Stolley, 1920 (Neopterygii: Ginglymodi) from the Middle Triassic of Europe (2019)

PE 22.1.11A Anomia-associated bryozoans from the upper Pliocene (Piacenzian) lower Tamiami Formation of Florida, USA (2019)

PE 22.1.12A A survey of Pliocene to Mid-Quaternary leaf cuticle from the North Island, New ZealandA survey of Pliocene to Mid-Quaternary leaf cuticle from the North Island, New Zealand (2019)

PE 22.1.13A The Huehuetla quarry, a Turonian deposit of marine vertebrates in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, central Mexico (2019)

PE 22.1.14A A new early Pliocene locality Tepe Alagöz (Turkey) reveals a distinctive tooth phenotype of Trischizolagus (Lagomorpha, Leporidae) in Asia Minor (2019)

PE 22.1.15A The Lapara Creek Fauna: Early Clarendonian of south Texas, USA (2019)

PE 22.1.16A Brachiopod faunas from the basinal facies of southeastern Thuringia (Germany) before and after the Hangenberg Crisis (Devonian–Carboniferous boundary) (2019)

PE 22.1.17A Imaging the internal structure of Borelis schlumbergeri Reichel (1937): Advances by high-resolution hard X-ray microtomography (2019)

PE 22.1.18A Catalogue and composition of fossil Anthicidae and Ischaliidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) (2019)

PE 22.2.19A Synoptic revision of the Silurian fauna from the Pentland Hills, Scotland described by Lamont (1978)

PE 22.2.20A Fusion in the vertebral column of the pachyosteomorph arthrodire Dunkleosteus terrelli (‘Placodermi’) (2019)

PE 22.2.21A Alternating stripmining and sequestration in deep-sea sediments: The trace fossil Polykampton–an ecologic and ichnotaxonomic evaluation (2019)

PE 22.2.22A New subgenus and three new species of soldier beetles from the Eocene of Baltic amber (2019)

PE 22.2.23A A new genus of ptyctodont (Placodermi) from the Late Devonian of Baltic area (2019)

PE 22.24A The hydrostatics of Paleozoic ectocochleate cephalopods (Nautiloidea and Endoceratoidea) with implications for modes of life and early colonization of the pelagic zone (2019)

PE 22.2.25A Early-Middle Pleistocene environmental and biotic transition in NW Armenia, southern Caucasus (2019)

PE 22.2.26A The historical archive of the Palaeontological Collection Of Tübingen, Germany (2019)

PE 22.2.27A An overview of Open Access publishing in palaeontology (2019)

PE 22.2.28A A new species of Cacomorphocerus Schaufuss, 1892 (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from Baltic amber with a key to known species (2019)

PE 22.2.29A Skeletal atlas of the Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) (2019)

PE 22.2.30A Forelimbs of the theropod dinosaur Dilophosaurus wetherilli: Range of motion, influence of paleopathology and soft tissues, and description of a distal carpal bone (2019)

PE 22.2.31A Crown beaked whale fossils from the Chepotsunai Formation (latest Miocene) of Tomamae Town, Hokkaido, Japan (2019)

PE 22.2.32A First partial skeleton of Delphinornis larseni Wiman, 1905,
a slender-footed penguin from the Eocene of Antarctic Peninsula (2019)

PE 22.2.33A New genus and species of Lamprosomatinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Eocene Baltic amber (2019)

PE 22.2.34A Quantifying intra- and interspecific variability in trilobite moulting behaviour across the Palaeozoic (2019)

PE 22.2.35A First mesonychid from the Clarno Formation (Eocene) of Oregon, USA (2019)

PE 22.2.36A Revision of the Early Devonian psammosteids from the “Placoderm Sandstone”: Implications for their body shape reconstruction (2019)

PE 22.2.37A The antiarch fish Asterolepis orcadensis from the Scottish Middle Devonian (2019)

PE 22.2.38A Reaching across the ocean of time: A midge morphotype from the Cretaceous of Gondwana found in the Eocene Baltic amber (2019)

PE 22.2.39A Oriented microwear on a tooth of Edestus minor (Chondrichthyes, Eugeneodontiformes): Implications for dental function (2019)

PE 22.2.40A Preliminary investigation of a diverse megafossil floral assemblage from the middle Miocene of southern Mississippi, USA (2019)

PE 22.2.41A Early Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils from northwest Mexico: Biostratigraphic implications for Laurentia (2019)

PE 22.2.42A Ricciopsis sandaolingensis sp. nov., a new fossil bryophyte from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation in the Turpan-Hami Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China (2019)

PE 22.2.43A New fossil cylindrical bark beetle (Zopheridae: Colydiinae: Gempylodini) from Eocene Baltic amber: An abnormal or intermediate form within Tenebrionoidea (2019)

PE 22.2.44A A reassessment of the osteology of Mourasuchus amazonensis Price, 1964 with comments on the taxonomy of the species (2019)

PE 22.2.45A Aloisalthella, a new genus of fossil Polyphysacean green algae (Chlorophyta, Dasycladales), with notes on the genus Clypeina (Michelin, 1845) (2019)

PE 22.2.46A Dissorophid diversity at the early Permian cave system near Richards Spur, Oklahoma, USA (2019)

PE 22.2.47A New species of Kromtitis Müller, 1984 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Dynomenidae) from the Eocene of Iberian Peninsula (2019)

PE 22.2.48A Lower Jurassic corals from Morocco with skeletal structures convergent with those of Paleozoic rugosan corals (2019)

PE 22.2.49A Shark-cetacean trophic interactions during the late Pliocene in the Central Eastern Pacific (Panama) (2019)

PE 22.2.50A Diptera of the middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation. I. Documentation of diversity at the family level (2019)

PE 22.2.51A Stratigraphic ranking of selected invertebrate fossils: A quantitative approach at different temporal and geographic scales (2019)

PE 22.2.52A Astrapotheres from Cañadón Vaca, middle Eocene of central Patagonia. New insights on diversity, anatomy and early evolution of Astrapotheria (2019)

PE 22.2.53A  On the oldest Mongolian moschids (Mammalia, Ruminantia) and the early moschid evolution (2019)

PE 22.3.54A Yakhtashian (Artinskian–Early Kungurian) cyanobacteria and calcareous algae from the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy) (2019)

PE 22.3.55A Taxonomic notes on Recent Foraminifera from the Continental Shelf-Slope Region of Southwestern Bay of Bengal, East Coast of India (2019)

PE 22.3.56A A fish fauna from the lowermost Bartonian of the Transylvanian Basin, Romania (2019)

PE 22.3.57A Exploring the paleobiology of ammonoids (Cretaceous, Antarctica) using non-invasive imaging methods (2019)

PE 22.3.58A New occurrences of Belonostomus (Teleostomorpha: Aspidorhynchidae) from the Late Cretaceous of the North American Gulf Coastal Plain, USA (2019)

PE 22.3.59A Two new species of the genus Anchonus Schoenherr, 1825 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae) in Dominican amber (2019)

PE 22.3.60A Early Eocene plant macrofossils from the Booval Basin, Dinmore, near Brisbane, Queensland (2019)

PE 22.3.61A Oligocene-Miocene Scleractinians from the Central Indo-Pacific: Malaysian Borneo and the Philippines (2019)

PE 22.3.62A Xiphosurid from the Upper Permian of Tasmania confirms Palaeozoic origin of Austrolimulidae (2019)

PE 22.3.63A Wetland vegetation from the Miocene deposits of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine (central Poland) (2019)

PE 22.3.64A Old-timers and newcomers: The shrews and heterosoricids from the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (East of Spain) (2019)

PE 22.3.65A A new species of “gigantic” capsular fruits of Vaccinioideae from the Miocene of Idaho (2019)

PE 22.3.66A Exceptional preservation of Cretaceous biota (plants and invertebrates) in flint-bearing alterites from Moragne (western France) (2019)

PE 22.3.67A Fossil Giraffidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene of Thermopigi (Macedonia, Greece) (2019)

PE 22.3.68A Fossil amphibians and reptiles from the Neogene locality of Maramena (Greece), the most diverse European herpetofauna at the Miocene/Pliocene transition boundary (2019)

PE 22.3.69A Direct ESR dating of the Pleistocene vertebrate assemblage from Khok Sung locality, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Northeast Thailand (2019)

PE 22.3.70A Stasis in the smaller owls from Rancho La Brea during the last glacial-interglacial climate change (2019)

PE 22.3.71A Exceptionally preserved cryptoniscium larvae - morphological details of rare isopod crustaceans from French Cretaceous Vendean amber (2019)

PE 22.3.72A A new species of trionychid turtle, Axestemys infernalis sp. nov., from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Hell Creek and Lance formations of the Northern Great Plains, USA (2019)

PE 22.3.73A A long-necked tanystropheid from the Middle Triassic Moenkopi Formation (Anisian) provides insights into the ecology and biogeography of tanystropheids (2019)

PE 22.3.74A The distribution of dental features in non-avian theropod dinosaurs: Taxonomic potential, degree of homoplasy, and major evolutionary trends (2019)

PE 22.3.75A Vegetation diversity of the early Miocene St. Bathans Palaeovalley Ecosystem, New Zealand (2019)

PE 22.3.76A Taxonomy and evolution of the protomonaxonid sponge family Piraniidae (2019)

PE 22.3.77A A new early Miocene fossil genus from Dominican amber extends the Eastern Asia distribution of Paricanini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) to the Neotropics (2019)

PE 22.3.78A Chatham Island Paleocene fossils provide insight into the palaeobiology, evolution, and diversity of early penguins (Aves, Sphenisciformes) (2019)

PE 22.3.79A Seagrass and cuttlefish—an historic association (2019)

PE 22.3.80A A taxonomic revision of the genus Tanystropheus (Archosauromorpha, Tanystropheidae) (2019)

PE 22.3.81A A new baenid, “Trinitichelys” maini sp. nov., and other fossil turtles from the Upper Cretaceous Arlington Archosaur Site (Woodbine Formation, Cenomanian), Texas, USA (2019)


2019 Palaeontological Virtual Congress

PE 22.2.PVC-1 A new skull of Decennatherium rex Ríos, Sánchez and Morales, 2017 from Batallones-4 (upper Vallesian, MN10, Madrid, Spain) (2019)

PE 22.2.PVC-2 Rolling bones: A preliminary study of micromammal abrasion on different initial taphonomic stages (2019)

PE 22.3.PVC-3 Studying bipedal dinosaur trackways using geometric morphometrics (2019)

PE 22.3 PVC-4 Palaeontological Virtual Congress: A new way to make science (2019)


2019 Technical Articles

PE 22.1.1T The use of new web technologies for the analysis, preservation, and outreach of paleontological information and its application to La Rioja (Spain) paleontological heritage (2019)


2019 Commentaries

PE 22.3.1E Reaffirming the Palaeontologia Electronica brand: A note on changes to publication priorities (2019)

PE 22.3.2E A perspective on the evidence for keratin protein preservation in fossils: An issue of replication versus validation (2019)


2020 Articles

PE 23(1):a01 A faunivorous early sphenacodontian synapsid with a diastema (2020)

PE 23(1):a02 Early Pleistocene freshwater fishes of Copăceni (Dacian Basin, southern Romania) (2020) 

PE 23(1):a03 What are the best modern analogs for ancient South American mammal communities? Evidence from ecological diversity analysis (EDA) (2020)

PE 23(1):a04 Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Prestosuchus chiniquensis (Archosauria: Pseudosuchia) from the original collection of von Huene, Middle-Late Triassic of southern Brazil (2020) 

PE 23(1):a05 Redescription and phylogenetic placement of the Cretaceous wasp Parviformosus wohlrabeae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupomorpha) (2020)

PE 23(1):a06 Geochronology of the middle Eocene Purple Bench Locality (Devil’s Graveyard Formation), Trans-Pecos Texas, USA (2020)

PE 23(1):a07 Testing the impact of two key scan parameters on the quality and repeatability of measurements from CT scan data (2020)

PE 23(1):a08 A new early occurrence of Cervidae in North America from the Miocene-Pliocene Ellensburg Formation in Washington, USA (2020) 

PE 23(1):a09 An unusual new genus of istiodactylid pterosaur from China based on a near complete specimen (2020)

PE 23(1):a10 Bone histology reveals the first record of titanosaur (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of Bulgaria (2020)

PE 23(1):a11 NSB (Neptune Sandbox Berlin): An expanded and improved database of marine planktonic microfossil data and deep-sea stratigraphy (2020)

PE 23(1):a12 A new skull of an early diverging rorqual (Balaenopteridae, Mysticeti, Cetacea) from the late Miocene to early Pliocene of Yamagata, northeastern Japan (2020)

PE 23(1):a13 A review of two large Jurassic pterodactyloid specimens from the Solnhofen of southern Germany (2020)

PE 23(1):a14 Vaquerosella perrillatae sp. nov.: A Miocene species of Echinarachniidae (Echinodermata: Clypeasteroida) from Baja California Sur, Mexico (2020)

PE 23(1):a15 A redescription of the three longest-known species of the acanthodian Cheiracanthus from the Middle Devonian of Scotland (2020)

PE 23(1):a16 The Integrated Plant Record (IPR) analysis: Methodological advances and new insights into the evolution of European Palaeogene/Neogene vegetation (2020)

PE 23(1):a17 Novel analysis of locality data can inform better inventory and monitoring practices for paleontological resources at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon, USA (2020)

PE 23(1):a18 The Belgrade PaleoBlitz: A pilot project to engage amateur paleontologists (2020)

PE 23(1):a19 An analysis of fossil identification guides to improve data reporting in citizen science programs (2020)

PE 23(1):a20 Late Miocene molluscs of the Morskaya 2 site (Azov Sea region, Russia) (2020)

PE 23(1):a21 Computational fluid dynamics modeling of fossil ammonoid shells (2020)

PE 23(2):a22 Geometric morphometric assessment of Guanshan trilobites (Yunnan Province, China) reveals a limited diversity of palaeolenid taxa (2020)

PE 23(2):a23 Benefits and limits of x-ray micro-computed tomography for visualization of colonization and bioerosion of shelled organism (2020)

PE 23(2):a24 Occurrence of the sabretooth cat Smilodon populator (Felidae, Machairodontinae) in the Cuvieri cave, eastern Brazil (2020)

PE 23(2):a25 Anatomical sciuromorphy in "protrogomorph" rodents (2020)

PE 23(2):a26 Mesowear Analysis of the Tapirus polkensis population from the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA (2020)

PE 23(2):a27 Quaternary foraminifera and mollusc assemblages on the southwestern African shelf (2020)

PE 23(2):a28 DigApp and TaphonomApp: Two new open-access palaeontological and archaeological mobile apps (2020)

PE 23(2):a29 The osteology of the Late Cretaceous paravian Rahonavis ostromi from Madagascar (2020)

PE 23(2):a30 A long snout enchodontid fish (Aulopiformes: Enchodontidae) from the Early Cretaceous deposits at the El Chango quarry, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico: A multi-approach study (2020)

PE 23(2):a31 A revision of the Early Jurassic ichthyosaur Hauffiopteryx (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria), and description of a new species from southwestern Germany (2020)

PE 23(2):a32 Systematics and convergent evolution of multiple reef-associated Jurassic and Cretaceous crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura) (2020) 

PE 23(2):a33 Injured trilobites within a collection of dinosaurs: Using the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology to document Cambrian predation (2020)

PE 23(2):a34 Pleistocene rhinoceros from Bogovina Cave: the first report of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Serbia (2020)

PE 23(2):a35 Biodiversity patterns across the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (2020)

PE 23(2):a36 A new euarthropod with ‘great appendage’-like frontal head limbs from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Southwest China (2020)

PE 23(2):a37 The tube of Ditrupa bartonensis (Annelida, Serpulidae), from the Eocene of southern England: Observations on microstructure and its significance (2020)

PE 23(2):a38 Diversity and renewal of tropical elasmobranchs around the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in North Africa: New data from the lagoonal deposits of Djebel el Kébar, Central Tunisia (2020)

PE 23(2):a39 The decline of silky lacewings and morphological diversity of long-nosed antlion larvae through time (2020)

PE 23(2):a40 Feeding in marine mammals: An integration of evolution and ecology through time (2020)

PE 23(2):a41 Refined methods for estimating spirals and spiral deviations (2020)

PE 23(2):a42 Tracking biases in the regular echinoid fossil record: The case of Paracentrotus lividus in recent and fossil shallow-water, high-energy environments (2020)

PE 23(3):a43 The Volhynian (late Middle Miocene) marine fishes and mammals as proxies for the onset of the Eastern Paratethys re-colonisation by vertebrate fauna (2020)

PE 23(3):a44 A review of “pyrite disease” for paleontologists, with potential focused interventions (2020)

PE 23(3):a45 Endemism and migration in the Kochkor Basin? Identification and description of Adcrocuta eximia (Mammalia: Carnivora: Hyaenidae) and c.f. Paramachaerodus (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) fossils at the Miocene locality of Ortok, Kyrgyzstan (2020)

PE 23(3):a46 Geometric morphometric analysis of Protoconites minor from the Cambrian (Terreneuvian) Yanjiahe Formation in Three Gorges, South China (2020)

PE 23(3):a47 First fossil manatees in Texas: Trichechus manatus bakerorum in the Pleistocene fauna from beach deposits along the Texas Coast of the Gulf of Mexico (2020)

PE 23(3):a48 Histology of spinosaurid dinosaur teeth from the Albian-Cenomanian of Morocco: Implications for tooth replacement and ecology (2020)

PE 23(3):a49 Fruits, seeds and flowers from the Puryear clay pit (middle Eocene Cockfield Formation), western Tennessee, USA (2020)

PE 23(3):a50 The Pannonian Basin System northern margin paleogeography, climate and depositional environments in the time range during MMCT (Central Paratethys, Novohrad-Nógrád Basin, Slovakia) (2020)

PE 23(3):a51 Middle-Late Jurassic plant assemblages of the Catlins coast, New Zealand (2020)

PE 23(3):a52 On the Albian occurrence of Armigatus (Teleostei, Clupeomorpha) in America, a new species from the Tlayúa Lagerstätte, Mexico (2020)

PE 23(3):a53 The effects of lithification on fossil assemblage biodiversity and composition: An experimental test (2020) 

PE 23(3):a54 A new Cainotherioidea (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from Palembert (Quercy, SW France): Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the dental pattern of Cainotheriidae (2020)

PE 23(3):a55 Calcite precipitation forms crystal clusters and muscle mineralization during the decomposition of Cambarellus diminutus (Decapoda: Cambaridae) in freshwater (2020) 

PE 23(3):a56 Fossil spiders (Araneae) from the Eocene Kishenehn Formation of Montana, USA (2020)

PE 23(3):a57 Late Holocene land vertebrate fauna from Cueva de los Nesofontes, Western Cuba: Stratigraphy, chronology, diversity, and paleoecology (2020)

PE 23(3):a58 Anthropologically introduced biases in natural history collections, with a case study on the invertebrate paleontology collections from the middle Cambrian Spence Shale Lagerstätte (2020)

PE 23(3):a59 New dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) from the late Oligocene of Enspel (Rhineland-Palatinate, SW Germany) (2020)

PE 23(3):a60 Centropyxis aculeata (testate lobose amoebae) and associated diatoms from the intertrappean lacustrine sediments (Maastrichtian) of central India: implications in understanding paleolake ecology (2020)

PE 23(3):a61 Plant reproductive structures and other mesofossils from Coniacian/Santonian of Lower Silesia, Poland (2020)


PE 24(1):a01 Distinguishing between three modern Ellobius species (Rodentia, Mammalia) and identification of fossil Ellobius from Kaldar Cave (Iran) using geometric morphometric analyses of the first lower molar (2021)

PE 24(1):a02 Patagonia’s diverse but homogeneous early Paleocene forests: Angiosperm leaves from the Danian Salamanca and Peñas Coloradas formations, San Jorge Basin, Chubut, Argentina (2021)

PE 24(1):a03 Evaluating the ecology of Spinosaurus: Shoreline generalist or aquatic pursuit specialist? (2021)

PE 24(1):a04 Taxon-specific variability of leaf traits in three long-ranging fossil-species of the Paleogene and Neogene: Responses to climate? (2021)

PE 24(1):a05 A new Rovno amber termite genus (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) from Styr river basin (2021)

PE 24(1):a06 A Lower Valanginian coral fauna from the South Iberian Palaeomargin (Internal Prebetic, SE Spain) (2021)

PE 24(1):a07 Synchrotron-radiation computed tomography uncovers ecosystem functions of fly larvae in an Eocene forest (2021)

PE 24(1):a08 Neogene and early Pleistocene flora from Alaska and Arctic/Subarctic Canada: New data, intercontinental comparisons and correlations (2021)

PE 24(1):a09 Body length estimation of Neogene macrophagous lamniform sharks (Carcharodon and Otodus) derived from associated fossil dentitions (2021)

PE 24(1):a10 Testing hypothesis of skeletal unity using bone histology: The case of the sauropod remains from the Howe-Stephens and Howe Scott quarries (Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA) (2021)

PE 24(1):a11 Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the north Eastern Desert, Egypt: Biostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental and sequence stratigraphy implications (2021)

PE 24(1):a12 The genera that never were: The impact of Janeia and Janacekia on phyletic and taxonomic relations within the Solemyidae (Bivalvia: Protobranchia) (2021)

PE 24(1):a13 Chinlechelys from the Upper Triassic of New Mexico, USA, and the origin of turtles (2021)

PE 24(1):a14 New findings of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis in Siberia (2021)

PE 24(1):a15 Termite nests in eolian backshore settings: An unusual record throughout the Quaternary in the Neotropical realm (2021)

PE 24(1):a16 Erugomicula, a new genus of Arcellinida (2021)

PE 24(2):a17 Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the Upper Oligocene Tehuacán Formation, Puebla State, Mexico, as determined from wood anatomical characters (2021)

PE 24(2):a18 Modern vegetation proxies reflect Palaeogene and Neogene vegetation evolution and climate change in Europe, Turkey, and Armenia (2021)

PE 24(2):a19 A megatoothed shark (Carcharocles angustidens) nursery in the Oligocene Charleston Embayment, South Carolina, USA (2021)

PE 24(2):a20 Palaeoecology and sea level changes: Decline of mammal species richness during late Quaternary island formation in the Montebello Islands, north-western Australia (2021)

PE 24(2):a21 A large, pathological skeleton of Smilosuchus gregorii (Archosauriformes: Phytosauria) from the Upper Triassic of Arizona, U.S.A., with discussion of the paleobiological implications of paleopathology in fossil archosauromorphs (2021)

PE 24(2):a22 Non-traditional applications of fire in fossil preparation  (2021)

PE 24(2):a23 The inner morphology of the petrosal bone of the endemic elephant of Tilos Island, Greece (2021)

PE 24(2):a24 A new species of Cricosaurus (Thalattosuchia, Metriorhynchidae) based upon a remarkably well-preserved skeleton from the Upper Jurassic of Germany (2021)

PE 24(2):a25 The integument of pelagic crocodylomorphs (Thalattosuchia: Metriorhynchidae) (2021)

PE 24(2):a26 Bajoprosopon piardi n. gen. and sp. from the Middle Jurassic of France, with a revised diagnosis of the family Prosopidae von Meyer, 1860 (Brachyura, Podotremata) and notes on the availability of names introduced by Hermann von Meyer (1835, 1857) (2021)

PE 24(2):a27 Paleoecology of the Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from Béon 1, Montréal-du-Gers (late early Miocene, SW France): Insights from dental microwear texture analysis, mesowear, and enamel hypoplasia (2021)

PE 24(3):a28 New records of Bjuvia and Nilssonia from the Permian of Mexico (2021)

PE 24(3):a29 Geometric morphometrics in ammonoids based on virtual modelling (2021)

PE 24(3):a30 Taxonomic utility of Early Cretaceous Australian plesiosaurian vertebrae (2021)

PE 24(3):a31 Late Cretaceous Elopomorpha (Actinopterygii: Teleostei) from the Mahajanga Basin of Madagascar and impacts on paleobiogeography (2021)

PE 24(3):a32 Tooth enamel microstructure in North American Phytosauria (Diapsida:Archosauriformes): Implications for biogeography and ecology of a Late Triassic clade of crocodylian-like predators (2021)

PE 24(3):a33 Skull osteology of Aetosauroides scagliai Casamiquela, 1960 (Archosauria: Aetosauria) from the Late Triassic of Brazil: New insights into the paleobiology of aetosaurs (2021)

PE 24(3):a34 Ammonoids and their biozonation across the Santonian-Campanian boundary in north-eastern Coahuila, Mexico (2021)    

PE 24(3):a35 Eocene (Duchesnean and earliest Chadronian) brontotheres (Brontotheriidae), Protitanops curryi and cf. Parvicornus occidentalis, from west Texas and Mexico (2021)

PE 24(3):a36 Revisiting horseshoe crab fossils from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) Strelovec Formation Konservat-Lagerstätte of Slovenia (2021)

PE 24(3):a37 The axial skeleton of Bagualia alba (Dinosauria: Eusauropoda) from the Early Jurassic of Patagonia (2021)

2022 Articles

PE 25(1):a1 A vanished ecosystem: Sophora microphylla (Kōwhai) dominated forest recorded in mid-late Holocene rock shelters in Central Otago, New Zealand (2022)

PE 25(1):a2 Pygocephalomorphan crustaceans further emphasise the similarities between the Carboniferous Piesberg quarry in Germany and the Mazon Creek Lagerstätte in North America (2022)

PE 25(1):a3 The rostral neurovascular system of Tyrannosaurus rex (2022)

PE 25(1):a4 Diversity of culicomorphan dipterans in the Eocene Kishenehn Konservat-Lagerstätte (Montana, USA) and its palaeoecological implications (2022)

PE 25(1):a5 A multicarpellate fruit from Late Cretaceous sediments of South Bohemia, Czech Republic (2022)

PE 25(1):a6 A new euarthropod with large frontal appendages from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota (2022)

PE 25(1):a7 Chuandianella ovata: An early Cambrian stem euarthropod with feather-like appendages (2022)

PE 25(1):a8 Identifying tooth position of isolated teeth of sparassodonts (Mammalia: Metatheria) using geometric morphometrics

PE 25(1):a9 Designing scientifically-grounded paleoart for augmented reality at La Brea Tar Pits (2022) 

PE 25(1):a10 A partial skeleton of “Mammut” borsoni (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Pliocene of Kaltensundheim (Germany) (2022)

PE 25(1):a11 Amateur collectors are critical to the study of fossil vertebrates: A case study from two Neogene localities in Northern California (Santa Margarita and Purisima formations) (2022) 

PE 25(1):a12 BoneProfileR: The next step to quantify, model, and statistically compare bone section compactness profiles (2022)

PE 25(1):a13 Feeding strategies of circum-Mediterranean hipparionins during the late Miocene: Exploring dietary preferences related to size through dental microwear analysis (2022)

PE 25(2):a14 Diversity and fossil record of larvae of three groups of lacewings with unusual ecology and functional morphology: Ithonidae, Coniopterygidae and Sisyridae (2022)

PE 25(2):a15 Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Graham Formation, Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) at Lost Creek Lake, Texas, USA (2022)

PE 25(2):a16 Taphonomy of an Eocene micromammal assemblage in a lake-margin depositional setting elucidates an ancient food web (2022)

PE 25(2):a17 Symbiosis in corals and stromatoporoids from the Silurian of Baltica (2022)

PE 25(2):a18 Continuous character variation within the Glossopleura-Anoria-Sonoraspis plexus: Dolichometopid trilobites from the Cadiz Formation (Cambrian: Miaolingian, Wuliuan), California (2022)

PE 25(2):a19 Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the late Miocene of Fălciu (Eastern Romania) (2022)

PE 25(2):a20 Taxonomic revision of the extinct clawed lobster genus Oncopareia Bosquet, 1854 (Decapoda, Astacidea, Nephropidae) (2022)

PE 25(2):a21 A novel feeding mechanism of diplodocid sauropods revealed in an Apatosaurine skull from the Upper Jurassic Nail Quarry (Morrison Formation) at Como Bluff, Wyoming, USA (2022)

PE 25(2):a22 Diptera of the Middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation II (2022)

PE 25(2):a23 Body mass divergence in sympatric deer species of Pleistocene Crete (Greece) (2022)

PE 25(2):a24 A fragmentary leptonectid ichthyosaurian from the lower Pliensbachian of Luxembourg (2022)

PE 25(2):a25 Putative Ordovician green alga Krejciella reinterpreted as enteropneust hemichordate tube (Czech Republic) (2022)

PE 25(2):a26 Geographic and temporal variability in Pleistocene lion-like felids: Implications for their evolution and taxonomy (2022)

PE 25(2):a27 Ovummuridae (calcareous microfossils) from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK (2022)

PE 25(3):a28 A Miocene cetacean vertebra showing a partially healed longitudinal shear-compression fracture, possibly the result of domoic acid toxicity or failed predation (2022)

PE 25(3):a29 New Neogene anourosoricin shrews from northern Asia (2022)

PE 25(3):a30 Phylogeny of iguanodontian dinosaurs and the evolution of quadrupedality (2022)

PE 25(3):a31 Diverse endobiotic symbiont fauna from the late Katian (Late Ordovician) of Estonia (2022)

PE 25(3):a32 Pinniped (Mammalia: Carnivora) fossils from Black Rock, a new late Neogene vertebrate locality in Victoria, Australia (2022)

PE 25(3):a33 Fossil moles from the Gray Fossil Site (Tennessee): Implications for diversification and evolution of North American Talpidae (2022)

PE 25(3):a34 Cells and soft tissues in fossil bone: A review of preservation mechanisms, with corrections of misconceptions (2022)

2023 Articles

PE 26(1):a1 New look at Concavicaris woodfordi (Euarthropoda: Pancrustacea?) using micro-computed tomography (2023)

PE 26(1):a2 New species and evolution of the foraminiferal family Janischewskinidae in the middle–upper Mississippian of South China (2023) 

PE 26(1):a3 Late Pleistocene and Holocene pikas (Mammalia, Lagomorpha) from Europe and the validity of Ochotona spelaea: New insights based on mtDNA analysis (2023)

PE 26(1);a4 Description of contents of unopened bamboo corsets and crates from Quarry Ig/WJ of the Tendaguru locality (Late Jurassic, Tanzania, East Africa) as revealed by medical CT data and the potential of this data under paleontological and historical aspects (2023)

PE 26(1):a5 The Middle Devonian acanthodian Orcadacanthus n. gen. from the Orcadian Basin of Scotland (2023)

PE 26(1):a6 Oldest record of Alligator in southeastern North America (2023)

PE 26(1):a7 Anchitheriomys buceei (Rodentia, Castoridae) from the Miocene of Texas and a review of the Miocene beavers from the Texas Coastal Plain, USA (2023)

PE 26(1):a8 Twenty-five well-justified fossil calibrations for primate divergences (2023)

PE 26(1):a9 A large coelacanth, †Whiteia giganteus sp. nov., from the Triassic of Texas, USA, establishes a Pangean radiation of early Mesozoic actinistians (2023)

PE 26(1):a10 A new approach to the systematics of Laeviprosopon (Brachyura: Homolidae), with remarks on molting process of the early brachyurans (2023)

PE 26(1):a11 Morphological insights into the lobster genus Uncina Quenstedt, 1851 based on new material from the Ya Ha Tinda Konservat-Lagerstätte, Canada (Early Jurassic) (2023)

PE 26(1):a12 The anatomy and diversity of the pterosaurian sternum (2023)

PE 26(1):a13 Bayesian inference reveals a complex evolutionary history of belemnites (2023)

PE 26(1):a14 The intriguing shapes of the ammonoid whorl (2023)

PE 26(2):a15 Differentiating convergent pathologies in turtle shells using computed tomographic scanning of modern and fossil bone (2023)

PE 26(2):a16 Redescription of soft tissue preservation in the holotype of Scaphognathus crassirostris (Goldfuß, 1831) using reflectance transformation imaging (2023)

PE 26(2):a17 A reappraisal of the cranial and mandibular osteology of the spinosaurid Irritator challengeri (Dinosauria: Theropoda) (2023)

PE 26(2):a18 Comparison of methods: Micro-CT visualization method and epoxy cast-embedding reveal hidden details of bioerosion in the tube walls of Cretaceous polychaete worms (2023)

PE 26(2):a19 A reconsideration of the palinuroid family Synaxidae (Crustacea, Decapoda), with a new member from the Upper Jurassic of southern Poland (2023) 

PE 26(2):a20 New primates from the Eocene of Saskatchewan, Canada: Revision of the primates from the Cypress Hills Formation with description of new taxa (2023)

PE 26(2):a21 Teganium (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from the Middle Ordovician Castle Bank fauna of Avalonia (Wales, UK) (2023)

PE 26(2):a22 Linking burrow morphology to the behaviors of predatory soil arthropods: Applications to continental ichnofossils (2023)

PE 26(2):a23 Leaf trait data of two Miocene floras from eastern China and its palaeoclimate implications (2023)

PE 26(2):a24 Simulating our ability to accurately detect abrupt changes in assemblage-based paleoenvironmental proxies (2023)

PE 26(2):a25 Petrodactyle wellnhoferi Petrodactyle wellnhoferi gen. et sp. nov.: A new and large ctenochasmatid pterosaur from the Late Jurassic of Germany (2023)

PE 26(2):a26 A novel distance that reduces information loss in continuous characters with few observations (2023)

PE 26(2):a27 Spider crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) from the upper Eocene of south Pyrenees (Huesca, Spain) (2023)

PE 26(2):a28 A revision of “Trinitichelys” maini (Testudinata: Baenidae) and additional material of its new genus from the Lewisville Formation (Woodbine Group, Cenomanian), Texas, USA (2023)

PE 26(2):a29 Biostratigraphy and biochronology of late Cenozoic North American rodent assemblages (2023)

PE 26(2):a30 A Pliocene goodeid fish of the Paleolake Amajac, Sanctórum, Hidalgo, Mexico (2023)

PE 26(2):a31 Approaching the Khersonian Crisis: Fish otoliths from the upper Bessarabian (middle Sarmatian s.l.; Late Miocene) of Jurkine (Kerch Peninsula, Crimea) (2023)

PE 26(2):a32 Middle Eocene cartilaginous fishes (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) of the Dnieper–Donets Basin, northern Ukraine (2023)

PE 26(2):a33 On the “screamer-like” birds from the British London Clay: An archaic anseriform-galliform mosaic and a non-galloanserine “barb-necked” species of Perplexicervix (2023)

PE 26(2):a34 Unique fossils of caddisfly larvae from Baltic amber and in situ amber formation in aquatic ecosystems (2023)

PE 26(3):a35 Comparison of Miocene to early Pleistocene-aged Castor californicus (Rodentia: Castoridae) to extant beavers and implications for the evolution of Castor in North America (2023)

PE 26(3):a36 A Miocene ant species of the genus Forelius Emery, 1888 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) from Mexico (2023)

PE 26(3):a37 Two exceptional Balaenomorpha (Cetacea: Mysticeti) from the Biemenhorst Subformation (middle/late Miocene) of Bocholt (W Münsterland, Germany) with a critical appraisal on the anatomy of the periotic bone (2023)

PE 26(3):a38 Miocene decapod crustacean faunas from Cyprus – Part 1. Geographical-stratigraphical setting and Anomura (2023)

PE 26(3):a39 Report from the 8th Symposium on Fossil Decapod Crustaceans, Zaragoza (Spain), June 2022 (2023)

PE 26(3):a40 Bioerosion traces on the Campanian turtle remains: New data from the lagoonal deposits of the Quseir Formation, Kharga Oasis, Egypt (2023)

PE 26(3):a41 Forelimb motion and orientation in the ornithischian dinosaurs Styracosaurus and Thescelosaurus, and its implications for locomotion and other behavior (2023)

PE 26(3):a42 An overview of crawling water beetle larvae and a first possible record from 100-million-years-old Myanmar amber (2023)

PE 26(3):a43 A fossil locality predictive model using weighted suitability analysis for the Early Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA (2023)

PE 26(3):a44 Internal anatomy of a brachyuran crab from a Late Cretaceous methane seep and an overview of internal soft tissues in fossil decapod crustaceans (2023)

PE 26(3):a45 Rogueus belgodereae, a new raninoid crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Raninoidea) from the Upper Palaeocene (Thanetian) of Southern France, with comments on early palaeocene decapod crustacean faunules (2023)

PE 26(3):a46 Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna (2023)

PE 26(3):a47 Wear-dependent molar morphology in hypsodont rodents: The case of the spalacine Pliospalax (2023)

PE 26(3):a48 Dental ecomorphology and macroevolutionary patterns of North American Late Cretaceous metatherians (2023)

PE 26(3):a49 First report of rodents from the Miocene Siwalik locality of Dunera, Pathankot District, Punjab, India (2023)

PE 26(3):a50 An Early Cretaceous Sphenophyllum or a hatchling turtle? (2023)

PE 26(3):a51 Morphospace dynamics and intraspecies variety of Sorex araneus and S. tundrensis according to recent and fossil data (2023)

PE 26(3):a52 An intriguing new species of dabbling duck (Aves: Anseriformes) from the middle Miocene of Austria (2023)

PE 26(3):a53 Diversification events of the shield morphology in shore crabs and their relatives through development and time (2023)

2024 Articles 

PE 27(1):a1 Achieving kinematic identity across shape diversity in musculoskeletal modeling (2024)

PE 27(1):a2 Fossil snakes of the Penny Creek Local Fauna from Webster County, Nebraska, USA, and the first record of snakes from the Early Clarendonian (12.5-12 Ma) of North America (2024)

PE 27(1):a3 Miocene and Pliocene amphibians from Hambach (Germany): new evidence for a late Neogene refuge in northwestern Europe (2024)

PE 27(1):a4 Late Oligocene decapod crustaceans from the Trbovlje Formation of Slovenia, with a description of two new species of hymenosomatid crabs (2024)

PE 27(1):a5 A new goniopholidid crocodylomorph from the Late Jurassic of Portugal (2024) 

PE 27(1):a6 Towards sustainable treatments to preserve fossils from weathering, as part of the garden redevelopment project at the Natural History Museum (2024)

PE 27(1):a7 White shark comparison reveals a slender body for the extinct megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon (Lamniformes: Otodontidae) (2024)

PE 27(1):a8 A feeding organ the basihyal and thyrohyal tells which size of prey do true baleen whales (Cetacea, Chaeomysticeti) eat (2024)

PE 27(1):a9 Trilobite moulting behaviour variability had little association with body proportions (2024)

PE 27(1):a10 Numerical taxonomy and genus-species identification of Czekanowskiales in China based on machine learning (2024)

PE 27(1):a11 Ethological interpretation of making the pellet designs by the bubbler crab Dotilla on the modern intertidal beaches: A study from the Bay of Bengal coast, Eastern India (2024)

PE 27(1):a12 The earliest fossil evidence of spiny feather (pinnate-leaved) palms from the K-Pg of Gondwana (2024) 

PE 27(1):a13 Were terror birds the apex continental predators of Antarctica? New findings in the early Eocene of Seymour Island (2024)

PE 27(1):a14 New records of Bennettitales and associated flora from the Jurassic of the Cualac Formation, Mexico (2024)

PE 27(1):a15 Pleistocene record of mammals and pollen from Mexico (Las Tazas, Valsequillo, Puebla) and their paleoenvironmental interpretation (2024)

PE 27(1):a16 The challenge of hard-to-reach spaces in mechanical fossil preparation: Development of the Wada air scribe, a novel short-bodied air scribe with an adjustable handle (2024)

PE 27(1):a17 An early Cambrian pelago-benthic acorn worm and the origin of the hemichordate larva (2024)

PE 27(1):a18 Unravelling the origin of the brown hyena (Parahyena brunnea) and its evolutionary and paleoecological implications for the Pachycrocuta lineage (2024)

PE 27(1):a19 Stable isotope (ẟ13C, ẟ18O) paleoecology of the late Early Miocene mammalian fauna from Buluk, Kenya (2024)

PE 27(1):a20 The first record of Lower Cretaceous otoliths from the Kimigahama Formation (Barremian) of the Choshi Group, Chiba Prefecture, Japan (2024)

PE 27(1):a21 Cranial anatomy of Indohyus indirae (Raoellidae), an artiodactyl from the Eocene of India, and its implications for raoellid biology (2024)

PE 27(1):a22 A reinterpretation and taxonomic revision of Ultrastenos willisi Stein, Hand and Archer, 2016, a short-snouted mekosuchine crocodylian from the Oligocene of northern Australia (2024)

PE 27(1):a23 First occurrence of a †coccolepidid fish (?Chondrostei: †Coccolepididae) from the Upper Lias (Toarcian, Early Jurassic) of southern Germany (2024)

PE 27(1):a24 Outline analysis as a new method for investigating development in fossil crabs (2024)

PE 27(1):a25 A new name for old bones: A reassessment of Early Jurassic theropod remains from Dorset, England (2024)

PE 27(2):a26 A new genus and species of fossil pseudoscorpion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from the Eocene amber of Western India (2024)

PE 27(2):a27 Flatbed scanners as versatile tools for studying surface details of compression fossils (2024)

PE 27(2):a28 Shell anatomy and intraspecific variability of the Spanish Lutetian podocnemidid turtle Neochelys zamorensis (2024)

PE 27(2):a29 A new giraffid Bramiscus micros nov. gen. nov. sp. (Ruminantia, Giraffidae) from the Miocene of northern Pakistan (2024)

PE 27(2):a30 New insights on the anatomy, paleobiology, and biostratigraphy of Xenungulata (Mammalia) from the Paleogene of South America (2024)

PE 27(2):a31 The first cranium of Axestemys infernalis (Testudines: Trionychidae) from the Lance Formation of Wyoming, USA; an updated description and phylogenetic analysis (2024)

PE 27(2):a32 One or two species? Revision of fossil martens from the late Early Pleistocene sites Deutsch Altenburg 2 and 4 (Austria) (2024)

PE 27(2):a33 The long and icy journey of Mesozoic marine reptile vertebrae from northern Germany, their provenance and internal structures (2024)

PE 27(2):a34 New remains of Liopleurodon (Reptilia, Plesiosauria) from the Middle Jurassic of western France and paedomorphosis within pliosaurids (2024)

PE 27(2):a35 A pterosaurian connecting link from the Late Jurassic of Germany (2024)

PE 27(2):a36 Morphometric investigation of Tribrachidium from Nilpena Ediacara National Park, South Australia (2024)

PE 27(2):a37 First fossil snake from McFaddin Beach, Texas, USA (2024)

PE 27(2):38 Fossil calibrations for molecular analyses and divergence time estimation for true crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) (2024)

PE 27(2):39 Estimating the endocranial volume and body mass of Anteosaurus, Jonkeria, and Moschops (Dinocephalia, Therapsida) using 3D sculpting (2024)

PE 27(2):40 Postcranial anatomy of the Spanish Upper Triassic sauropterygian Paludidraco multidentatus (Simosauridae) (2024)

PE 27(2):41 A reassessment on Luchibang xingzhe: A still valid istiodactylid pterosaur within a chimera (2024)

PE 27(2):42 Unveiling the histology and anatomy of the lungfish Chaoceratodus portezuelensis (Sarcopterygii: Dipnoi) from the Portezuelo and Cerro Lisandro formations (Upper Cretaceous) of Argentine Patagonia (2024)

PE 27(2):43 Temperate to tropical palaeoclimates on the northwest margin of Europe during the middle Cenozoic (2024)

PE 27(2):44 Accurate specimen digitization through glass achieved and validated using 3D surface scanning (2024)

PE 27(3):45 Reconstructing Dunkleosteus terrelli (Placodermi: Arthrodira): A new look for an iconic Devonian predator (2024)

PE 27(3):46 Life on a Miocene barrier reef – fish communities and environments in the Medobory backreef (2024)

PE 27(3):47 Insights on the evolution of the tribe Pliomyini (Arvicolinae, Rodentia): Ancient DNA from the extinct Pliomys lenki (2024)

PE 27(3):48 Termite activity in the mid-Cretaceous of Australia (2024)

PE 27(3):49 Reassessing floral diversity at Río Pichileufú, earliest middle Eocene of Río Negro, Argentina (2024)

PE 27(3):50 A new diplodocine sauropod from the Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA (2024)

PE 27(3):51 The body impression of a new genus and species of cymothoid isopod (Cymothoidae, Crustacea) preserved in a vertebrate coprolite from the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Miocene, Chesapeake Group) of Virginia, USA (2024)

PE 27(3):52 Mammoths, molecules and morphology: A case study in ancient speciation (2024)

PE 27(3):53 Comparative assessment of outline-based vs. virtual modeling-based methods to analyze the ammonoid whorl profile (2024)

PE 27(3):54 Underwater drunken forest: Changes in growth direction and ornamentation in Conularia fragilis Barrande, 1867 (Lower Devonian, Czech Republic) (2024)

PE 27(3):55 Proboscidea from Miocene strata of the Texas Coastal Plain with a reappraisal of the biochronology of the Fleming Group (2024)

PE 27(3):56 Geographic, taxonomic and temporal interrogation of bradoriid diversity and carapace disparity (2024)

PE 27(3):57 Resurrecting the taxon Diatryma: A review of the giant flightless Eocene Gastornithiformes (Aves), with a report of the first skull of Diatryma geiselensis (2024)

PE 27(3):58 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the graptolite assemblage in the linnaei Biozone (Silurian, lowermost Telychian) at Želkovice, Prague Synform (Czech Republic) (2024)

PE 27(3):59 Amakusaichthys benammii sp. nov., a Campanian long-nose ichthyodectiform fish from the Tzimol Quarry, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico (2024)

2025 Articles 
PE 28(1):1 First record of an Eomysticetidae from the Late Oligocene at the Pilon locality, San Gregorio Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico (2025)

PE 28(1):2 A taxonomic revision of the Cenomanian bothremydid turtle Algorachelus parva from Israel and morphological variation within its genus (2025)

PE 28(1):3 Noninvasive elemental XRF characterization of mudstone lagerstätten for provenance identification: Advantages and limitations (2025)

PE 28(1):4 Paleoecology and taphonomy of spatangoid echinoid-produced burrows (Scolicia) in slope and basin floor deposits from the Eocene of Cuba (2025)

PE 28(1):5 Drishti and Amira – different visualizations exemplified by the early Cambrian Chengjiang arthropod Leanchoilia illecebrosa from China (2025)

PE 28(1):6 Further trimming down the marine heavyweights: Perucetus colossus did not come close to, much less exceed, the tonnage of blue whales, and the latter are not ultra-sized either (2025)

PE 28(1):7 Unveiling the cheilostome bryozoan fauna of Daidokutsu submarine cave (Okinawa, Japan) over the last 7,000 years (2025)

PE 28(1):8 Glossary of fossil tetrapod tracks (2025)

PE 28(1):9 The morphological diversity and distribution of the genus Menispermites (Magnoliopsida) in the Cretaceous of Northern Asia (2025)

PE 28(1):10 First butterfly (Papilionoidea) from Baltic amber by a characteristic egg pinpoints an Eocene minimal age of admirals (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae) — a distinct step in the rise of the Papilionoidea (2025)

PE 28(1):11 Following their footsteps: Report of vertebrate fossil tracks from John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon, USA (2025)

PE 28(1):12 Reassessment of the possible size, form, weight, cruising speed, and growth parameters of the extinct megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon (Lamniformes: Otodontidae), and new evolutionary insights into its gigantism, life history strategies, ecology, and extinction (2025)


Copyright: Coquina Press, March 2025